Is Wu Kong worth for fighting 13* titans? Any advise?

Lv01 Crit Troops

Even a 4* Lv01 Crit Troop gives Wu Kong +4% HP

Even a 4* Lv01 Crit Troop gives Wu Kong +16% defense versus a 4* Lv30 Mana Troop’s +18%

Lv06 Crit Troop

If I Remember Correctly, troop bonuses are not base bonuses ( only uses heroes base stats ) but instead very powerful, meta bonuses ( after emblems, costume, limit breakers, etc. )

So leveling your 4* crit troops to Lv06 ( +18% defense, +5% HP ) for any color that you have a 4* / 5* titan multiplier, might be a good investment

Lv17 Crit Troops

Personally I like Crit troops better than mana ( for debate see link in notes ), but after I get Crit troops to Lv17, I switch to leveling my mana troops/ ninja troops ( see notes )


Click for notes

Lv17 troops

Note: full set means each type ( mana and crit for 4* troops ) so 8x 4* troops in each color. 12x 4* Troops if they ever make Ninja troops easier to get


(Kerb's 4* Troop leveling chart, hurray!)
