🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Masked God Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v59]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the initial release of the Round 2 of Masked God Heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Masked God Heroes

We are already had these two heroes released for this event: Fortune, Jove

There are a total of eight (8) new heroes added to Beta for testing; these have been indicated to be for Carnival of Gods challenge event.

*The names of the new heroes are:

  • Legendary: Aradia, Carmenta, Cel, Februus, Jana, Umbria
  • Epic: Fosco
  • Rare: Alessia

:hugs: Family Bonus

Masked God family:

Masked God characters summon a Mask Minion for themselves at the start of the battle. The more Masked God characters there are in the same team, the better the Mask minion is.

  • 1 family member:
    • This character summons a Mask Minion with 8% health and 8% attack inherited from the character.
  • Additional skill with 2 family members:
    • When summoned, the Mask Minion gives its owner +7% attack while the owner has a Mask Minion. This effect can’t be dispelled.
  • Additional skill with 3 family members:
    • When summoned, the Mask Minion gives its ower immunity to all status ailments while the owner has a Mask Minion. This effect can’t be dispelled.

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Aradia - Masked Goddess of Witchcraft
  • Carmenta - Masked Goddess of Speels
  • Cel - Masked Goddess of Earth
  • Februus - Masked God of Puritification
  • Jana - Masked Goddess of the Moon
  • Umbria - Masked Goddess of Shadows

Aradia -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Aradia – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 899

Attack: 859
Defense: 830
HP: 1728

Class: Wizard
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Masked God
Aether Power: Counterattack

Passive: Cleanse on Minon Death
This character is cleansed of status ailments when Minion owned by them is destroyed.

Special Skill: Wicked Witchcraft

  • Reduces max health of all enemies by 640. The effect is stronger against targets with boosted health. Max health can’t get lower than 30% of max health. Any boosted health is reduced by an additional 640.
  • All enemies receive 720 Burn damage over 4 turns.
  • All enemies get -75% decrease of any boosted health received for 4 turns.

Carmenta -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Carmenta – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 899

Attack: 861
Defense: 838
HP: 1707

Class: Sorcerer
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Masked God
Aether Power: Ailment Immunity

Passive: Cleanse on Minon Death
This character is cleansed of status ailments when Minion owned by them is destroyed.

Special Skill: Master of Ailments

  • Deaks 565% damage to the target, and minor damage to nearby enemies.
  • Spreads all of the target’s cleansable status ailments to nearby enemies.
  • The duration of the status ailments is reset for target and nearby enemies.

Cel -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Cel – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 899

Attack: 840
Defense: 871
HP: 1693

Class: Druid
Element: :snowflake: Ice (Blue)

Mana Speed: Slow
Family: Masked God
Aether Power: Regen

Passive: Cleanse on Minon Death
This character is cleansed of status ailments when Minion owned by them is destroyed.

Special Skill: Summon Rock Golems

  • Summon a Rock Golem Minion for each ally with 40% HP and 50% inherited from the caster.
  • The Rock Golem Minion gives its owner Golem’s Stoneskin when summoned, and again every 3 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
  • Golem’s Stoneskin drops all damage dealt to the owner to 1, but is removed after 1 hit.

Februus -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Februus – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 899

Attack: 836
Defense: 856
HP: 1732

Class: Cleric
Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Mana Speed: Slow
Family: Masked God
Aether Power: Regen

Passive: Cleanse on Minon Death
This character is cleansed of status ailments when Minion owned by them is destroyed.

Passive: Resist Defense Ailments
This character has innate resistance against status ailments that affect defense. Applies also to status ailments that affect elemental defense.

Special Skill: Remendies and Diseases

  • Destroys all Fiends from all allies.
  • Cleanses status ailments from all allies.
  • All allies regenerate 1190 HP over 5 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
  • All enemies receive 770 Poison damage over 5 turns. This effect can’t be cleansed.

Jana -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Jana – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 899

Attack: 885
Defense: 838
HP: 1641

Class: Wizard
Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Masked God
Aether Power: Attack Up

Passive: Cleanse on Minon Death
This character is cleansed of status ailments when Minion owned by them is destroyed.

Special Skill: The Two Sides of the Moon

  • Deals 470% damage to the target,
  • The target gets -44% defense for 3 turns.
  • Deals 470% damage to a random different enemy.
  • The target of the second hit gets -44% mana generation for 3 turns.

Umbria -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Umbria – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 899

Attack: 854
Defense: 846
HP: 1707

Class: Rogue
Element: :new_moon_with_face: Dark (Purple)

Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Masked God
Aether Power: Fiend Resist

Passive: Cleanse on Minon Death
This character is cleansed of status ailments when Minion owned by them is destroyed.

Special Skill: Spreading Shadow

  • Deaks 450% damage to the target.
  • Summon a Spreading Shadow Fiend for the target. The Fiend damage the enemy with 31% attack every turn.
  • The Spreading Shadow Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 50% of its owner’s max health.
  • The Spreading Shadow Fiend generates a clone of itself to nearby enemies every 2 turns. Cloned fiends absorb the same amount of healing and deal the same amount of damage as the original Fiend.

4 :star: – Epic Heroes

  • Fosco - Follower of Februus
Fosco -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Fosco – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Epic/4*
Gender: Male
Power: 688

Attack: 673
Defense: 697
HP: 1236

Class: Sorcerer
Element: :snowflake: Ice (Blue)

Mana Speed: Slow
Family: Masked God
Aether Power: Regen

Passive: Cleanse on Minon Death
This character is cleansed of status ailments when Minion owned by them is destroyed.

