đź“‘ Status Effects (Buffs and Ailments) and Stacks - Dead topic see link in post #190

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A comprehensive list and guide to all status effects in the game.

Table of Contents

  1. Description of Status Effects and what Overwrites what
  2. Primer on Status Effects
  3. Class Talents & Non-PVP status effects

Last Update: 2021-01-19T05:52:00Z

  • Reuben Special Skill effect added: Reduced_DoT43x43, 50%
  • Krampus Special Skill effect added: DefUp_increasing52x52, 50%

Wiki Page on Status Effects (list of all heroes who cast them)


Note: All the status effects in this section will grant a stackable attack boost in “Buff Booster” raid tournaments.

Name Icon Description Overwritten
Attack Up (Buff Booster) AttackUp_BuffBooster Increased offensive power by 20% for each active buff. –

Tip: casting the same buff acts as a form of resetting the turn count of the buff, including undispellable buffs being casted by the same hero

Name Icon Description Overwritten
Attack Up AtkUp Increased offensive power AtkDown AtkDown_HealReset AtkDown_Continious AtkUp Berserk
Attack Up (Midgard) Realm_Midgar All allies get +5%/+10%/+15% per each Midgard ally in battle, as long as one Midgard ally has low health Realm_Midgar
Defense Up DefUp Increased defense DefDown DefDown_continious DefDown_HealReset DefUpDefUp_increasing
Increasing Defence Up DefUp_increasing Increased Defence which increases further every time they are hit. DefDown DefDown_continious DefDown_HealReset DefUp DefUp_increasing
Protect DefUp_Paladin Paladin talent activated, increased defense DefUp_Paladin
Special Skill Defense Up DefUp_Special Increased defense against special skill damage DefDown_Special DefUp_Special
Damage Reduction DamageReduction Reduces all received damage DamageReduction
Effect Damage Reduction Reduced_DoT Reduces the damage from effects Reduced_DoT
Martial Prowess AtkUp_Normal Significantly increased damage of normal attacks, stacks with other attack buffs (up to +160% attack max) AtkUp_Normal AtkUp_Normal_HPCondition
Wrath of Tundra AtkUp_Normal_HPCondition Greatly increased damage of normal attack that only applies if enemy HP is higher than attacker. Stacks with other attack buffs (up to +170% attack max) AtkUp_Normal AtkUp_Normal_HPCondition
Special Skill Increase DamageIncrease_Special Increases the amount of damage an offensive special skill deals (more info) DamageIncrease_Special
Critical Up CritUp Increased critical attack chance (x2 damage) CritUp
Berserk Berserk Increased offense, further increased with each hit taken (up to 5 increases) AtkDown AtkDown_HealReset AtkDown_Continious AtkUp Berserk
Rage Rage Owner gets increased offense, further increased with each hit taken by them or their allies. When the effect ends, the owner deals damage to all enemies – each hit taken during the turn duration increases the damage dealt to all enemies Rage
Gambler Stance Gamble Offense greatly increased with reduced accuracy Gamble gamble_HPcondition
Mystic Virtue gamble_HPcondition Offense greatly increased with reduced accuracy, if enemy HP is higher than attacker Gamble gamble_HPcondition
Attack Heal Atk_Normal_Heal Heal x% of damage dealt each normal attack Atk_Normal_Heal
Recover Up RecoverUp Increases recovery of healing skills and status effects RecoverUp
HP Regenaration HPRecovery Recovers HP over set amount of turns HPRecovery
Mana Gain ManaGenUp Mana gained increased ManaGenDown ManaGenUp
Mana Regeneration ManaRecovery Recover mana per turn ManaRecovery
Mana Reduction Protection ManaReductionProtection Resists direct mana reduction ManaReductionProtection
Mana Protection ManaShield Resists new negative mana ailments ( ManaBlock ManaGenDown ManaSteal) and effects that reduce mana ManaShield
Special Skill Protection SilenceShield Resists new status effects that block special skill activation ( MindlessAttack Silence SpellSlayer) SilenceShield
Defense Protection DefenseProtection New status ailments affecting defense will be replaced by a defense buff DefUp DefenseProtection
Dispel Protection DispellBlock Prevents the owner from getting buffs dispelled DispellBlock
Ailment Protection AilmentShield Resists new status ailments AilmentShield
Ailment Cleanse AilmentCleanse Cleanses ailments at the end of each turn, for as long as this effect is active AilmentCleanse
Damage Share DamageShare Damage is shared between allies with this status effect DamageShare
Brawler Brawler Deals damage to a random enemy each turn for as long as the caster has the effect active (see card for condition). Brawler
Taunt Taunt Prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the owners allies (including dispels) Taunt
