🧪 The Beta Beat (V60) – Pickup Summon, Untold Tales and Construct heroes -- Sharing the Big Picture on What's Going on in Beta

this was asked a couple of annual Q&As ago… the response was that they were focusing on 5* lol


The new Beta is out.

  • We have received the October HotM. Topic will be added for it soon.
  • And a brand new PvP event: Hero Leauge.

Very preliminary information about the event can be found here:

I will update that topic futher.


The Topic for the new Hotm is here:


Its seems the next Beta will arrive only tomorrow.


V60 Beta 3 is out.

  • New Riddles of Wonderland hero + costumes
  • New Contest of Element heroes
  • New hero for the War of the 3 Kingdoms portal.

The topic for Dark Contest of elements hero is here:

The topic for Fire Contest of elements heroes are here:

New Wonderland hero topic;

New Wonderland costumes

New Journey hero:

And that’s all.


It seems we will finally get Untold Tales Monster and Boss Avatar missions.


But still nothing about the third difficulty of untold tales? I feel like they really didn’t have a plan for it.

To be honest, they are probably just going to concentrate on the Normal and Hard, and see how easily or hard it really is for the majority of active players that have it unlocked, and then adjust the difficulty etc for the “insane” one. Or, that’s what honestly makes the most sense. By the time it is released, you never know what OP heroes are out and how many people have them, so they need to wait until the other 2 are released first, I am guessing

According to the beta info the Deadly level will not give any summon coins so it may not be too popular if it released that way.

Untold Tales are adventures that happen between and outside of traditional Seasons. Completing Untold Tales stages yields Untold Tales Coins that can be used in the Untold Tales Summon.
Deadly stages are additional challenges to test your strength. Deadly stages don’t give Coins as rewards.

@PlayForFun hello brother. Sorry to bother you. want to ask, is there no update about beta 4 today?


It seems we will not have a Beta today.
I suspect it will arrive only tomorrow.

Just a Sneak Peak of next possible Beta content:

Yesterday we have received a notification from the Beta application about “Return to Morlovia” Seasonal event is started.

So I suspect that event with new heroes will be in the next Beta along with some other changes / heroes / costumes, but we will see it tomorrow.


It will be something like -

New M&M costume!!

  • Summons a Blue Kitten Minion for the caster and nearby allies. Blue Kitten Minion inherits 40% HP and 20% attack from the caster. The Minion recovers 15% health for its owner at the end of each turn.

  • The Blue Kitten Minion lifts the newest cleansable status ailment from its owner and add its to the hit target.

  • The caster and nearby allies get +45% attack, and a further 20% increase every time they are hit during 5 turns.

  • The caster and nearby allies regenerate 672 boosted health over 4 turns. Boosted health can exceed max HP.


I think there will not be new costumes for Morlovia just new heroes.
And we will see whether Staff will put something else into the next build or not.


did you see any possible new heroes for the Clash of knight AQ event?

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I am not expecting any in V60.


In the V60 Beta 4 we have just received 3 Morlovia legendary heroes + Morlovia Booster.

I am starting to work on the Beta beat topic for the heroes now.


damn, no 3 or 4* heroes/costumes at all?! thats pretty lame

Here is the topic for the new heroes:

I will add the booster beta topic later once the data is collected.

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5 or 3 new heroes? gues its a typo

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