[Advice, Mega Post] Activating `Click for notes` transforming mega gryphon forum post OR you want to know all about Empires? This post will tell you all about it [Clip show, Greatest Hits, Some out of date- Now with more Math, Polls added]

[Advice, Mega Post] Activating Click for notes transforming mega gryphon forum post OR you want to know all about Empires? This post will tell you all about it [Clip show, Greatest Hits, Some out of date]

6 k

Sounds about right ( see notes )


Be careful what you ask for

Activating Click for notes transforming mega gryphon forum post








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Edit, This advice is based on Food production, Hero XP production, and ascension item acquisition

While it may seem like a good idea to skip straight to 4* / 5* heroes, this advice is based on lots of math

Searching the forums will let curious readers check the math themselves

Loot to get loot

Click for notes


([Guide, 5* Duplicates] How Academy, and Costumes v5.0, changed the 4* / 5* hero inventory or Gryphonknight's General rules for 4* / 5* inventory management [Empires v43])

Prioritizing leveling

(Leveling Strategies - What makes the most sense? - #10 by Gryphonknight)

Power leveling

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Click for notes

See also

Families / Connected / Affiliated / Group Alliances

Even if you do not join an Alliance Family, joining a good alliance can give you lots of advice tailored to your specific play style, roster, alliance and game situation that cannot be reproduced on a forum


Click for notes

@Gryphonknight reformat when access to a keyboard



This can be a lot to understand

Some of this advice is for Elder accounts

Highlighting this section

Edit 2, As a bonus, bookmarked topics usually show up at the top of relevant forum searches even if you are not limiting your search to your forum bookmarks

Edit, Added quote about Alliance Families



Elder Players


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General, Emblems

(Deciding where to spend your class emblems - Tourney update 2019-Mar [Math, Analysis])

Classic 4* heroes, emblems

(Classic 4* heroes and emblems or Gryphonknight's emblem spending plan EXPOSED)


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Leveling Costumes

([Guide,Leveling] Always level the costume outfit first or partially leveled base hero or leveling a X* b1.1 base hero with a X* c1.1 costume outfit)

Color stacking, Costumes

([Incomplete, Draft] Costumes, color stacking, war, and 4* 3.60 / 5* 3.70 heroes)

Class nodes, Costumes

(Emblem paths solved - #13 by Gryphonknight)


Click for notes

Work in Progress

(Deciding where to spend your class emblems - Tourney update 2019-Mar [Math, Analysis] - #101 by Gryphonknight)


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Titan parts

([Play style] Using titan parts and 5* battle items)


Click for notes

HA08 Epic heroes

(🤓 Hero Academy! FAQ, Links, Guides and Discussion - #624 by Gryphonknight)

Troop training, Academy

(🤺 Using Hero Academy as a Troop Training Camp)

Iron hoard, Academy

([Hoarde, Iron] Less than optimal iron storage or Zero, er, Hero Academy level 6 Rare troop training ( HA6 ))

Food hoard, Academy

Building the Academy

(I have started Hero Academy-10, Have you? - #31 by Gryphonknight)


Click for notes

X* Level 01 Troops

Keeping 5x every type of troop

(2 star troops for 3 star tournaments - #13 by Gryphonknight)

Crit Troops

Click for notes


Click for notes

Hoard, Lab

(What are the best Alchemy Lab levels to hoard food/ iron?)

Team Slots

([Tips, Playstyle] Team Life Hacks OR With only 15 teams, Gryphonknight's Teams Exposed OR Take Two/ Zynga/ SGG add more teams and fix roster management)

Alliance play styles




Decent first draft

Click for Math

Base Building

Click for Base building

Recommended Build order v2.0

Still under construction

( [Guide, Camps, Roster] What camps to run, and for how long, often depends on your roster - #9 by Gryphonknight )

Recommended Build order v1.0

( Build Order - #8 by Gryphonknight )

RT20 minimum buildings

( [Analysis, Math] Minimum buildings for Training Camp 20- Updated 2019-Jun )


