🧪 Early Information on Round 4 of Challenge Event Hero Costumes [Part of The Beta Beat v59]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Round 4 of costumes for Challange Event heroes heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:performing_arts: Costumes!!!

There are a total of 2 new Costumes being tested in v59.

5 :star: — Legendary Costumes

  • Puss in Boots – Masked Highwaycat

4 :star: — Epic Costumes

  • Hansel - Child Lost in the Woods

NOTE: All numbers are presented INCLUDING the costume bonus.

Puss in Boots — Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Normal Puss in Boots

Costume Puss in Boots — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 817

Attack: 879
Defense: 648
HP: 1454

Family: Grimforest
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Average
Aether Power: Special Armor

Special Skill: Three Bandit Mice

  • All Minion Summoner allies summon a Minion for themselves.
  • Summons 3 Mouse Minions with 5% HP and 30% attack inherited from the caster. The Minions have -16% accuracy.
  • All allies regenerate 324 HP over 4 turns.
  • All allies get +50% attack for 4 turns.

Hansel — Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Normal Hansel

Costume Hansel — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Epic/4*
Power: 676

Attack: 660
Defense: 704
HP: 1170

Family: Grimforest
Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Mana Speed: Average ???
Aether Power: Special Boost

Special Skill: Witch Tricker

  • Deals 209% damage to the target.
  • Automatically does 343 damage to the target and consumes 50% mana from the target when the target’s mana is full for 3 turns.
  • The caster gets +84% defense against Special Skills for 3 turns.

NOTE: All numbers are presented INCLUDING the costume bonus.

:performing_arts: Costume Bonus

We have the same costume bonus as Season 1 Heroes.

Stat S1 CB
Challange Event Hero CB
Attack 5%
Defence 5%
HP 10%
Mana 5%

NOTE: All numbers are presented above are INCLUDING the costume bonus.

:hugs: Family Bonus

The costumes have the same family as the original hero.
The normal and the costume version of a hero is counted as two unique heroes.

:arrow_up: Beta Updates

15 June 2023

New costumes arrived to Beta.

:calendar: Release Date


:link: Related Threads


hansel costume is slower?!

Thx, I have fixed it here.
(Actually it is Average in Beta, but it must be a bug)

1 defense too low, hope +10%
2 minions hp too low, better increase to 9% without - accuracy or 13% with - accuracy
3 regeneration hp is too low, make the cat totally hard to fix in today game, hope boosted health by 324 or regeneration 810 or heal 33%

1 health is too low

What an abomination compared to previous Challenge Festival I costumes.

Puss in Boots - well, RIP to hoping for red Hood’s costume - anyway, I get that the mice minions are supposed to be relatively insignificant, but honestly at this point? I still can’t comfortably say that the special is that great? I guess you can force an extra gargoyle minion from Arco, a Sword from LoTL, an Ice Sickle from Sorrow… but the health regen is meager and 50% attack up? I’d much rather try my luck at getting Phenexa… This one is a stat boost costume at best.

Hansel is basically a replica of Merlin’s costume. So, a straight up buff and does significantly more damage on the mana consumption :+1: also, the +84% defence against special skills… interestingly doesn’t align with their proposed nerfs from the balance changes :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

In any case though, the lack of inspiration in costumes is becoming rather tiresome at this point


Yeah, Puss is a very confusing one, it looks like his costume makes him worse than before (which wasn’t that great to begin with). I have one maxed FWIW.


They have sooooooooooo many costumes in the pipeline. Not an excuse tho.

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Did Puss get demoted to a 4*?
That Defense stat on a costume and abysmal special?!? He was an object of desire when he was new, this costume leaves him as an object of ridicule.
Poor tom-cat swashes no more buckles in this version.

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I’m starting to think some of these costumes could have just been balance updates because the only purpose they can realistically serve is a stat bonus to the base.

I hope I don’t also mess things up for me in future replies to stuff, but I might have to start copying and pasting my suggestion for these costumes under these threads. It’d, at least, give something different from their base forms.

Alt Takes

Hansel :herb:

  • :crystal_ball: Sorcerer or :open_book: Wizard
  • Special Skill:
    ** Deals 230% damage to the target.
    ** The target automatically casts Shifting Mindless Attack for 3 turns. When the effect is triggered, it shifts to the hit ally, and the duration is refreshed.
    ** The caster and nearby allies have from +34% to +72% chance of dodging Special attacks that do damage. The higher the damage from the special is, the higher the chance to dodge it. Each dodge gives +24% mana to the target. The effect lasts 3 turns.

Puss in Boots :fire:

  • Any class
  • Special Skill:
    ** Replace all fiends owned by allies with Mice Minions. OR All Fiend Summoner allies summon a Fiend onto a random enemy.
    ** Summons 3 Mice Minions for the caster. Mice Minions have 25% HP and 33% attack inherited from the caster. Mice Minions have -12% accuracy.
    ** All enemies get -42% attack for 3 / 4 turns.
    ** All allies receive status ailments that affect mana generation for 3 / 4 turns.
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Why not Puss In Boots, change Fiend to the Mice Minions?
The Costumes design skills are so lame this time lately.
Oh my god ZERO creativity. Just changing the number.
I bet their teams are all accountants there who’s doing double jobs LMAO.

Two lazy costumes from SG.

PiB will continue to stay as a bench warmer while Hansel costume is basically the same as for Gretel but with higher damage.

Do note that Gretel is at average speed so am not sure if that is a typo only… if not then that costume can be interesting to use.

So no Gretel the “other” child lost in the woods huh?


Like replace all fiends on allies to Mice Minions? His minions kinda suck or, are arguably, bad since they come with reduced accuracy. But a “replace fiends with minion” gimmick would also be better than keeping him the same as his base.

  • Replace all fiends owned by allies into Mice Minions. Mice Minions have big attack and decent health from caster but have reduced accuracy.
  • All allies are healed per each Fiend replaced. OR All allies receive boosted health per Fiend replaced.

The crap that I left in the toilet at the mall (stall #3 if you were wondering) is far more creative than the costume designers. I like @CHENZ’s idea of Puss summoning fiends for the opponent. These two look about the same as their base forms. Nothing exciting here.

Agree but at least his HP recover (should have been BOOST rather than that) won’t be touched by Fiends and directly replace by Minions first. Like Arco.

But what do we expect, since the accountant also work for the design and skill idea. :joy::rofl:
Still remember when they tried to tell that Costumes gives variety of choice to players to use its capability.
Oh yeah tell me that…
Tweak the number and consider it Costume. So sad

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Puss is weird… Like… Is the only reason to level the costume is for the costume bonus? This… Stinks.

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I really hope c hansel is not average speed. This is a ridiculous change for costumes just because they’re stronger in damage.
Back in the day, Hansel was picked over Gretel because he was fast speed. He is a mana control hero, he needs to be fast
Also imagine paying for nerfs…let that sink in

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Closed as all costumes are released.
You can continue the discussion in their topics.