[Guide,Leveling] Always level the costume outfit first or partially leveled base hero or leveling a X* b1.1 base hero with a X* c1.1 costume outfit

[Guide,Leveling] Always level the costume outfit first or partially leveled base hero or leveling a X* b1.1 base hero with a X* c1.1 costume outfit

Partially leveled base hero


Yes and No ( see below).

Level costume first


Unless someone knows better, this is a great LEVELING strategy.

If you use only MATCHING colors to level a costume outfit, it gets a 1.5x CXP bonus instead of the 1.2x HXP bonus for same color leveling a base hero.

Add the 2x CXP bonus for leveling costume versus base heroes and you can level a costume 2.5x faster than a base hero using MATCHING colors ( only 2.2x faster than a base hero for rainbow leveling).

This matters because you will get a costume outfit leveled ( 4* c3.60, 4* c4.70, 5* c3.70, and 5* c4.80 ) faster than the base hero leveled ( 4* b3.60, 4* b4.70, 5* b3.70, and 5* b4.80 ).

So you can use the leveled costume outfit while you wait for the base hero to reach the same level.

If you level the base hero first, you will have to wait 2.5x as long for same color leveling ( or 2.2x for rainbow leveling) before you have a usable hero ( of that tier / ascension/ ^).


Boldtusk 4* h4.1 / c4.70

can be used as a 4.70 hero 2.5x faster ( 2.1x for rainbow leveling) than

Boldtusk 4* h4.70 / c4.1


This 2.5x faster also translates into a huge savings in food. 66% (versus 54% saving for rainbow leveling ) a costume outfit.

So I strongly recommend same color costume outfit leveling.

Leveling a 5* costume outfit with same color heroes costs 1.836 m food less than rainbow color leveling.

So leveling 2.1x 5* costume outfits with same color leveling saves you the same as leveling a BASE hero from 4* b1.1 to 4* b4.70 .

4* b3.60 / c3.60

Some heroes are good, some suck, but most are average.

5* b3.70 / c3.70

Some heroes are good, some suck, but most are average.

Depending on the 5* hero, 5* b3.70 are good.

For the same heroes that are good at 5* b3.70, 5* b3.70 / 5* c3.70 are better.

X* b4.1 / c4.1

Non farmable ascension items

Once base hero, and costume, are maximum tier ( 4* b4.1 / c4.1 and 5* b4.1 / c4.1 ) you have already spent maximum non farmable ascension items on both.

Non farmable ascension items are a huge bottle neck in leveling heroes.


I am a big fan of class emblems X*+1, X*+2, X*+15, X*+18 for heroes ( see notes ).

Emblems require the base hero to be 8/8 special skill, maximum tier and maximum level.

However, you cannot do that if you are out of 3* / 4* non farmable ascension items.

So every hero you take to X* c4.1 you should consider taking to 4* b4.70 or 5* b4.80 since this gives you 200% value for your emblem use in class quests ( use emblems to get more emblems ).


Click for notes


( ( 1.5 / 1.2 ) * 2.0 )= 2.5x faster same color costume outfit versus base hero

( 3.0 * 0.2 ) + ( 2.0 * 0.8 )= 2.2x faster rainbow color costume outfit versus base hero


-66% minus -54% = -12%

0.12 * 15.3 m= 1.85 m food

2.1x 1.85 m food = 4 m food


Costume mana

Mana bonus is now a consideration with costumes.

Emblems to get emblems