[Incomplete, Draft] Costumes, color stacking, war, and 4* 3.60 / 5* 3.70 heroes

[Incomplete, Draft] Costumes, color stacking, war, and 4* 3.60 / 5* 3.70 heroes

Farmable ascension items

4* 3.60 heroes are the most powerful with farmable ascension items.

Unlike emblems, costumes can be used for 4* 3.60 heroes.

This makes duplicate 4* 3.60 heroes with costumes the most efficient use of costumes.

2x Boldtusk 4* 3.60
2x Sonya 4* 3.60

Not necessarily the best use. That ( as always ) depends on your roster.

Same color leveling

Using the same color to level a costume is roughly 66.66% of the Costume XP and 66.66% food as using off color leveling.

same color 1* heroes

Unless you are taking the base hero to 5* 4.1, 4* 4.1 or 3* 3.1, only use same color 1* heroes to level costumes.

Costumes get 1.5x Hero XP from same color and
2x Hero XP in general,
for a total Costume XP of 3x Hero XP if using same color base heroes.

This is similar to leveling a base hero with same color 3* heroes.

Color stacking

4* 3.60 second copies of a hero with costume are good for color stacking.

Grimm 4* 4.70 and Grimm 4* 3.60 .

Color stacking

Color stacking, Empires hidden buff


For powerful heroes, especially healers, I like a 4* 4.70 copy and a 4* 3.60 copy for war.

Grimm 4* 4.70 and Grimm 4* 3.60 .

2x 4* 3.60 heroes are zero non farmable ascension items and roughly the same Hero XP, and food, as 1x 4* 4.70 hero.

So duplicate heroes at 4* 3.60 are a good investment for war, or any situation that encourages color stacking, especially with the limited number of good 4* heroes.

4* 4.70 and 4* 3.60 healers

Usually I run two different color healers on a single war attack team, one copy 4* 4.70 and one copy 4* 3.60 .

green Melendor 4* 4.70, blue Kiril 4* 3.60

5* 3.70 heroes

5* heroes take roughly 3.84x the food and roughly 2.12x Hero XP of 4* heroes.

5* 3.70

4* 4.70

Costume skill roll

The most powerful costumes are

Note to self

@Gryphonkit finish this later, link to leveling post


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