( Myth or facts – is there any truth in you should not upgrade your Watchtower (WT) past levels 10-12? - #12 by Gryphonknight )

Leveling Tricks

Leveling Trick, Zero Loot Tickets

( [Algebra, Math, Stubborn] WE flask leveling or Max troops & heroes)

Leveling Trick, Using Loot Tickets

( [New Feature, Wiki] Loot tickets- how to activate, collecting, uses- save world energy- Updated 2018-May-29 - #18 by Gryphonknight)

Gem continues

([Math] Gem continues - Advice, stats, and math [More math, Math Apocalypse])


Tournament Emblems

Not sure if up to date

([Math] Tourney Prizes- Emblems and Ascension items [Analysis])

Hero XP

Click for Hero XP links

Training camps

([Repost, Training Camps] Recruit training - common training ( RT01 ) to Legendary training ( RT20 ) - Advice, Stats, and Math)

Hoarding Camps versus Academy

Does not include ascension items consumed ( I should add that to the project list )

([Math] Hoarding resources in Training camps versus Hero Academy)

HA03 vs RT02 vs RT19

([Math] Uncommon academy ( HA03 ) versus Uncommon camp ( RT02 ) and Extra Fast camp ( RT19 ))

Generic Food Comparison 3* vs 4* vs 5*

([Reference, Math] Food costs when Leveling 3* / 4* / 5* heroes [generic food comparison])

Food calculator

( Improved Hero Level Calculator )

1x to 4x RT11

([Research Math] Comparison of 1- 4 Extra low cost training [more math, some more math, Math Apocalypse])

Hoard 1* ascension items

I think this is pre Alchemy Lab v2.0

( [Discussion] Using item Hoards, Rugged clothes and Adventurer's kits, to level 3* / 4* / 5* heroes )

RT11 vs RT19 vs RT02 vs RT01

([Research Math] Comparison ingredients needed for 2 hours of Extra low cost, Extra fast, uncommon and common [more math, some more math, Math Apocalypse])

( RT12 vs RT13 vs RT20 ) >> RT19

([Math, Notes] Food remaining from Extra Fast training ( RT19 ) when hoarding food in Guaranteed Rare, Elite or Legendary ( Answer 22k+ ) [ More Math ])

RT20 >> RT19

useful for quick 1* heroes for leveling costumes but costly in food

([Math, Guesstimate] Using Extra Fast training ( RT19 ) to use up extra food with Legendary training ( RT20 ) acting as a buffer to simplify the math required [More Math, Math Apocalypse])

WE needed for camps, 2.1-10 vs 1.7-7

([Research Math] Comparing World Energy ( recruits ) needed for training camps = s2-1-10 vs s1-7-7 and Random color vs same color [more Math, some more Math, Math Apocalypse])

Advanced color training versus Extra Fast

( [Math] Advanced color training versus Extra Fast)

Old yearly food budget

Advanced Buildings and Map Season Monthly Events ( AR, VF, UD, etc. ) mess it up

But interesting look at old food meta

( [Play style] Yearly budget of Food, Recruits and world energy when running Legendary training, 2x Extra low cost and switching between Extra low cost and Extra fast)


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Hero stat comparison

Click for Hero stat comparison

[Math] 4* 4.70 > 5* 3.70 > 4* 3.60 > 5* 2.60 > 3* 3.50 ( base stats and special skills ) or Comparison of Partially leveled heroes by rarity [More Math]

([Math] 4* 4.70 > 5* 3.70 > 4* 3.60 > 5* 2.60 > 3* 3.50 ( base stats and special skills ) or Comparison of Partially leveled heroes by rarity [More Math])

[Raw Data] Strongest Heroes with farmable ascension materials 3*, 4* or 5* [Analysis, Math]

( [Raw Data] Strongest heroes with farmable ascension materials 3*, 4*, or 5* [Analysis, Math] )

[Play Style] +Skill Roll for heroes with ONLY farmable ascension materials [Analysis, Math]

