Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Decimation
Trials of Decimation has some good healer options — did you bring any healers?
Healer Options: Delilah, Guinevere, Kiril (reg), Boldtusk (Reg), Melendor (Cost), Shale, Belith (Cost), Grevle
Fighter Boldtusk and Wizard Kiril are hugely helpful for their mix of buffs and healing. Kiril is particularly helpful as a counter to Boss Ulmer’s defense debuff. Do you have either, and did you bring them?
The Wizard Class has several excellent mana controllers with Proteus, Merlin, Onatel, Hel, and Guinevere. They can be an excellent approach to preventing the Bosses from firing in the first place. Do you have any of these heroes, and did you bring any of them along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
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Past Trials of Decimation Discussion Threads
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Mob waves were quite easy, but I kinda had this feeling like the boards were gonna be difficult. Lots of red tiles showing up in replacement. Entered the boss wave with everyone charged. Usually, it’s a slow and steady fight, but this time, it was extra slow, and I couldn’t seem to charge my healers for squat. Mana control did its thing, as usual, but this went so slow that Oberon and Balthazar both charged and fired on the same turn, killing Poseidon… but revive to the rescue. Had to burn a few health potions to keep the poison from killing him again, but my guys and gals caught their second wind after that, taking down all three bosses in short order. Probably should have just swapped in Sartana for Melendor and made a shorter fight of it.
Wizard emblems net another nice attack node for Sartana. Fighter emblems stored for either Elena or Magni - waiting to see if costume summons help make that decision. Trainer hero to Zulag.
You never know when a hero has his time to shine. This time, the brightest of the stars was… Sumitomo he’s so so so much underwhelming in every aspect of the game and yet Balthazar decided to suicide against him twice in a row Melendor’s buff kept Sumi alive, Caedmon cleansed poison and def down. Annoying trial, since my other options are Kiril and C.Joon and then only 3*.
Emblems will go to BT#2 and Kiril#2.
Trainer to Miki.
Fighter keep for Killhare node 19th. Wizard keep for later. Trainer keep for now, currently leveling Cyprian Costume which is no need trainer and he still not yet finish the skill on 4th tier lol…
Jeeez, I have no idea what I was doing or thinking. I lost my costumed Caedmon on wave 1 on Stage 3 haha.
I managed to easily beat the rest and the bosses but did use about 2 minor mana for proteus.
I just had to use one minor mana potion to activate Proteus. Maybe the defense of some heroes were low, but Kirill and c. Melendor protected the them really well.
Trainer will be for Jack, wizard emblems for lord Loki and the fighter ones will be saved.