🧪 The Beta Beat (V60) – Pickup Summon, Untold Tales and Construct heroes -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

:thinking: What’s this all about?

Click Here for Details About This Thread's Intention & Format

Often players on the Forum wonder about what’s going on in Beta.

If you’re a regular reader of the Forum, then you’ll find that there’s actually abundant conversation about what’s going on in Beta at any given time.

And that’s actually allowed!

What’s restricted is images and videos — but discussion is ok:

The challenge is that information is often scattered around the Forum. I’ve created The Beta Beat to help centralize it for those who are interested.

The Beta Beat is a series of threads which are evolving as I get feedback on what’s helpful to players.

My main focus is giving some high-level guidance of what’s going on in current testing, so players outside of Beta can be better informed.

Like Beta itself, this thread is experimental and will evolve based on your feedback.

Information from Beta is frankly often mostly useless, so don’t get too attached.

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that heroes and features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release.

That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any information from Beta — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of hero skills to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to hero stats to be made, or for large chunks of new functionality to be completely changed.

Often Incomplete Information Circulates

Many of us have seen screenshots and other information shared on LINE, Discord, Facebook, and other groups — often without context or explanation.

These can lead to confusion and misunderstanding.

Often, early Beta information — the least reliable or useful — is circulated…and then updated information is missed.

I’m hoping centralizing some high-level information on the Forum may help to reduce this as well.

What’s Going on in Beta Right Now

IMPORTANT: I wouldn’t get too attached to any information from Beta — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of heroes or functionality to be removed, reworked, or radically changed beyond recognition.

Picukup Summon

Construct heroes

Untold Tales heroes

2023 October HoTM

Hero League

Contest of elements heroes

Wonderland hero

Wonderland costumes

Journey hero:

Return to Morlovia

Goblin Village

Ascension summon

Season 3 costume

Other Beta Content

(These were tested in earlier Beta versions. These might come back to testing or not…)

Earlier Beta contents

Untold Tales

Kalevala costumes

Kalevala hero

Kalevala booster

2023 August Hotm

2023 September Hotm

Carnival of Gods

Construct Heroes

Super Elemental Heroes

Grimforest costumes and new hero

New Jungle Hunter heroes

Tower of Magic

New Ninja heroes:

Hotm costumes

Journey heroes

Beta Feature Tracking/ Forecasted Content

Staff have not yet released any further insight into the future V60 Beta testing content.

:left_speech_bubble: Feedback?

I’d love to hear thoughts on whether this information and format is useful, and how you’d like to see information presented in the future. Any thoughts or ideas?

Please try to limit discussion in this thread mostly to the information sharing process and feedback on the thread, so we don’t end up with a jumbled discussion of a bunch of different heroes — use the threads linked above for each individual hero to discuss more.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

:calendar: Beta Schedule

Beta Name Status Open Closed
Beta 1 Testing Completed WED 19.7 MON 24.7
Beta 2 Testing Completed WED 2.8/ MON 7.8
Beta 3 Testing Completed THU 10.8 MON 14.8
Beta 4 Testing Completed THU 17.8 MON 21.8
Beta 5 Testing Completed THU 24.8 MON 28.8
Beta 6 Testing Completed TUE 29.8 FRI 1.9

:exclamation: Beta Updates

This section will be updated over time as there are updates to the V60 Beta Testing Cycle

July 19, 2023

  • Pickup Summon
  • Construct heroes
  • Untold Tales heroes
  • Untolt Tales Chapter 5-6

Aug, 2, 2023

  • 2023 October HoTM
  • Hero League event

Aug. 10, 2023

  • Contest of Elements Heroes
  • Journey Hero
  • Wonderland hero and costumes

Aug 17, 2023

  • New Morlovia Heroes
  • Halloween Booster

Aug 23

  • Contest of element hero
  • Goblin event and heroes
  • Ascension support

Aug 29

  • Goblin hero balance update
  • S4 costume rework (Xnolphod)
  • S3 costume

The first Beta build is here for V60.

  • Pickup Summon is here
  • New Construct heroes
  • New Untold Tales heroes
  • Untold Tales Chapeter 5-6
  • Bug fixes
    • Fixed an issue where Untold Tales stage properties had negative turns
    • Fixed an issue where certain Minions and Fiends could steal parts of Odette’s Dance of the Swan status effect
    • Fixed an issue where Dodge didn’t dodge the entire Special Skill if the incoming Special Skill did any effects before dealing damage
    • Fixed an issue where Guinevere’s Costume was missing animation
    • Fixed an issue where information boxes could be slightly out of position when opened for the first time after game startup
    • Adjusted description text for the Cleanse Block ailment to better reflect the way it functions

Pick Up Summon portal topic is now here:

I have moved the posts about it there.


Topic for Untold tales heroes:


Construct heroes topic:


I am grateful for all the new OP heroes. I almost spent money to get some pulls in the tower because I don’t have any of the 5* Styx heroes and some of them look really nice but now I see that it is simply not worth it. Thank you SG for saving me money. :grinning:


Eerie silence on this patch… nothing controversial I guess.

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The rest may come in August. might be a big update

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Devs on summer holidays (vacation) :question:

Yeah not much has happened yet but I think it should be a bigger update and I heard something about a new building with it

I read something about a new building as well and curious to see what that is about.

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That will come with the Dominion of Dragons once it arrives.


The Beta testing for the first build has been ended today, but there is still something what I can report:

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Do we know if that is going to be this update? I believe you said we are getting a building.

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I have no idea when it will arrive.
Staff said in 2022 Sneak Peak that it can arrive to Beta at the end of last year, but it is still not here.

I have summarized the official communication about it here:


Still no Beta testing of 15* and 16* titans? So no hope on these arriving any time soon?


Have they already announced the dates for the next beta builds?Thanks


No they haven’t.
Yesterday I have asked Petri about the next Beta’s day, but I have not got back an answer for my question yet.


Suprised that S2 3* and 4* heroes have not been added to HA yet


We have just received the full Beta schedule:

Beta Name Status Open Closed
Beta 1 Testing Completed WED 19.7 MON 24.7
Beta 2 Testing Planned WED 2.8/ THU 3.8 MON 7.8
Beta 3 Testing Planned WED 9.8/ THU 10.8 MON 14.8
Beta 4 Testing Planned WED 16.8/ THU 17.8 MON 21.8
Beta 5 Testing Planned WED 23.8/ THU 24.8 MON 28.8

So a new Beta will arrive today or tomorrow.