( [Play Style] +skill roll for heroes with ONLY farmable ascension materials [Analysis, Math]- Update 4-12)


Including data from very good friend in Beta program

(Deciding where to spend your class emblems - Tourney update 2019-Mar [Math, Analysis])

Emblem cost calculator

( E&P Emblem Cost Calculator )

HP vs DEF nodes

( "How better" is +18 DEF than +36 Health right now? In what cases it's resonable to go for the HP instead? - #9 by Gryphonknight)

[Stats, Curves] 5*+20, attack stat soft cap, general game design soft cap, hard cap and overwriting buffs [Math]

([Stats, Curves] 5*+20, attack stat soft cap, general game design soft cap, hard cap and overwriting buffs [Math])

This seemed important at the time or tanking Delilah

( Classes and the defense meta - #223 by Garanwyn)

True Levels

( [Research Math] True level of heroes & Total XP - Update 4-13)

CP calculation

( CP Calculation - #28 by Graknork)


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Raid Revenge math

Post also includes a LOT of raid related links

(Revenging against a much higher/ much lower trophy opponent or Encouraging attacking higher rated opponents to increase trophies or Elo's math)

Advanced House and farming kits / backpacks

([Math, Farming] Kit/ backpacks per day versus Advanced House Level 9 [More math, Math Apocalypse])

Harpoon crafting in Hours of mine production

([Math] Harpoon production, watchtowers, mines and farms [More Math, Do you find math fun?])

Loot Box pricing

([Math, Transparency] Loot box unit pricing explained - Update Gems & HotM added)

Loot Box pricing, Tavern

([Math] Gravemaker cost or Tavern of Legends v2.0 Loot box unit pricing 2021 to 2023)

Buff + Buff = Debuff ?!?

([Math] Gambler's Stance and Martial Prowess ( and Mystic's Virtue )- Update with Zimkitha and Mother North)

See also

(Search results for '@Gryphonknight math in:title ' - Empires & Puzzles Community Forum)

less useful

( Search results for '@Gryphonknight math ' - Empires & Puzzles Community Forum )



Polls ( with handy skip to next reply in topic )

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:link: Poll
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:school: Poll
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:writing_hand: Poll
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:partying_face: Poll
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Will this topic keep going / end? poll
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  • Keep going on until the Solar System is destroyed

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Rigard, and Melendor, together they fight crime

(Rigard and Melendor ( together they fight crime) for 3-1-1 raiding or rainbow raiding)

Wu Kong

This gets quoted a lot
Wu Kong


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This gets quoted a lot


MMO damage math

This gets quoted a lot
Color Stacking
Advanced Color Stacking
Advanced Color Stacking, Troops

Click for notes

Damage Over Time

(Understanding DoT (Damage over Time))

Critical hit

(Critical Damage - A Short Guide to Understanding)

Counter attack / reflect

([Details, Lodge] Invisibility potion or what does it do? - #23 by Gryphonknight)

Tinted damage

(What Is Elemental Damage? - A Guide to Elements - #61 by Gryphonknight)

Buffs, Debuffs / ailments, Stacks, Innate abilities, Resistances

(đź“‘ Updated Status Effects (Buffs and Ailments), Stacks, Innate Abilities and Resistances)

Meta effects


Defense teams

([Primer] Defense AI Cheats or why computer gets first move, trickle mana & bonus damage and how to exploit/ defend against it for more trophies)

Damage calculation

(Damage Calculation)

Stat curves and caps

([Stats, Curves] 5*+20, attack stat soft cap, general game design soft cap, hard cap and overwriting buffs [Math])

This gets quoted a lot
Damage Over Time
Critical hit
Counter attack/ reflect
Tinted damage
Buffs, Debuffs / ailments, Stacks, Innate abilities, Resistances
Meta effects
Defense teams
Damage calculation
Stat curves and caps

Defense team attack bonus equation v39 ( edit )

