🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of New Jungle Hunter Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v56]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the initial release of the Round 2 of Jungle Hunter Heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Jungle Hunter Heroes

There are a total of five (5) new heroes added to Beta for testing.

The names of the new heroes are:

  • Legendary: Hurricane, Thunderclap, Tremor
  • Epic: Knuckles
  • Rare: Cedar

:hugs: Family Bonus

Heroes become stronger, when teamed with other unique Heroes of the same family:

Jungle Hunter Family
Bonus for 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Heroes:

+5% / +10% / +15% / +20% HP,

Monster Island Bonus
Heroes belonging to the Plains Hunter and Abyss Hunter family receive the following perks on Monster Island:

  • +20% attack, +20% defense, +20% health
  • 50% less permanent damage taken.
  • Stack (Max 10): When this character casts their Special Skill, all enemies get -3% defense

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Hurricane
  • Thunderclap
  • Tremor

Hurricane -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Hurricane – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male (Ape)
Power: 846

Attack: 863
Defense: 807
HP: 1380

Class: Rogue
Element: :new_moon_with_face: Dark (Purple)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Jungle Hunter

Passive: Damage Over Time on Special
When this character casts their Special Skill, they give a Hunter’s Mark on a random enemy. The target receives 150 damage over 3 turns. If a target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased with 150, up to 1500 damage in total.

Passive: Hunter’s Vigor
When this character casts their Special Skill, they get +20% attack for 3 turns. This effect can be active in addition to other effects that alter attack.

Special Skill: Firestone Daggers

  • Deals 420% damage to the target and nearby enemies.
  • The duration of status ailments is reset for the target and nearby enemies.
  • The target and nearby enemies receive 620 Burn damage over 4 turns. The caster absorbs 50% of the dealt Burn damage as health.
  • Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +20% attack against the weaker element.

Thunderclap -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Thunderclap – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male (Gorilla)
Power: 841

Attack: 824
Defense: 830
HP: 1396

Class: Fighter
Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow)

Mana Speed: Slow
Family: Jungle Hunter

Passive: Damage Over Time on Special
When this character casts their Special Skill, they give a Hunter’s Mark on a random enemy. The target receives 150 damage over 3 turns. If a target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased with 150, up to 1500 damage in total.

Passive: Hunter’s Vigor
When this character casts their Special Skill, they get +20% attack for 3 turns. This effect can be active in addition to other effects that alter attack.

Special Skill: Warcry of the Jungle

  • The caster gets Taunt that prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the caster’s allies for 4 turns.
  • The caster regenerates 1000 boosted health over 4 turns. Boosted health can exceed max HP.
  • Deals 500 - 1000 damage to all enemies after 4 turns, based on the damage the caster had taken while this effect was active. Maximum effect is achieved upon taking 50% of max health in damage.
  • Stack (Max: 10): The caster get +25% attack against weaker element.

Tremor-- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Tremor – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male (Baboon)
Power: 846

Attack: 803
Defense: 854
HP: 1439

Class: Wizard
Element: :snowflake: Ice (Blue)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Jungle Hunter

Passive: Damage Over Time on Special
When this character casts their Special Skill, they give a Hunter’s Mark on a random enemy. The target receives 150 damage over 3 turns. If a target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased with 150, up to 1500 damage in total.

Passive: Hunter’s Vigor
When this character casts their Special Skill, they get +20% attack for 3 turns. This effect can be active in addition to other effects that alter attack.

Special Skill: Protective Stance

  • All allies recover 500 400 health after 4 3 turns. If this effect is dispelled removed before the duration ends, recovers 800 700 health instead.
  • Deals 500 400 damage to all enemies after 4 3 turns. If this effect is removed before the duration ends, deals 800 damage instead.
  • Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +20% +15% attack against the weaker element.

4 :star: – Epic Hero

  • Knuckles

Knuckles -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Knuckles – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Epic/4*
Gender: Male (Macaque)
Power: 687

Attack: 626
Defense: 669
HP: 1402

Class: Paladin
Element: :snowflake: Ice (Blue)

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Jungle Hunter

Passive: Damage Over Time on Special
When this character casts their Special Skill, they give a Hunter’s Mark on a random enemy. The target receives 150 damage over 3 turns. If a target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased with 150, up to 1500 damage in total.

Passive: Hunter’s Vigor
When this character casts their Special Skill, they get +20% attack for 3 turns. This effect can be active in addition to other effects that alter attack.

Special Skill: Jungle Riposte

  • All allies get +30% defense, and a further 3% increase every time they are hit during 4 turns.
  • All allies reflect status ailments and negative stacks for 4 turns.
  • Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +20% attack against the weaker element.

3 :star: – Rare Hero

  • Cedar

Cedar -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Cedar – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Rare/3*
Gender: Male (Chimpanzee)
Power: 487

Attack: 535
Defense: 477
HP: 729

Class: Ranger
Element: :sun_with_face: Holy (Yellow

Mana Speed: Average
Family: Jungle Hunter

Passive: Damage Over Time on Special
When this character casts their Special Skill, they give a Hunter’s Mark on a random enemy. The target receives 150 damage over 3 turns. If a target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased with 150, up to 1500 damage in total.

Passive: Hunter’s Vigor
When this character casts their Special Skill, they get +20% attack for 3 turns. This effect can be active in addition to other effects that alter attack.