Just a Flesh Wound! JustAFleshWound! Chance to drop any received damage to 1 point JustAFleshWound!
Counter Riposte Returns a counterattack per each direct hit Riposte
Mana Gain per Counter Riposte_ManaGain Recover mana for each counterattack, decreasing amount of mana recovered for each successive counterattack in the same turn Riposte_ManaGain
Reflect Holy Reflect_Holly Reflect all status effects and damage, and block other negative effects from Holy special skills Reflect_Holly Reflect_Ice
Reflect Ice Reflect_Ice Reflect all status effects and damage, and block other negative effects from Ice special skills Reflect_Holly Reflect_Ice
Dark defense up DefUp_Dark Increased defense against dark element attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Dark DefUp_Dark
Holy defense up DefUp_Holy Increased defense against holy element attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Holy DefUp_Holy
Ice defense up DefUp_Ice Increased defense against ice element attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Ice DefUp_Ice
Nature defense up DefUp_Nature Increased defense against nature element attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Nature DefUp_Nature
Fire defense up DefUp_Fire Increased defense against fire element attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Fire DefUp_Fire
Dodge Dodge Chance to dodge special skills that deal damage Dodge
Minion Dodge Dodge_Fox Moderate chance to dodge special skills. If dodge is successful, the owner generates a minion specified by the skill description (Minions do not count as status effects) Dodge_Fox
Quick Dodge Dodge_Mana Chance to dodge damaging special skill and gain moderate amount of mana with a successful dodge. Chance is higher the more damage the special skill deals Dodge_Mana
Immortal Immortal If the owner is defeated while this status effect is active, they are resurrected the next turn with 32% health and all status effects removed Immortal Druagr Blessing Zombie BruiseBro_1
Draugr Blessing Druagr Blessing If the blessed owner is defeated while this status effect is active, they will be reborn as a Draugr with 100% inherited health, 500 attack, 500 defense, and the Eternal Loyalty special skill Immortal Druagr Blessing Zombie BruiseBro_1
Zombie Blessing Zombie If the blessed owner is defeated while this status effect is active, they are reborn as a zombie the next turn with 100% health, 500 attack, 500 defense, and Poison Bite special skill Immortal Druagr Blessing Zombie BruiseBro_1
Bruise Bro BruiseBro_1 If the owner is defeated while this status effect is active, they are revived in Chameleon mode (undispellable) BruiseBro_1
Chameleon Mode BruiseBro_2 Increased attack, decreased defense, special skill replaced by Fierce Slash *can’t be overwritten nor removed
Ghost form Ghost Removes all buffs and ailments; moderate increase to normal attack; can’t gain mana; immune to all normal attacks, Special Skill attacks, status effects and stacks *can’t be overwritten, removed, nor stack with any other status effect
Dire Ghost DireGhost Removes all buffs and ailments; automatically deals damage against a random enemy each turn; can’t gain mana; immune to all normal attacks, Special Skill attacks, status effects and stacks, except damage from the opposing element *can’t be overwritten, removed, nor stack with any other status effect
Dance of Spirits DanceOfSpirits Significantly increased attack, moderate damage reduction on all recieved damage. If the caster dies, receive 100% damage and mana is decreased by -100%. Immune to new status effects. DanceOfSpirits
Elemental Link Atk+Def up ElementalLink Gives a small attack and defense boost to all heroes of the same colored element ElementalLink
Elemental Link Recover HP ElementalLink_HP Recovers a small amount of HP per turn to all heroes of the same colored element ElementalLink_HP
Elemental Link Weakness Defense up ElementalLink_WeakDef Gives a moderate defense boost against elemental attacks that the colored hero is weak to (indicated), to all heroes of the same colored element ElementalLink_WeakDef
Elemental Link Mana up ElementalLink_Mana Slightly increases mana generation for all allies of the same colored element ElementalLink_Mana
Element Link Critical up ElementalLink_Crit Small increase of critical strikes chance (x2 damage) for all allies of the same colored element ElementalLink_Crit
Element Link Special Skill Defense up ElementalLink_SS Moderate increase of defense against enemy special skills for all allies of same colored element ElementalLink_SS


Note: Status ailments that currently only exist as undispellable can only be overwritten by the same hero casting the ailment again (which resets the turn count on the ailment)

