📯 Brynhild – New Season 3 Hero – 4* Nature/Green: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

No, Chameleon can remove the dispel protection – since it prevents dispels only and not removals.

Ameonna and Stonecleave allies can remove her dispel protection as well.

I’ve added Brynhild’s dispel protection buff to the Status Effects Guide:

Worth noting is that Brynhild only protects from having buffs dispelled – so Melendor and Sabina can’t get rid of her buffs on her or allies.

It is still possible to overwrite her buffs with their opposites. That means Little John can still use his skill and apply a mana delay ManaGenDown, which replaces Brynhild’s mana speed buff ManaGenUp. Mist can also do the same, as well as replace the Special Skill defense buff DefUp_Special with her Special Skill defense debuff DefDown_Special