[Play style] Using titan parts and 5* battle items

[Play style] Using titan parts and 5* battle items

1* map ingredients

:white_check_mark:Harpoon- best 5* battle item. Only uses 1* map ingredients.

Titan parts

I like

:white_check_mark:Titanium shield- Second best 5* battle item. Only uses 2x 1* titan parts.

:white_check_mark:Panacea- Third best 5* battle item. Only uses 3x 2* and 2x 1* titan parts.

I might like

??? ( maybe ) Hurricane- uses some of the same ingredients as Titanium shield. Tornado weaker but Tornado only uses 4* map ingredients.

I do not like

:x:Titan Banner- uses some of the same ingredients as Titanium shield and Panacea. Panacea more versatile.

:x:Invisibility Potion- uses some of the same ingredients as Titanium shield and Panacea. Titanium Shield has better effect, lasts longer and protects more allies.

:x:Valkyrie’s Bane- uses some of the same ingredients as Panacea. Harpoon weaker effect but Harpoon only uses 1* map ingredients.

:x:Time Freeze- uses some of the same ingredients as Panacea. Time stop weaker but Time stop only uses 4* map ingredients.

:x:Hunter’s Caltrops- uses some of the same ingredients as Hurricane. Only effects single target unlike mana item plus Melendor, Sabina, Sonya and Caedmon.

:x:Scroll of Alteration- uses some of the same ingredients as Hurricane. Weaker than Tornado and Hurricane.


5* battle items


I was thinking of making Caltrops for this usage, eventually:

I figured that once every couple of months is about as frequently as I can sustain usage with current Titan Part drop rates anyway.

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Good point.

I got insanely lucky and summoned Frida. Frida and Sabina 4*+18 ( together they fight crime) plus mana items and revive scrolls works wonders against the red rare tiger.


I swore as a free offer I got an item that randomly turned 5 Titan tiles into the strong color but I can’t remember the name? I have my lodge upgraded to lvl 8 and do see it listed there or on this thread. Any help would be appreciated.

I make the Caltrops specifically for this reason.

The rare red tiger with a mono-stack blue and no room for Sonya makes it essential to bring to the fight. I do have Miki to keep him silenced but you never know…

That item is the scroll of alteration. Level 9 of the Hunter’s Lodge. It can be used to good effect against titans, but it is quite expensive to make.

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Ahh lvl 9 is only lvl I can’t see at my current lodge lvl ty. It will take awhile for me to upgrade another 3 levels.

I don’t know why someone would use the invisibility potion for one hero while he could use the titanium shield to deal damage to three heroes on the opponent.