🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Contest of Elements (Fire) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v60]

NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta inf this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.

This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the Round 2 of the Fire Contest of Elements heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

:tophat: Contest of Elements Heroes

*There are a total of two (2) new fire heroes added to Beta for testing; these have been indicated to be for Contest Of Elements - Fire version.
*The names of the new heroes are: Zaria, Nova

:hugs: Family Bonus

The new heroes form the "Super Elemental family and have a family bonus:

The family bonus is a bit reworded, and an additional section is added:
- The Power Gems are now dealing damage when they are matched.

Super Elemental Family

Super Elemental family makes Mono teams even stronger.
This hero enhances Holy element.

  • One or more shields are enhanced to Power Gems each turn.
  • The amount is same as Holy heroes in the team. 5 Power Gems per element can be on board at the same time.

The Power Gem deal 20 damage to a random enemy each turn until it is matched. When Power Gems are matched , they deal 20 damage to a random enemy.

Power gems for Epic heroes dealing only 15 damage in each turn.

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Zaria - Three-Eyed Psychic

Zaria-- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Zaria – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Female
Power: 961

Attack: 999
Defense: 945
HP: 1586

Class: Sorcerer
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Average
Aether Power: Attack Up

Passive: Troop Mastery
Passive Skill as attacking character:
This hero’s Troops deal extra elemental damage against weaker element.

  • Dealt extra elemental damage: +100%

Passive Skill as defending character:
This hero receives less elemental damage from Troops of stronger element.

  • Received elemental damage: -10%

Special Skill: Cataclysmic Divination

  • Deals 200% damage to all enemies.
  • If there are 6 or more Fire shields on the board, damage is increased to 420%.
  • If there are 12 or more Fire shields on the board, damage is increased to 500%.

4 :star: – Epic Heroes

  • Nova - Fire Spirit Collector

Nova -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Nova – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Epic/4*
Gender: Female
Power: 691

Attack: 643
Defense: 722
HP: 1281

Class: Druid
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Average
Aether Power: Defense Up

Passive: Troop Mastery
Passive Skill as attacking character:
This hero’s Troops deal extra elemental damage against weaker element.

  • Dealt extra elemental damage: +100%

Passive Skill as defending character:
This hero receives less elemental damage from Troops of stronger element.

  • Received elemental damage: -10%

Special Skill: Healing Fire Spirits

  • Recovers 20% health for all allies.
  • Recovers additional 2% health per each Fire shield on the board, up to 40% health in total.
  • Cleanses status ailments from all allies.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • August 10, 2023 – heroes arrived to Beta

:link: Related Threads


I don’t understand why we need these caps. At 2% per shield there is no reason for the cap. If someone can get 20 fire shields, give them a 60% heal instead of 40.

Otherwise Nova looks like a season 1 Rigard with different passives/stats.


So this one will probably be released after they nerf Khufu…

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Whoa. That 4 star will be useful.

TIny typo in Zaria’s Special Skill section

Occurs on two lines.

Thanks yet again for all these updates :green_heart: SGG really should be paying you !


Thx, I have fixed it.

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I’d like both, but surely Zaria will be nerfed before release? 420% base damage on 999 attack with just 6 red tiles on the board…

Nova seems like what Shale should have been. Fire cleansers are paywalled so a (relatively) accessable cleanser is welcome.


Good lord Zaria is ridiculous, makes even Khufu obsolete. Oh well game balance is out the window anyway.


Agreed with the heal cap.

I’m excited for this one but 4’s just can’t compete like they used to.

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Oh wow Nova is literally a baby Ignazio, exactly the same specials except for slightly less healing and no attack buff.

After nerfing Jove and leaving him in the ■■■■…
The new.hook is ready…Zaria
Jove came out with 838 power.
And this 961.
So goes this game.


Is it just me or 20% healing at average is really bad? Ok, cleanse is nice but it’s not priority…bad hero

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Troop mastery WOW!

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With 999 attack they may as well have the special as any hero not lbx2 is detroyed if t6 tiles are on the board

It’s really bad. You know who can heal unconditionally and heal slightly more, with the same cleanse…rigard

The only thing I am thinking here is that Nova may not be a strong 4* healer, but that’s not the point so much as Nova is a red healer.

I mean, red healers exist but… for a lot of players, “4* red healing” basically means Boldtusk, and 5* red healers can be trickier to get than other colors.

Also, not many red healers cleanse at all.


Having said that, this is supposed to be a Super Elemental Hero. Would it really be so wrong for Nova’s heal to come in at, say, 30% +2%/red shield? “Actually comparable to a red Rigard” doesn’t seem like that high a bar.


Also? Carthago delenda est: #52RareQuestsAYear


Both heroes are released now.
You can continue discuss them in their proper topics.