Passive: Resist Defense Ailments
This character has innate resistance against status ailments that affect defense. Applies also to status ailments that affect elemental defense.

Special Skill: Potions of Havoc and Healing

  • Destroys all Minions from all enemies.
  • Dispels buffs from all enemies.
  • All allies regenerate 540 HP over 3 turns.

3 :star: – Rare Heroes

  • Alessia - Follower of Aradia
Alessia -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Alessia – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Rare/3*
Gender: Female
Power: 488

Attack: 505
Defense: 481
HP: 804

Class: Rogue
Element: :leaves: Nature (Green)

Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Masked God
Aether Power: Attack Up

Passive: Cleanse on Minon Death
This character is cleansed of status ailments when Minion owned by them is destroyed.

Special Skill: Bewitched Daggers

  • Deaks 250% damage to the target, and nearby enemies.
  • Reduces max health of the target and nearby enemies by 102 over 3 turns. The effect is stronger against targets with boosted health. Max health can’t get lower than 30% of max health. Any boosted health is reduced by an additional 34 per turn.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • June 15, 2023 – added for first look testing.

:link: Related Threads


Perfecly balanced heroes, excellent job of keeping that healthy balance :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I have no problems with these heroes, in the same direction as the game has been last year. So no surprise.

What surprises is; all the talk about Big balance upsetting everyone and having these kind of heroes in their plans. Make the message from SG contradictory.

Happy gaming


I forget, what token/coin do you use for this?

maybe a new one. shaped like this $$$


the challange, oragane one, same as todays event
as far as i remember

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Thanks. Used a few today to try to get a bard hero (even 4* bard) but alas. Id rather use saved coins for a chance at a masked god.

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did you get something?

idk nothing on the level near jove op’ness luckily

he seems to remain the jackpot of this portal

but lasalle even more becomes a joke compared to umbria :joy:


So doing my normal and focusing on the 4star. I’m pretty meh about him, think he needs more. Yes there is a shortage of blue 4* healing (and blue 4s in general compared to others) I don’t think he does enough for me to think about devoting any coins to this when it comes out.

If I want a blue minion killer or debuffer I have options available for free via HA8.

If I want a general 4* minion killer and healer with a debuff potential along with damage there is C1- Gormek.

More needed on this one I think


Wow Lasalle feels like S1 hero againts Umbria, 12% hp vs 50%, seriously?


Umbria is another middle finger to ■■■-alle owners….

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Yep it’s a joke. And of course I pull the trash one. Just laughing in our faces, and Umbria ensures that Lassalle won’t be getting a buff either.


This is what Lasalle’s fiends were supposed to be. Lasalles are tiny little things and these are monsters that will require a minion remover, healing will not work (50% !!!). Yes it clones every other turn and not every turn but they are chunky beasts coming at fast speed!

Umbria flanking the Frog Prince? Ouch (heck, other flank can be Phorcys while we are dreaming/having nightmares)!


It’s kind of funny that the Jove preview from Black Friday isn’t going to come out officially until after Solstice, when presumably the next preview heroes will come out.

@PlayForFun it seems that three of them also have the resist defense ailments passive skill like Styx heroes. I assume it’s a bug. Was it reported to SGG in the beta lounge?


Funny, and a bit pathetic… We are getting the next set of exclusive heroes (Opera heroes) before the previous set is getting its actual event indeed…


Just two of them has this second passive. I have already reported it yesterday to Staff along with other bugs (incorrect mana speed for Hansel C, missing class for grimforest costumes,…).
I am waiting for their answer…

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Oh my God (pun intended). They’re gonna change the meta with these. They are heads above everyone in the game currently.

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My thoughts on all the gods:

  • Aradia - with the new max health reduction mechanism, this special is extremely powerful. In PvP, it is likely 640 damage to all + 720 DoT. Thank god it was -75% decrease to boosted health, not to healing

  • Carmenta - very good damage but otherwise a bit situational.

  • Cel - Beefy minion but if you have a minion remover like Grimble, Ogima and the new turtle, then he is not a threat IMO. 1 turn stoneskin is pretty useless and plus he is SLOW

  • Februus - Good SS but another SLOW hero. Good during rush war but otherwise meh

  • Jana - Reminds me of Zekena. Good but not at god level

  • Umbria - this one I like. Very beefy fiend and once it starts cloning, you are doomed. Need at least two regular healer or one massive healers (e.g. Zuri, Cleo, Hetepheres). But am always concerned about sniper summoning fiend coz sniper is supposed to take out the enemy but then the fiend cloning feature will be wasted. Interesting and powerful SS but not easy to find synergy

  • Jove - sick hero at release. Still sick.

  • Fortuna - her major skill is really dispel before hit. Low damage. Fiend attack down is useful but it is a weak fiend and can be easily removed by most healers

  • Fosco - bonker in rush tourney… But SLOW again? I’d rather remove the dispel all and make it avg

  • Alessia - I like her. Decent damage plus max health reduction

Aradia, Umbria and Jove stand out IMO. Rest are ok to meh. Of course stats wise very strong given power creep. But I don’t think they are as strong as ppl thought.

Family skill bonus is good only if you have 3 of them tgt. The other two are pretty underwhelming.