Click for notes

Since this is a graphic, for copying purposes

If X < 750 then 1.2 * Attack stat

If X > 1250 then 1.1 * Attack stat

If 750 < X < 1250 then

( 1 + ( 0.3655 - 0.0002x ) ) * Attack stat


( 750 + 1250 ) / 2 = 1000

1+ ( 0.3655 - 0.2 ) = 1.1655 ( close to 1.15 )

Defense team defense bonus equation

Defense bonus is unknown ( if I ever win the lottery I am buying a current desktop computer and data mining the client software for the damage formula )

But working hypothesis is Attack, and Defense, bonus remains equal to each other as pre v39

Raid defense team attack bonus
Alliance War defense team attack bonus
Tournament defense team attack bonus
War of Three Kingdoms defense team attack bonus
W3K defense team attack bonus

Raid defense team defense bonus
Alliance War defense team defense bonus
Tournament defense team defense bonus
War of Three Kingdoms defense team defense bonus
W3K defense team defense bonus


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Wanted Mission chests AKA chests

Click for notes

Raid chest

Wanted Heroes Mission chest AKA raid chest

As a general rule of thumb, open your raid chest in the highest arena you can get into, preferably gold, or higher ( see notes )

Titan loot

As a general rule, try to get Titan loot tier 9+ ( see notes )


For maximum food, and iron, from all chests, get your food storage, and iron storage, to maximum ( see notes )

Titan chests

Wanted Titans Mission chest AKA titan chest

As Far As We Know, all titan chests are equal, so defeating 1x Titan every day maximizes the Titan chest and chance of a rare chest

Rare chest

Wanted Elemental Mission chests AKA rare chests have an equal chance to spawn in place of Monster, Raid and Titan chests ( see notes )

To fill/ farm an specific elemental/ color monsters for a rare chest, see notes

No food in rare chest

Rare chests do not give food or iron

([Suggestion] Add HUGE amounts of iron and food to Rare Wanted Elemental Chests)

Monster chest

Wanted Monster Mission chest AKA monster chest

As Far As We Know, all monster chests are equal

Stage 1.7-3

With 6 World Energy per hour, filling the monster chest should not be a problem

But Season 1, Province 7, Stage 3 ( 1.7-3 ) has a huge number of monsters per World Energy for filling the monster chest

Most monsters in 1.7-3 are purple/ dark so also good for filling a purple/ dark rare chest

Skipping chests

You can spend gems to skip chests ( see notes )

Skipping Titan chests

You cannot skip titan chests

Skipping Monster chests

The only time I recommend skipping wait on Wanted Monster Mission Chest ( AKA monster chest ) is before Legendary training, before three rainbow 4* 3.60 teams, or if you REALLY need food or iron.

Skipping Raid chests

The only time I recommend skipping wait on Wanted Hero Mission Chest ( AKA raid chest ) is

You monthly budget can afford it,

You can open in Platinum, or Diamond,

You have maximum food storage, and maximum iron storage,

You need food and/ or iron and/ or 3*
ascension items ( farmable/ non farmable )

and you have all 15x allowed teams, at least 2x pins ( for pin codes ), and 15x to 45x empty hero roster slots for collecting training camps

PS ZS, fix this:

([Suggestion,QoL] Change 1* 1.1 / 2* 1.1 heroes into 1* 1.1 / 2* 1.1 Trainer heroes, zero roster space for trainer heroes and EHT on level up or update Camps, and Level up, for all/new players [Catch up mechanic])


Click for notes

3* / 4* ascension items

Raid chest

Titan loot

Titan loot tier 9+

Gold, or higher, raid chest

Storage and chests

Rare chest ( Wanted Elemental Mission chest )

Farming Rare chests

For many farming questions, including filling rare chests, see Barry’s spreadsheet

Skipping chests

Gem costs

Pin codes

This gets quoted a lot


Raid chest
Titan loot
Titan chests
Rare chest
Monster chest
Stage 1.7-3
Skipping chests



I love anything that lists enemy HP!