Name Icon Description Overwritten
Attack Down AtkDown Decreased offense AtkDown AtkDown_HealReset AtkDown_Continious AtkUp Berserk
Decreasing Attack Down AtkDown_Continious Decreased offense, further decreased by -4% with each hit taken (up to 5 attack reductions) AtkDown AtkDown_HealReset AtkDown_Continious AtkUp Berserk
Heal Reset Attack Down AtkDown_HealReset Attack decreased, turn duration reset if healed AtkDown_HealReset
Defense Down DefDown Decreased defense DefDown DefDown_continious DefDown_HealReset DefUp
Decreasing Defense Down DefDown_continious Decreased defense, further decreased by -4% with each hit taken (up to 6 defense reductions) DefDown DefDown_continious DefDown_HealReset DefUp
Heal Reset Defense Down DefDown_HealReset Defense decreased, turn duration reset if healed DefDown_HealReset
Special Skill Defense Down DefDown_Special Decreased defense against special skills DefDown_Special DefUp_Special
Health Drain HPSteal Steals health over a number of turns HPSteal
Vampirism RecoverSteal Health recovered is stolen by caster RecoverSteal
Deep Wound RecoverDown Reduces healing received RecoverDown Curse_Sargasso
Sargasso’s Curse Curse_Sargasso Reduces healing received RecoverDown Curse_Sargasso
Mana down ManaGenDown Mana gained decreased ManaGenUp ManaGenDown
Mana block ManaBlock Blocks mana gain ManaBlock
Mana Steal ManaSteal Mana gained is stolen by caster ManaSteal
Status Block StatusBlock Cannot cast status effects or stacks on enemies or allies StatusBlock
Silence Silence Blocks special skill use Silence
Mindless Attack MindlessAttack Skill replaced by mindless attack; targets an ally when mana is full, with chance to miss MindlessAttack SpellSlayer
Spell Slayer SpellSlayer Receives damage when mana is full, mana is halved when full MindlessAttack SpellSlayer
Minion Block MinionRepel Can’t receive new minions MinionRepel
Buff Block BuffShield Blocks the owner from gaining any new buffs BuffShield
Blind Blindness Reduced accuracy on offensive attacks and skills Blindness
Blind (Nifleheim) Realm_Nifleheim Reduced accuracy by -5%/-10%/-15% per each Nifleheim ally on offensive attacks and skills, active as long as one Niflheim ally has low health Realm_Nifleheim
Boast Boast Receives status ailments (AtkDown, DefDown, ManaGenDown ) after the ailment turn count expires Boast
Dark defense down DefDown_Dark Decreased defense against dark attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Dark DefUp_Dark
Holy defense down DefDown_Holy Decreased defense against holy attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Holy DefUp_Holy
Ice defense down DefDown_Ice Decreased defense against ice attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Ice DefUp_Ice
Nature defense down DefDown_Nature Decreased defense against nature attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Nature DefUp_Nature
Fire defense down DefDown_Fire Decreased defense against fire attacks and offensive skills DefDown_Fire DefUp_Fire
Element Change ElementChange Changes the element to the one the target is strong against.
Ice :arrow_right: Fire :arrow_right: Nature :arrow_right: Ice
Holy :left_right_arrow: Dark
ElementChange*(see note)
Twist of Fate TwistOfFate Gains defensive weakness against strong element
Fire :arrow_right: ice & nature
Ice :arrow_right: nature & fire
Nature :arrow_right: fire & ice
Holy :arrow_right: dark & holy
Dark :arrow_right: holy & dark
Burn Burn Receives burn damage over a number of turns Burn
Burn (Muspelheim) Realm_Muspelheim Receives 22/37/64 burn damage per Muspelheim ally, for as long as one Muspelheim ally has low health Realm_Muspelheim
Poison Poison Receives poison damage over a number of turns Poison
Poison (Svartalfheim) Realm_Svartalfheim Receives 22/34/64 poison damage per each Svartalfheim ally, for as long as one Svartalfheim ally has low health Realm_Svartalfheim
Water WaterDamage Recieves water damage over a number of turns WaterDamage
Sand Twister SandTrap Receives sand damage over a number of turns SandTrap
Moonlight Serenade Curse_Serenade Receives damage over a number of turns, starting low and increasing with each turn Curse_Serenade
Blood Poisoning Bitten Receives damage over a number of turns, damage increases if afflicted with this ailment again Bitten
*damage over turns increased if afflicted by this ailment again
Bomb PumpkinBomb Target and nearby receive damage after a number of turns. The bomb explodes if the target is defeated and deals damage to nearby targets immediately. PumpkinBomb
Bleed Wound Receives bleed damage over a number of turns, stacks with similar effects Wound


Although similar, stacks are not considered status effects by the game. For more information on Stacks, please read the 3rd post in this guide.

