[Math] Hoarding resources in Training camps versus Hero Academy
Oops, Click for 2* hero discussion
This section is a reply to another post. But they were asking about 2* TROOPS in Hero Academy not 2* heroes. My bad.
Note: This is why I prefer
TC02 = Training camp level 2,
RT02= Uncommon recruit training and
HA04= Uncommon troops.
Oops, looks like they said HA02 uncommon which is neither Uncommon 2* heroes ( HA03 ) or Uncommon 2* Troops ( HA04 ) but actually Common 1* Troops ( HA02 ). Now I am really confused.
2* Heroes
It will depend on you play style.
I treat Empires like a marathon, so Extra low cost ( RT11 ) and Uncommon ( RT02 ) will always be my favorites ( see top post ).
([Guide, Camps, Roster] What camps to run, and for how long, often depends on your roster)
Hero Academy
Click for rant
I am very sad HA1 to HA10 are less than ideal at banking recourses ( see below ) and does not produce 5* heroes.
If it was designed to actually improve game play, you could hoard food in Hero Academy and run all 4x training camps for Hero XP.
But if Hero Academy was actually designed to improve game play, then color, and advanced color, hero training would be rebalanced for training camps.
Hoarding Iron
Hoarding Food, Training Camp
Hoarding Food, Hero Academy
The two best places to hoard food in Hero Academy are Epic ( HA08 ) or Trainer Heroes ( HA07 ). See notes for math.
Legendary versus Epic
Legendary ( RT20 ) produces a Classic 4* hero, on AVERAGE, every 10x days.
Epic ( HA08 ) produces a Classic 4* hero every 2.5x days. No limited time 4* heroes, but considering how bad Legendary Hero Retraining (HA10) and Epic Troop Retraining ( HA09 ) are implemented, this is not a loss.
So Epic ( HA08 ) is most useful if, and only if, you are missing Wu Kong ( costume Wu Kong is less than ideal ), Tarlak, Miki and Ranvir. Missing Wu Kong is possible with Merciless RNG.
Otherwise you are better using Legendary ( RT20 ) to have a chance at 5* heroes, or Costume Chamber for a chance at costumes.
( rant )
Costume chamber was definitely a monetizing driven decision instead of a game play decision ( like many updates since 5* HotM added ).
( end rant )
Legendary versus Trainer Heroes
Once you have all Classic 5* Heroes that do NOT have a costume you want ( see above rant ),
you have enough 5* heroes, of any type,
Then you do not need Legendary training ( RT20 ) so Trainer Heroes (HA07 ) may be better if you have finished upgrading Hero Academy to Level 10.
Since you only get 1x Hero Academy instead of 4x training camps, you cannot upgrade Hero Academy AND keep training ( less than ideal for game play, great for micro transactions).
So if you are planning to upgrade, training camps may be a better place to store resources.
Guaranteed Rare (RT12) or Legendary ( RT20) are good choices .
Elite training (RT13 ) is almost never a good choice except for players who log in once a week.
Legendary training
148.5 kfood/ day
6.1875 kfood/ hour
.103125 kfood/ minute
Trainer Heroes
HA07 ( Trainer Heroes )
120 kfood/ day
5.0 kfood/ hour
Guaranteed rare
82 kfood/ day
3.41 kfood/ hour
Epic Heroes
HA08 ( Epic Heroes )
80 kfood/ day
3.333 kfood/ hour