Deciding where to spend your class emblems [Math, Analysis]
7/8 4* 3.60 is a hero with special 7/8, 4 stars, tier 3, level 60.
4*+5 is a hero with 5 class nodes unlocked. By definition, a 4*+5 hero is also a 8/8 4* 4.70 hero.
Simple advice
Save your emblems.
Some heroes are good, some suck, but most are okay.
Use your emblems on you first good rainbow 4* 4.70 team. ( not you first rainbow 4* team, see links ).
Like troops, you can store infinite emblems. Since resetting costs gems, and 5% of your emblems reset are lost ( Example 26 emblems are lost to reset a 4*+20 ), just save your emblems until you have a 4* hero that has good synergies/ works well with other 4* heroes on your roster in different classes.
Save your ultra rare, reset emblems for moving emblems between 4* heroes as you get excellent heroes like Wu Kong, Jackal, Falcon, Hansel, Gretel, Merlin, Proteus, Wilbur, Rigard, Melendor, Grimm, etc.
Talents have a low proc rate.
The increase in stats from classes help attackers more than talents.
Classes most help a war defense by raising a hero’s defense stat and HP. This is due to the defense curve being non-linear and Damage Over Time bypassing reflect damage and defense stat.
As a very broad rule ( or a very safe guideline with resets costing gems and emblems), increasing a hero’s defense stat will have the most increase in Total Damage Output before death, followed by HP, Attack, Crit, Healing, Mana.
4* heroes are the backbone of Empires
Some heroes are good, some suck, but most are okay.
Basically, emblems increasing a 4* hero’s defense stat and HP will allow players to get effectively 5* heroes ( really 4*+19 ) from Legendary training. This solves the problem with Classic 5* heroes from Legendary being mostly solo/ non-synergistic heroes while Legendary training lacks 5* heroes with synergy/ works well with other heroes like the 4* heroes from the same training ( varied color healers, Ramming Pulverizer trio, Gambler’s Stance, etc. ).
This allows players with Wu Kong, Wilbur, Hansel, etc. to turn these awesome 4* heroes into effectively 5* heroes.
Complex advice
Emblem chart
= 100% of emblems returned for 1- 2 gems.
Click for Emblems per node and totals for 1* to 5* Heroes
Team cost
Classes do not increase a hero’s team cost. So theoretically you can fit more hero under a team cap.
Power levels
From a very good friend of mine:
While power is not an absolute measure of a heroes worth, it does give you a rough gauge of the hero’s cumulative stats.
Emblems and 1* or 2* heroes
I cannot recommend using emblems on a 1* or 2* hero under any circumstances.
Yes I am planning to use emblems on Sigrunn, Layla and a few others. No, you should not follow my example. Yes, if you do follow my example, and not my advice, I will say I told you so in the future.
Legendary training versus 3*+20
Given the odds of a 4* hero from legendary training ( approximately 1 per 10 days), and the fact a 4* 3.60 hero has similar stats with a 3*+20, and 4* have better special skills, I would only use emblems on a 3* hero if you really like them ( looking at you Bane, Rudolph & Hisan ) or if you have a color missing on your rainbow 4* 3.60 to help complete 3* / 4* ascension item rare quests.
1* to 3* heroes and Reset emblem
This advice is changed if Small Giant does like Book of Heroes and decides class resetting costing gems (premium currency) and losing emblems in Empires case, was stifling creativity, experimentation and fun ( Small Giant would still make money off emblems. Resetting would still lose other materials like iron & food).
Raid Tournament / Tourney
I am taking all these heroes to 1*+1 and 2*+1 then stopping.
( ARCHIVED - 1* / 2* Tournament teams before 136 votes removed them from Empires )
I am not using additional emblems on my 1* / 2* heroes - except my Sigrunn 1*+20 - until I have a solid team of 4*+19 and 5* 4.80 to complete class quests and Challenge events ( roughly 30 heroes ) since those are both a guaranteed source of 358 emblems per month.
4* versus 5* emblem costs versus results
Unlocking 5 / 5 Talent requires 350 emblems for a 4* hero and 975 emblems for a 5* hero.
Unlocking all nodes on a 4* hero costs 505 emblems, which only unlocks 3/5 Talent on a 5* hero. Example: a 4* Monk would have a 30% chance to resist status ailments while the same emblems buy a 18% chance for a 5* Monk.
Unlocking all the class nodes after unlocking 5 / 5 Talent on a 5* hero costs 525 emblems, more than the 505 emblems to unlock all 20 nodes of a 4* hero.
The last node on a 5* Hero costs 250 emblems.
Both 4* and 5* Paladins gets the biggest boost from the last talent node. Other classes, depending on troops and other situational variables, may see little practical effect.
