Kingston – New October 2019 HOTM (Hero of the Month): Thoughts & Discussion

Status Effect Reference

Hey everyone,

I’ve added a reference to Kingston’s attack debuff to the Status Effect thread. See the linked thread for a reference of all status effects in the game:

I assumed here that Kingston’s debuff has a silent cap of 6 attack reductions while it’s active. But it would be awesome if someone who has him would confirm that :smiley:

The reason why I’m assuming 6 reductions is the silent cap (i.e., the card doesn’t say there is a cap but the game puts one in place), is because that’s how Athena’s defense reduction works too; up to 6 defense decreases for the duration.

Note that the generic attack buffs (including Khiona and Black Knight) and other attack ailments (Alice, Zeline) do not stack with Kingston’s ailment.

That means you can use Boldtusk or similar heroes to overwrite his ailment, and vice-versa you can use Kingston to overwrite attack buffs. Note however that Alice’s ailment is undispellable, therefore Kingston will not overwrite her :wink: So beware using them in the same team.

Happy titan hunting and raiding!

P.S. I know Kingston’s debuff is not working as expected right now, but when fixed, the above comments regarding his ailment should be valuable.