๐Ÿ… [Aug 4, 2019] 16th Raid Tournament! โ€” 3* Buff Booster, No Fire/Red

NOTE: Based on the volume of posts from the previous Tournaments, this will be the only thread for anything related to this Tournament.

:spiral_calendar: Schedule

Preparation Phase Begins Battle Phase Begins Rewards Distributed
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)
(08:00 GMT)

=> Click here for Log of Past Tournaments

:no_pedestrians: This Weekโ€™s Restrictions & Special Rule

:fire: :leaves: :snowflake: :new_moon_with_face: :sun_with_face:
Elements Allowed
:superhero: :star2:
Hero Rarities Allowed
:person_fencing: :star2:
Troop Rarities Allowed
:snowflake: :leaves: :new_moon_with_face: :sun_with_face:
No Fire/Red
:three: :star:
or lower
:two: :star:
or lower

:dizzy: Special Rule: Buff Booster

Each buffs adds an attack multiplier!

=> Click Here for Log of Past Tournaments

:left_speech_bubble: Before and During the Tournament: Share & Discuss Your Teams, Thoughts, Feedback, and Questions!

:speaking_head: Some topics to start off with:

  • Do this weekโ€™s restrictions on hero/troop rarity and elements make your bench depth better or worse suited to this Raid Tournament than Regular Raids?

  • Are there heroes youโ€™re likely to use for this Tournament that you normally donโ€™t make use of anymore?

  • Are there heroes you plan to power level for this Tournament, or level before the next time a Tournament like this one rolls around?

  • What are you thinking about using for your Defense Team?

  • Are there heroes you expect to see on Enemy Defenses that you think youโ€™ll have a harder time dealing with than usual because of the restrictions or special rule in this Tournament?

  • Which of your heroes will you be likely to use on your Attack Teams?

  • Will the restrictions or special rule of this Tournament change your usual approach to color stacking or team building?

  • Are there elements of this weekโ€™s Tournament that are unclear to you?

  • Do you have feedback on the Tournament matchmaking?

:clipboard: Defense Team Tracking

Hat tip to @wineybrit for originating this thread idea with the second Raid Tournament

When posting, include:

  • Which day of the Tournament is it?

  • How may times have you been attacked today, and in total?

  • What is your Defense Teamโ€™s win/loss record today, and in total?

  • What Defense Grade does your Defense Team have?

  • Which heroes make up your Defense Team?

  • What is the Team Power of your Defense Team?

  • What is your current Tournament Score and Ranking?

:gem: After the Tournament: Share Your Results & Rewards!

  • What was your score and ranking?

  • What did you get for loot?

:world_map: Guide to Raid Tournaments

An overview of how Raid Tournaments work, including Special Rules and Restrictions, Attacking, Matchmaking, Defense Grade, Scoring, and Rewards.

=> Click Here for: :medal_sports: Raid Tournaments โ€“ Overview, Attacking, Matchmaking, Scoring, Restrictions, Special Rules, and Rewards

:thinking: Feedback on Raid Tournaments

Please note this important announcement from SG about the reduced loot:

:bug: Bug Reporting

Please see these threads for existing bug reports before creating a new report

Click for Existing Bug Reports

:link: Related Threads

=> Log of Past Tournaments

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15th Raid Tournament

14th Raid Tournament

13th Raid Tournament

General Discussion

12th Raid Tournament

11th Raid Tournament

10th Raid Tournament

Ninth Raid Tournament

Eighth Raid Tournament

Seventh Raid Tournament

Sixth Raid Tournament

Fifth Raid Tournament

Fourth Raid Tournament

Third Raid Tournament

Second Raid Tournament

First Raid Tournament

Older Threads from Before Raid Tournaments Launched


Anyone know if the Muggy skill is considered a buff?

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Time for Brienne, Belith, Hisan, Muggy and Mnesseus.

Maybe some buffing wings or flanks of other colors, but green tanks are mandatory.

Go nature or go home. :wink:


How about This?


If it can be dispelled or it states that it canโ€™t be dispelled then itโ€™s a buff.

Which defense should I use?

Melia Belith Brienne Berden Muggy+3

Muggy Belith Brienne Melia Muggy+3

Berden Belith Brienne Tuck Muggy+3

For this tournament, which do you favor?

  1. Attempt to exploit the color restriction (no fire) by plugging in an all nature defense.

  2. Attempt to exploit the buff booster feature by plugging in buffers.

I assume most experienced players on the forum have enough heroes that they can easily go entirely one direction or the other (or any mix in between), but it is unclear to me which is better.


why not both?


Friar Tank


I was thinking of trying something very similar.


Many of us have similar thoughts :slightly_smiling_face:


Hereโ€™s mine:


Lol this is my first pass at it


Iโ€™m liking Melia for the buff AND the fact that she does a good amount of damage. I have a second Mnesseus but heโ€™s not quite maxed yet (3-43). And Iโ€™m torn between putting in Belith to dispel the enemy and prolong the battle for my sideโ€ฆ or just Chochin to dump damage onto the enemy.


Would I be better off with: Melia - Belith - Brienne - Mnesseus - Melia ?? Iโ€™m thinking maybe Belith keeping the team alive longer will give the Brienne buff more time to work down the enemy just with slash attacks?

EDIT: Oh, and I do have two maxed Muggyโ€ฆ??


I think so.

Chochin is an excellent tank in general, but given the color restriction, I think youโ€™ll get notable benefit putting your center 3 or at least tank as greens.

Brienne seems like the best tank option of your available choices.

A healer isnโ€™t always necessary, but it tends to help. And given Belith is perfect for this Tournament being green and a dispeller, I think itโ€™s well worth including her.

Well you could replace one Melia with himโ€ฆat which point youโ€™ll be here:


I donโ€™t want to see your team.

Hereโ€™s what I am considering. Mnessius will be maxed before start.

Is Melia buff + family bonus with Mnessy better than Berden?


@zephyr1 we can have same defense teams, will have to compare defense grades during this tournament :crossed_swords:

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Iโ€™m thinking so, which is why I decided Iโ€™d swap her in place of Berden that I otherwise would have used.

I assume you decided to do that too. :wink:


Well, I will try like this.