What happens in a red color stack when Marjana is blinded, Ares has a crit buff and Gravemaker has 30% wound? OR Color stacking and RNG ( buffs, debuffs and talents )
Color stacking
Color stacking
Color stacking, Empires hidden buff
Attack stats
Normally color stacking adds all the attack stats for the same color heroes and treats them as a single mega hero ( see notes ).
Fixed Buffs
This works for fixed buffs.
Increase red Marjana’s attack stat, just adjust the total attack stat for red shields/ tiles.
Fixed debuff
This works for fixed debuffs.
Decrease red Ares attack stat, just adjust the total attack stat for red shields/ tiles.
RNG Debuff
Accuracy debuff can be tricky when color stacking since it involves RNG.
Gambler’s Stance increases all ally attack stat and gives them the same accuracy debuff.
What is Gambler’s stance is dispelled from some heroes in a red color stack due to an accuracy debuff on the dispeller?
What if a hero in the red color stack have Joon’s accuracy debuff?
RNG Buff
Crit buff can be tricky when color stacking since it involves RNG.
What if Ares has a crit buff but Marjana does not?
What if Melia’s crit buff is dispelled from some of a yellow color stack due to an accuracy debuff on the dispeller?
Fixed Stat Troops
Fixed stat troops only effect their hero when color stacking.
Healing bonus / Mana bonus / Attack bonus / Defense bonus / HP bonus only effects the matching hero.
RNG stat troops
Crit troops can be tricky when color stacking since it involves RNG.
What if some red heroes have a crit troop and some red heroes have a mana troop?
Talents can be tricky when color stacking since it involves RNG.
What happens to Gravemaker’s 30% wound in a red color stack?
What happens to Sabina’s 15% delay in a purple color stack?
Color stacking and RNG
Color stacking treats each shield/ tile as randomly assigned to a hero ( see notes )
If the hero is accuracy debuffed, that applies.
If the hero is crit buffed, that applies.
If the hero has a talent, that applies.
In a five red color stack ( mono team ):
red center Ares currently has a +36% crit buff and 0% accuracy debuff
red left corner Marjana currently has 0% crit and a -40% accuracy debuff
red right corner Gravemaker currently has 0% crit, 0% accuracy debuff, and 30% wound
Each red shield/ tile is randomly assigned to a red hero. You can see this if you assign them different looking troops.
If a red shield/ tile is assigned to Ares, it gets a +36% crit, +0% accuracy debuff and 0% wound.
If a red shield/ tile is assigned to Marjana, it gets +0% crit, -40% accuracy debuff and 0% wound.
If a red shield/ tile is assigned to Gravemaker, it gets +0% crit, 0% accuracy debuff and 30% wound.
Click for notes
Shields/ tiles
Color stacking talents
Color stacking damage
Damage calculation
Not complete, attack stat soft cap still unknown, but good enough.