Academy Lv10
I built Academy Lv10 for access to HA10 retraining
I have little use for HA01 to HA09 ( rumor says a lot of Beta testers expressed this opinion )
3x, including duplicate, 5* 1.1 heroes each color
If your roster does not have, 3x, including duplicate, 5* 1.1 heroes of each color ( total of 15 heroes ) then running 2x to 3x RT20 is better than running HA10
3x unique, decent 5* heroes
Once you have, 3x, including duplicate, 5* 1.1 heroes of each color ( total of 15 heroes ) then
If your roster does not have, 3x unique, decent 5* heroes of each color ( total of 15 heroes ) then running HA10 is better than running 3x RT20
Food ( see notes )
HA10 costs
6.44 m food, and 1,500 recruits, per 40 days
If you do not need HA10, especially Classic base 5* heroes without costumes, that is a lot of food, and recruits, you could be using elsewhere just for a chance at a new hero
Click for math, and advice, discussion
I plan to continuously run both HA10 retraining Legendary heroes, and RT12 Guaranteed rare recruit training ( see notes ), since they are a better deal than running 3x Legendary recruit training for my roster
RT20 is an extremely low bar to clear when trying to compliment a game mechanic
RT12 ( see notes )
RT12 for near unlimited food hoarding ( thanks Atlantis Rising, and Advanced House Lv10, for recruits )
consuming 1x 1* ascension item, 22.5 recruits, and 82 k food per day
bonus Hero XP from duplicate 3* heroes
HA10 ( see notes )
HA10 for being cheaper than 1x RT20 when just getting duplicates ( see notes )
See also
([Play style, Guide] No regrets Lab v2.0 and Academy)