Name Icon Description
Attack Up AtkUp Offensive power increased
Mana Generation Down ManaGenDown Mana speed decreased
Frost Frost Deals damage each turn

Please correct me if I’m wrong with anything that overwrites a buff or ailment :slight_smile:

Old thread: Status Effects

Newer version:


Status Effects - Buffs and Ailments

In the table on the first post, I have included a column with the icons that will overwrite said status effect. Everything else stacks with that status effect.

Read this post to learn about:

  • buffs vs ailments
  • dispelling vs cleansing vs removing

Primer: Buffs vs Ailments


A buff is an effect that the game considers to be positive. Typically these are good effects, such as an attack boost to increase damage.

However, some are more complex and come with negative effects. Examples include Wu Kong’s “Gambler’s Stance,” which comes with a massive attack buff at the expense of an accuracy drop, or Aemonna’s “Ghost” which prevents her from getting damaged at the expense of not gaining mana while it’s active.

Buffs are usually casted and given to the hero or their allies. Gunnar (costumed) and Wilbur are unique exceptions; their skills give enemies the Shared Damage buff, but pair it with a defense drop in order to spread more damage to the enemy team.


An ailment is a negative effect that the game considers to be detrimental. These effects are always bad to have, such as lingering damage that is automatically inflicted each turn.

Note that some ailments will prevent other status effects from working. Examples include Hel’s Crush, which will prevent other mana effects on that target (such as Onatel’s drain and Alberich’s mana recovery) from being effective.

Primer: “Dispels” vs “Cleanses” vs “Removes”

Hero skill cards are always very specific when it comes to describing what exactly they dispel.


Skills that get rid of any buffs the enemy has active are referred to as dispels.

A buff can only be dispelled if it is not listed as undispellable under the description of the buff casted.

Melendor and Sabina have the “Fog of the Fallen” skill, which dispels buffs from all enemies. But element links are undispellable, so they will not be dispelled.

Dispels can miss! They are affected by status effects that decrease accuracy.

As of Version 25, Reflect buffs now block dispells from heroes of the protected color.

Although Frida’s “Polar Bash” skill dispels buffs, she cannot dispel Mitsuko’s “Mirror of Flames” because her reflect buff blocks negative effects


A cleanse is the act of dispelling any ailments that an ally or allies have active.

Ailments listed as uncleansable under the description of the ailment can not be cleansed.

Rigard has the “Purification” skill, which dispels any ailments from his allies. But it will not dispel Jack O’ Hare’s uncleansable defense drop if he used his “Reckless Slash” skill first.

Cleanses can’t miss: they are not affected by any accuracy drops from status effects.


Skills that specifically say they remove will wipe all status effects, including undispellable and uncleansable ones.

Note that this covers both buffs and ailments.

If the hero Ameonna has a burn ailment, an attack buff, and a dark element link, her skill “Ghost” will remove all of them, including the undispellable element link.

Patch Notes -- terminology clarifications

Primer: Overwriting Buffs and Ailments

Some buffs and ailments can be overwritten by other buffs or ailments. The skill that casts the buff or ailment will not say that this is possible.

Typically, the same status effect will overwrite itself if it’s casted again. For e.g.: Attack up, casted on an ally who already has Attack up. This also acts as a way to reset the turn duration. Note that the last casted buff or ailment will persist:

Using Kiril’s “Blessed Brew” and Boldtusk’s “War Cry” in that order, will grant a 48% attack boost to all allies. Using them in reverse order will grant a 30% attack boost to all allies.

However, there are some exceptions to buffs and ailments that get overwritten. Typically these are opposites to each other:

Brienne’s “Berserker Fury” skill grants the berserk buff which increases attack. But Gill-Ra’s “Lament of Regression” skill lowers attack, and will overwrite the buff with her ailment. The opposite is true if it occurs in reverse order: the attack down will be overwritten by the berserk buff.

Note that buffs listed as “undispellable” and ailments listed as “uncleansable” cannot be overwritten by their opposites or by the same ailment – unless it is the exact same undispellable status effect that is casted again!

Squire Wabbit casts a -20% defense ailment on himself after his “Reckless Stab” skill. Gill-Ra can not overwrite his ailment with her -34% defense ailment, because Squire Wabbit’s ailment is uncleansable and hers is not. But Squire Wabbit using his skill again will overwrite his ailment (resetting the turn count).

Note that this has to be the exact same caster! In other words, you can’t overwrite Hisan’s deep wound with Arman’s deep wound.

Finally, there are some 5* heroes that have native resistances to certain ailments. This will prevent overwriting a buff with that ailment if they resist it.

Anzogh has a resistance to ailments that decrease mana generation. That means if he has a mana generation up buff, Alasie cannot overwrite it with her “Spirit Arrow” skill. However, the buff can still be dispelled by skills that do so.