Special Skill: Titanbone Chain Slash

  • Deals 175% damage to all enemies.
  • All enemies get -15% accuracy, and a further 2% decrease every time they are hit during 4 turns, up to -35% accuracy.
  • Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +20% attack against the weaker element.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • February 15, 2023 – added for first look testing.
  • May 23. 203 Tremor Balance updates

:link: Related Threads


And just like that, the hatter is now going to be a staple for every deck.


Firstly, the 3* looks like a very powerful addition to any 3* hero roster! Love the sound of that.

The 4* is well… really quite pitiful… not even really an offensive hero, or a heal to go with it. Actually, just pretty awful!

Now let’s talk about these 5* heroes shall we?

  1. Hurricane:
    What. Is. This?! 420% to 3 at average speed?! Poor snipers like Phileas Fogg who deal 420% are already crying!!
    But then go and slap on the extra burning damage just for fun. Not to mention the additon of resetting ailments…
    And if that isn’t enough? +20% attack on special cast for 3 turns.
  1. Thunderclap
    1,000 boosted health over 4 turns… the highest we’ve seen so far was 678? I think? from Hawthorn? So this seems likes an excessive jump. Add on being able to do 500-1,000 damage at base level at the end of 4 turns?? That could be like, what, 1,200 damage to all enemies?
    One small victory I suppose is that there are no strictly defensive buffs on a taunt hero, so, in theory it could still be pretty painful for him to tank all those specials. Not to mention, it is dispellable.

  2. Tremor
    Whilst I enjoy the concept behind the punishment on dispelling buffs… the special, I don’t know why, feels strangely weak? Like, a lesser version of Wolfgang…
    EDIT: On second though, that’s actually quite a fair bit of fixed damage (again, at base), so, maybe there is some potential.

3* - Great!
4* - Terrible
5* 1) Broken af.
5* 2) Feels broken on the first read-through, but we’ll see
5* 3) (Less) Lost and confused


can someone in beta testing tell how tremor and anna-belle ( dark chic from marlovia) pair cause havok, love to see their pair


Zynga ran out of unique names for Monster heroes ? Reduced to Hurricane for a Forest Monster.


more over power heroes except for the 4* which imo it is too weak

Just abhorrent. These OP jokes are the final straw for me. $G and Zynga have finally lost their minds. Game will be dead by the end of the year

The highest is from Zircon - 980 HP over 4 turns. However he needs 3x charges = 15 tiles to do that. Lidenbrock does 800HP boost (200 upfront and then 600 over 4 turns) and is faster, especially for the first time when she starts with 20% mana.

Otherwise yes, these seem to be broken and why the hell has hero called ‘Hurricane’ a special skill called ‘Firestone Daggers’ is beyond me.

Also, Knuckles has ton of HP and also that status and negative stack reflection at average speed. That will be handy.

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Ah! Thanks for the clarification there Nightmare :saluting_face:

Tremor is interesting. Curious if the skill can be abused by bringing another healer, overwrite it to cause damage to the opponents?

Thunderclap is slow but after he fires, better kill him quickly. Can potentially be a great comeback hero.

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Messing around with dispel is the new trend, it seems. By the end of the year, we will have specials messing around with cleanse

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If only…

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Since this buff is similar to Wolfgang’s delayed heal, I don’t think any other healing skill can override this.
Except for Ana-Belle and Snow White, who can dispel all buffs on their own team.


I guess I have a good reason to max my dupe Hatter and lord Loki :slight_smile:

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Normal baldur can boost 1000 health as well

Agreed. So only Anna-Belle and Snow White can take advantage of this, and of those two only Snow White is of the same element. Problem is that Snow White is slow while Tremor is average so the timing is poor. So I’m not very impressed by Tremor, really. On defense he’s easily countered, and offense there’s not really any good combo with him where you can trigger his special prematurely. And if you can’t do that, then he’s just waaaay too slow in the current meta. Average speed and further 4 turns of waiting for the effect to apply. 99% of matches are over way before that.

So my views are:

Sure, he hits like a truck but I’d pick Adalinda over him any time. And it’s not like defense and offense lineups are swimming in Adalindas. Actually, I very very rarily see her in defense/offense lineups.

While he can certainly bring some havoc, he’s still another slow taunt hero. Easily countered. I don’t see how he’s any more difficult to handle than Ludwig. Actually, I’d say Ludwig’s got the edge here since one dispel is not enough to stop his special.

For the reasons mentioned earlier, Tremor seems quite underwhelming. There’s so many average speed heroes who are much more dangerous if they get to go off.

All in all Thunderclap and Tremor are pretty meh while Hurricane certainly is a solid hero but he’s not more than that.


Good thing Jasper is a Cleric. He has a +35% chance to resist his self-inflicted mana debuff ailment once his last Cleric node is activated.

Yes I can confirm that Ana-Belle can automatically trigger the damage and health of Tremor when she casts her special. That said, in Beta everyone pretty much has great defenses so I lost a lot of battles simply trying to get this effect to happen, as 2 Average speed heroes are at a disadvantage.
However, in map stages and events where you can use Mana pots this effect is pretty great!


V56 heroes punish dispels…… but steal is……!

Simply take Ana-Belle & give that mentioned whack !

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