Thanks for the tag and I have my math perfectly calculated:
$0 spent = 0% of any heroes at all!
I’m still playing, but SG has lost one that spent heavily and defended their practices pre-2021; however 2021 has been a sad change of affairs for E&P IMO. The last few months I have been transitioning to C2P, but it may have just move to F2P.
C’mon J&H. It’s not that bad.
You have 90% of the stuff in that portal
It’s not a good portal for you!
There are incoming portals more tailored to new…well balanced creep content that continue making S1 legendary’s look further like old 4*
Those should wet your appetite
I’m sure they’ll have new costumes also…
I hate to say it, but they’ve finally convinced me to spend some money on my C2P alt account with this portal. It’s pretty worthless for big spenders who already have most of what they’d want from here. But it’s AMAZING for those who don’t.
They lost me when they did a terrible Q+A this year… their business and developer decisions are turning me (like many others) off but they had a chance to engage on comms where context and vision could have kept the community engaged.