Reference topic:



Stacks are classified separately from Status Effects, although they are closely related.

Like Status Effects, stacks can be positive or negative. For example, they can increase a heroes attack stat, or deal damage over a number of turns.

Unlike Status Effects, stacks do not have a turn duration or limit, and they can’t be dispelled either by skills that say they dispel buffs or ailments. Stacks can’t be overwritten by similar or opposite status effects either.

Below is an example with Mireweave. Note that she has an attack stack active, as well as an attack buff:

The number beside the stack indicates the amount of times the stack has been casted. The more that the stack is casted, the more the effect increases. Please see the card description for how much the attack stack increases by.

For the stacks currently available, please see the first post in this guide.

Class Talents

Thanks to Kerridoc’s Version 18 - Class Talents - #190 by zephyr1 for the chart. I took and repurposed it to list the relationship between certain talents and status effects.

Now you know what that Cleric class resists, and what Peirce can bypass! :slight_smile:

Order of Operations – Stackable Status Effects

Damage over Turns, always applies before Healing over Turns buffs
Just a Flesh Wound always activates after Shared Damage

Buffs (non-pvp)

The following buffs are casted by items or map/quest exclusive enemies. Therefore these can’t be used in raids, and do not apply to the Buff Booster tournament rule (as they can never be casted there).

Name Buff_Icon Description Overwritten
Mend Runic_Mend Recovers HP over set amount of turns (casted by Green Runic Rocks) Runic_Mend
Replenish Runic_Replenish Recover mana over set amount of turns (casted by Yellow Runic Rocks) Runic_Replenish
Reflect Damage ReflectAllDamage All status effects and damage is reflected back to the enemy (casted by Titanium Shield) ReflectAllDamage
Invisible Invisible Can’t be targeted by enemies (casted by Invisibility Potion) Invisible

Ailments (non-pvp)

The following ailments are casted by items or map/quest exclusive enemies. Therefore these can’t be used in raids or wars.

Name Icon Description Overwritten
Shatter Runic_Shatter All enemies get -20% defense (casted by Blue Runic Rocks) Runic_Shatter
Scorch Runic_Scorch Receive 109 Burn damage over a number of turns (casted by Red Runic Rocks) Runic_Scorch
Poison Runic_Poison Receive 104 Poison damage over a number of turns (casted by Purple Runic Rocks) Runic_Poison

Thanks for this… Super helpful :smile:


Is there a link to download this? Would love to print it.


Reflect element should replaced/overwrited by any other reflect element, right?

Just want to make sure here. I though non-element reflect is also everwrite, but not, I have try Boril with Ursena, and it does not overwrite. So your tables desc is correct :+1:

Margaret status:
Margaret_status_02a Margaret_status_01a


I’ll be working on an image or a pair of images to make this mobile friendly in the near future :slight_smile: For now you can bookmark the first post.

@jinbatsu thanks a ton for providing that answer and Margaret’s dodge, and thanks @Slingbow for sharing that! I only have Mitsuko so I didn’t realize that they wouldn’t stack together. Makes sense why though!

I’ll be updating the thread with her dodge later today :slight_smile:


Added Margaret’s dodge.

Pirates is coming up next month so I’ll grab Sargasso’s curse status effect then. He’s unbelievably hard to find in raids!


This is absolutely gorgeous. Wish I could take the pictures out of the game like that. Great Job Dave!!!


@DaveCozy, you are ACES!! This is not only helpful, it looks awesome. Now to figure out how to save this on my phone…:joy:

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Thanks! I’ll be working on a mobile friendly version of the chart soon. Since June is coming up I’ll wait for the new hero of the month to show up first and also to get the Sargasso status ailment this event.


Awesome stuff @DaveCozy, looking forward to it. Thanks for taking the time to put this all together!

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great stuff…my only request, to satisfy my OCD…please spell check HOLY* :grimacing: thanks for creating this

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Will run a spell and grammar check! :wink: thank you

Thanks @Kerridoc for providing the screenshot for Sargasso’s curse :slight_smile:

Like this one???

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I though Ranvir is the same like Wu Kong icon status,… well but this skill will replace each other right?

OK, I crop from your screenshot like this.

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Yes thank you!

It does look like Wu’s. Just with the little heart representing the HP condition

Ranvir’s Mystic Virtue status effect has been added :slight_smile:



The other day i was looking for the holy heroes that defense debuff the dark ones other than gjackal. So i came here.

What do you say if we create clickable links near the buffs/debuffs skills which redirects to post of this/other topic where heroes with those ability are enumerated? :slight_smile: