HA10 versus Soul Exchange
Unless you have 5x Classic 5* costumes, AND 5x HotM, I strongly recommend running HA10 5* retraining for 52x retrainings ( 365+ days )
On average, this will give you a combination of 5 new options ( Classic 5* costumes, Limited availability 5* heroes, Limited availability 5* costumes ) for roughly the same cost as trading 10x 5* heroes for 1x 5* hero ( 400+ days )
Click for notes
HA10 odds
52 x 0.975 = an average of 5.07 new options
Soul Exchange Total Costs
10x 5* = 400+ days
See also
([Suggestion, QoL] 6.5 day HA09 Epic Troop retraining & 6.5 day HA10 Legendary Hero retraining)