🧪 Early Information on Goblin Village Quest [Part of The Beta Beat v60]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Goblin Village.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

Goblin Village

This is standard 10 level Quest like Masquare for example.
Each level can be played once.

Special Rule: Goblin Village

Goblin Summon

The Appearance Rates

  • Rare Hero: 56.8%
  • Epic Hero: 20.8%
  • Legendary Hero: 1.6%
  • Rare Event Hero: 14.2%
  • Epic Event Hero: 5.7%
  • Legendary Event Hero: 0.5%
  • Legendary Featured Event Hero: 0.4%
  • Bonus Draw (Legendary HoTM): 1.3%

For each summoned Legendary Goblin, you will get another Legendary Goblin as a bonus.

The Summon Costs:

  • Single Gem Summon: 400 gem / 100 Goblin Coin
  • 10x Gem Summon: 3400 gem

Featured Heroes:

  • Boom & Fang
  • Deadboot

Goblin Village Quest Stages

Stage WE Recommended TP Wave Reward Enemies Bosses
1 4 1800 3 5x Goblin Coin Red + Blue Boots (R) + Deadboot (P) + Goldie (Y)
2 5 2100 3 5x Goblin Coin Purple + Yellow Kettle (B) + Darkfeather (P) + Madhammer (R)
3 6 2500 3 10x Goblin Coin Green + Red Smattongue (Y) + Boom & Fang (G) + Boots (R)
4 7 2800 3 10x Goblin Coin Blue + Purple Goldie (Y) + Deadboot (P) + Kettle (B)
5 7 3200 3 15x Goblin Coin Yellow + Green Smattongue (Y) + Madhammer (R) + Boots (R)
6 8 3500 3 15x Goblin Coin Red + Blue Darkfeather (P) + Deadboot (P) + Goldie (Y)
7 8 3800 3 20x Goblin Coin Purple + Yellow Boots (R)+ Madhammer (R) + Kettle (B)
8 9 4200 3 25x Goblin Coin Green + Red Boom & Fang (G) + Kettle (B) + Goldie (Y)
9 9 4500 3 30x Goblin Coin Blue + Purple Boots (R) + Madhammer (R) + Deadboot (P)
10 10 4600 3 45x Goblin Coin Yellow + Nature Smattongue (Y) + Boom & Fang (G) + Madhammer (R)

Total: 180 Goblin coins, 73 WE

Guide Created by @birksg

Thanks @birksg

For a full list of items currently in Beta testing, as well as their related threads, please see:


Not even 2 free summons, that is REALLY saddening… I hope every beta tested points this out to SGG…
Alliance Quests have exactly enough coin for only a single free summon though but every other quest-like event always have enough for at least two.


@Elioty33 It is really disgusting … but we can say the same about summoning odds

  • Legendary Hero: 1.6%

  • Legendary Event Hero: 0.5%

  • Legendary Featured Event Hero: 0.4%

0.9% < 1.6%

Only 0.9% chance to draw a legendary hero versus 1.6% for classic hero, I can tell Elena and Horghall are lurking in the dark waiting to appear in the summons


Wait, am I reading that right? If you pull a Legendary Goblin hero, it’s a 2 for 1?


1 - Only 180 coins from finishing the events, not enough for 2 free pulls
2 - Cost per summon is the more expensive 400 gems per pull
3 - Chance to summon an event hero is 0.9% only… but if you do get an event 5*, you will get another one for free (assuming a random selection based on RNG?), so it is either 0.9% chance to get 2 event 5* hero or 99.1% chance to get something probably not as desirable for high level players. This compares with the usual 1.3% chance to get 1 event hero (1% featured + 0.3% non-featured) or 2.5% chance in the case of CF1 and CF2. So it is either haven or hell

Wow… I have to say that SG is very creative in finding ways to lure more $$ from players. :rofl:


Not doubt if they sell a package of event coins + 20 free coin for each member in the alliance. So greedy!!!

New rule. Can y’all stop valuing these heroes at 400 gems/100 coins? And can y’all stop forcing people to participate in events where doing 1 pull is sometimes not even guaranteed?

Shorten the duration from 10 stages to 3 to 6, coin amount between 15 to 50. Event even out yet and I already see myself skipping it since S1 pulls don’t come with costumes too.


With these odds, and 1.6% for a vanilla S1/5*, for a 400 gem portal, I think I will receive more Horghalls than Goblins for sure.

Would have been decent if Zynga introduced a “pacifier” : if player gets a S1-5*, player gets compensation of 25 event coins and get to keep that S1-5*.

Zynga must be way more desperate than I thought.


New event and new currency, as of we’re not stuffed enough. Annoying, but ok
Quest granting 1.8 summon, not ok.
Increased summon gem costo, not ok.
Reduced legendary odds, not ok, at all.

I’d probably skip the while thing, this is a whale-only portal


Please nerf s1 legendary heroes. They are so OP in every portal… :scream:


if it rises to 0.8% it will be better. so each featured hero will be 0.4%.
usual 1% for 3 featured heroes (+/- 0.33% for each featured hero). it will be better.
but when compared to portal covenant summons where 400 DM/pulls with 1.6% for 6 featured heroes = 0.266% for each hero. while the goblin portal is 0.5% for 2 featured heroes = 0.25% for each featured hero (if you get 1, then you get another 1 5* bonus). then this portal’s summon rate is better? I do not know. because this is a slot machine. If we get 5* its good portal. If we dont get 5* from portal its means ■■■■■■■ portal.

note: if you get 1 event 5* hero, then you will get another 5* event hero randomly (featured / non featured).

but we know this is a slot machine. % is just a sweetener. someone got C Kullevero for just 1 coins , someone got him for 10 or 80 coins. but someone who spent >400++ EHT didn’t get him.

â– â– â– â– â– â– â–  Game :slight_smile:

will there be a boss based on the goblin balloon? I would love to repeatedly shoot that thing down!


from Imgflip Meme Generator


That’s a side mission i could get into and without the need of rewards.
A proper duck hunt and balloon hunt


I have added @birksg guide to the OP about this event in Beta.

Thanks for creating it !

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This new “pull 1 get 1 for free” mechanic feels like an extra step towards gambling

The summon portals already have been classified as gambling by some countries. Viet Nam (if I remember correctly) has banned the game for that reason.

And when do we expect this portal? October or November?

We be interested to see the reaction from player base.

Happy gaming

I wouldn’t be surprised if we get it mid to second half of September already :wink:


sounds like a great place…

country that tells grown adults they can’t spend money on video games lol…

Yes, it sound very likely to have it in September, as if this would be in October or alter, when it would not arrived to Beta before V61.