Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Piety
Trials of Piety is relatively heavy on healer options — did you bring any healers?
Healer Options: Marie-Therese, Tarlak, Raffaele, Aeron, Mother North, Vivica (reg), Grazul, Kunchen, Ariel, Rigard (reg), Lady Woolerton, Boldtusk (Cost), Hawkmoon (reg), Friar Tuck
Were you able to find sufficient firepower amongst your Cleric and Monk choices?
Monk Wilbur really shines for Quests and Trials, both for making survival easier, and for debuffing enemy defense. Do you have Wilbur, and if so, did you bring him along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
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Past Trials of Piety Discussion Threads
Click for List of threads for previous Trials of Piety Discussions
This is the only trial, I don’t like too much. I had a short look at my team, but Grimble was the only reasonable purple option. So team remained unchanged. At first I had a good board, but finally Friar Tuck and Gimli started their annoying game. So I nuked them, but spared the expensive weapons. When the smoke cleared, it was just some more tiles. Emblems to Joon and saved for Grazul+19, Trainer to Poseidon.
Will try this setup…
Other Option
Well, I didn’t notice, Skittleskull Costume is cleric, I think next time I would try Skittle.C instead of 3rd Hansel.
Almost dead Hansel and Gafar, but I try to not use items… and nicely they did not slash attack consecutively, so lucky… but next time I should try Skittleskull for savety -att debuff.
And this time boss mana shield I think only 70%, not 99% like before
Wu tried to sabotage me with the first two combos against the bosses, but the following two were a blast. Mist blocked Boril’s riposte and Joon succesfully blinded enemy Joon’s only attack. Easy and fast, no items needed.
Emblems saved for now, trainer to dupe Kiril.
Compared to last time, I finished maxing Joon, gave him a pile of monk emblems I had been saving, and reset Wu to give him even more, so he’s now at +14. Otherwise, same crew as last time.
Had a ton of diamonds on the board that I accidentally popped during the third wave. Got everyone recharged and in reasonable health by the time I reached the bosses. Also, I may have figured out why this is the Trial of Piety… because having Joon resist all your status ailments (especially Gafar’s healing debuff) makes you want to say some decidedly un-pious words. If you don’t, you pass the trial!
Seriously, I tried to take out Joon first, which I eventually did, but it was tougher than it should have been. After that, it was trying to charge my team together to unload on Tuck without killing myself on riposte. Fortunately, Gafar’s debuff took on Tuck, and a nice cascade came along to wipe out Tuck and Boril together.
Emblems from a previous trial took Vivica and Joon to their next talents, so no movement there. Trainer hero to Ranvir.
I tried to to de the 4-hero challenge, but I was defeated!!!
Besides, it seemed that the enemies wanted to focus on one of my heroes each time. In the first battle, the victim was the Hatter. In this one, Vivica was the chosen.
I forgot to take a picture, but figured I would still circle back as I missed a few write ups.
Turns out this is a trial with a deeper pool for me. I think I counted 11 unique maxed 4’s and 5’s to bring. Wanted to tinker with mana control so I went with this:
c-Boldtusk +20
Joon +14 (I think, I may be off one)
c-Lianna +4
c-Li Xiu
So the thought is Li can cut all the mana, Leo can target someone with a 40% drop, and Lianna can slow their mana. I was largely curious as these are the vanilla mana controllers. 1 v 1 they don’t compare to the special ones (Hel, Gretel, Hansel, Peters, Proteus, etc.), but wanted to gauge the impact of having many of them on a team working in unison. I didn’t have a lot of other opportunity to try this effectively. My raid opponents would obliterate a team like this probably.
I brought two different mana sizes to help my mana controllers and used a couple of each size. I won and lost nobody. The mana control was spotty at best. Brining different mana sizes with just my Gretel would have been better probably. In retrospect it may be unfair as these classes can counter the mana slow or Lianna, which happened.
I killed Joon first, Boril next, and finally Tuck. They all fired specials multiple times. c-Skittleskull is almost done, so she may come along next time for the A drop.
Mana control is so big in this game and it really stacks against newer, or unluckier, players who haven’t been able to get the special mana controllers. The difference isn’t just a slight improvement, it is night and day in terms of ability. It’s kind of laughable to say they’re in the same class or trying to do the same thing as the vanilla mana controller options IMO.
@jinbatsu I wasn’t sure if we were still doing the 4x hero challenge, but I did it anyway. I used a few items, but probably didn’t need to. No real problems with this one. Monk emblems to Jabberwock, Cleric emblems to Ariel, Trainer hero to Lord Loki (3/62).
It is already finished, I mean 1x rotation, 10 class trial.
I’m just doing once (each class trial, 1x rotation), and I think I would definitly want to save items as possible as I can, because now so many to do,… event challenge, ninja tower, mythic titan…