4*+19 Heroes
Some heroes are good, some suck, but most are okay.
In general ( this is a guide, for exact advice please discuss your questions with your alliance teammates or post a topic on the forums ), 4*+19 Heroes are the most cost effective use of you emblems until you have three good rainbow 4*+19 teams ( total of fifteen heroes ) and a good 4*+19 hero, or 5* 4.80 hero, in each class.
More powerful alliance gets better loot
Titan Loot
Having your alliance go from 1 ascension roll per titan loot to 2 ascension rolls is a huge milestone. Your alliance going from 2 rolls to 3 rolls is a 50% increase in chance to get 3*/ 4* ascension items. But going from 3 rolls to 4 rolls is only a edit: 33% increase
4*+19 heroes will let more players get 3 ascension item rolls on titan loot. Since 3*+20 heroes are only about a powerful as 4* 3.60 heroes, getting more 3* ascension items by getting more ascension item rolls, will significantly increase the power of your alliance and your enjoyment of the game.
Using emblems on 5* heroes
Some heroes are good, some suck, but most are okay.
Until you have two to three good rainbow 5* 4.80 teams ( ten to fifteen heroes ) AND three good rainbow 4*+19 teams ( fifteen heroes ) AND a good 4*+19 hero, or 5* 4.80 hero, in each class, I would advise against spending emblems on 5* heroes.
There will be exceptions like Alberich and Natayla ( together they fight crime ) but that will depend on your roster of heroes and future game decisions by Small Giant Games ( The Hero Academy sounds interesting ).
Emblems versus 4* ascension items
Unlike missing 1 Poison dart to ascend Joon 5* 3.70 to 5* 4.1, you can raise Wu Kong from 4*+5 to 4*+6 with 15 Monk emblems, you do not require the full 505 Monk emblems.
Raising Wu Kong from 4*+5 to 4*+6 will also immediately improve Wu Kong, like going from level 4* 4.17 to 4* 4.21 .
Getting more quest emblems and 4* ascension items
Completing the Class quests and getting 4* ascension items from Seasonal events is easiest, and cost the least battle items, if you have a good rainbow 4*+19 / 5* 4.80 team.
War teams are most difficult to defeat if they are 4*+19 / 5* 4.80 heroes.
Getting a good 4* hero in each class and then raising it to 4*+19, will help you a lot in completing game objectives and having fun.
Reset Penalty and 5* heroes
Resetting emblems on a 5*+20 loses 75 emblems.
My Personal Opinion
Classes restored my faith in Small Giant Games.
Between Legendary training and 4*+19 heroes, you have a reasonable chance of completing most of the games PvE content.
Eventually you will have a decent roster of 4*+19 / 5* 4.80 heroes and then you will be able to get really quirky with some 3* to 5* Heroes and class nodes.
Bonus Stage
This is a really good, really fun idea.
My current plan is to unlock the first talent on all my favorite heroes
I have unlocked the first node on my Wu Kong Cascade Squad and it is fun when a talent procs even though the chance is low.
So after I have a decent roster of 4*+19/ 5* 4.80, my next step will be to just unlock the first node of the talent grid for all my favorite heroes.
Just to add more fun to the game.
Rogue 4*+1 Glass cannons
Monk Wu Kong 4*+1 will not be great on war/ raid defense and my Rogue Guardian Jackal is really close to 4* 4.80.
So I will go Rogue Scarlett 4*+1, Rogue Jackal 4*+1, then take Rogue Scarlett to 4*+19, both heroes are so fragile, even Evade 4% will increase their survival.
Once Wu Kong is 4*+15, I will swap Jackal 4*+1 for Wu Kong 4*+15.
Peters is also a Rogue. Might go 4*+1 Scarlett, Jackal, Peters then take Rogue Scarlett to 4*+19
The genius of talents is the proc rate changes but the result stays the same.
Evade proccing has the same effect no matter the nodes activated.
I laughed out loud when my - then 4*+1 Rogue Scarlett - evaded Sartana’s Deathstrike which I then cleansed with my fully charged Rigard.
A Scarlett with zero emblems can not Evade.
But a Scarlett Rogue 4*+1 has a chance. Given how much time I play Empires, Scarlett will proc.
Would she proc more with more nodes, sure. Are some of the talents more powerful than others, yes. Do some talents buff some heroes more than others - see above plan.
But a non zero chance buffs many characters since Empires is a grindy game, not a crossword puzzle. Though a Crossword puzzle MMO would be another case altogether.
First 4* team
First 4* team
Second 3* team
(🦸 Memento Heroes Classes and Class Trial Quests)
Class raw data spreadsheet
(Hero classes & talents guide)
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