({Master - Zartanis' Guides} Building, Crafting, Event, Talent Grid Guides, etc)




Click for notes

Loot rolls

Currently using

(Interesting Discovery re: Map Loot- Loot rolls for ascension items and ingredients)


Recruits ( except AR ) are always N-1, N, N+1 where N is set by Devs per stage

During AR it is INT ( ( N-1 ) * 1.5 ), INT ( ( N ) * 1.5 ), INT ( ( N-1 ) * 1.5 ) where N is set by Devs per stage but only on Atlantis map


Mob waves are 1x color, or 2x color, RNG picks color for each individual mob, possible colors set by Devs per stage

Mob wave size ( number of mobs ) is is X, or Y, RNG picks, X & Y set by Devs per stage


Any 3 WE stage in Map Season 1 or AR or VF or UD

Max troop, and hero, drops

Normally maximum of 2 troops, or heroes, per manual play of a stage / auto play of a stage / loot ticket used

This gets quoted not enough
Loot rolls
Maximum Troops
Maximum Heroes
Maximum AR Troops
Maximum AR Heroes



Click for notes

Basic Tactics

([Trophy Tactics] "Waffle, "Drop", "Slow Climb" and "Hover" or tactics for deliberately changing trophies)

Basic Strategies

([Trophy Strategies] Hold, Bait, 2nd, Crop, Max, & Bacon or strategies for attempting to influence your trophies)

MMO math

Trophies / Cups

Raid Revenge

(Revenging against a much higher/ much lower trophy opponent or Encouraging attacking higher rated opponents to increase trophies or Elo's math)

Math, More Math, Math Apocalypse

This is hard, but comes up a lot
Raid Tactics and Strategies
Trophies / Cups
Raid Revenge
Elo’s Math
How defense teams and trophies work
Alliances and Trophies
Source of Trophies


Latest edit

20 characters quoted Defense team bonus

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I love your posts @Gryphonknight

(I don’t get them at times but that’s just me - as I am a minion- and it will take time- I’m trying my best)

But it looked like you were talking to yourself in this thread so I just stopped by to say hello!
(Hope you don’t mind)




Hi! :turtle: :green_heart: :leafy_green: :four_leaf_clover:


I love :turtle: and everything that’s green :green_heart:

So spot on!


Spend depth

Spend Depth is about Time more than Money

Spend depth is about Engagement, Limited availability, Artificial Time locks, Merciless RNG, Bundles, Behavioral science, Monetary Speed Ups and Monetary short cuts

Click for notes

Roster Management

([Guide, 5* Duplicates] How Academy, and Costumes v5.0, changed the 4* / 5* hero inventory or Gryphonknight's General rules for 4* / 5* inventory management [Empires v43])

HA10 5* retraining combined odds

(🧪 Early Information on Soul Exchange [Part of The Beta Beat V45] - #39 by Gryphonknight)

Soul Exchange Total Costs ( USD, Days, Food, Recruits )

(🧪 Early Information on Soul Exchange [Part of The Beta Beat V45] - #27 by Gryphonknight)

Choke points

(Will SG changing summon's ODDs, REALLy make any significant "QoL" difference ?! - #3 by Gryphonknight)

Freemium and Small teams

(No spend trap OR past 5* HotM, small team, alliances and Valor points OR why SGG ignores most suggestions)

Whale, Whale+, Whale++ numbers

Black Friday Summons

([Math, Transparency] 2021-Nov Black Friday summons spend depth and loot box unit pricing [ Gaillard, Peñolite, Balbar ])

Merciless RNG

([WARNING] A Summons Experience - Chasing Guardian Panther - A Warning for Chasing Heroes)

([WARNING] A Summons Experience Vol 2 -- Chasing NINJAS... Whatever the cost)


([Suggestion] ÂżCan freemium games be less predatory? OR Spend Depth versus Loot Boxes OR Stop the Hide)

Roster Management
HA10 5* retraining combined odds

Soul Exchange Total Costs ( USD, Days, Food, Recruits )

Choke points
Freemium and Small teams
Whale, Whale+, Whale++ numbers
Black Friday Summons
Merciless RNG



Click for notes

Rare quest generation
Rare quest frequency


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