Berserk buffs (Brienne / Namahage / Khiona) do stack with Gamble / Mystic Virtue: 📑 Status Effects (Buffs and Ailments) and Stacks - Dead topic see link in post #190. Berserk buffs are not overwritten by the dice buffs. However they are overwritten by any other attack buffs and ailments.
Technically the dice buffs also do stack with Tarlak, but that is not a good stack. Tarlak’s normal attack up buff forces a 160% attack cap, so it ends up being a really bad combo:
- Ranvir alone = 195% attack boost with -35% accuracy ailment
- Ranvir + Tarkal = 160% attack boost with -35% accuracy ailment
So Tarlak and Wu Kong / Ranvir shouldn’t be used together; either one or the other.
@TheSchmoo in the link I provided above you can see which buffs overwrite each other. If it’s not listed, then it stacks. As you can see, Wu and Ranvir do overwrite each other, so they don’t stack.