This is the Seventh of the Trials in the 18th Cycle!
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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Decimation
Trials of Decimation has some good healer options — did you bring any healers?
Fighter Boldtusk and Wizard Kiril are hugely helpful for their mix of buffs and healing. Kiril is particularly helpful as a counter to Boss Ulmer’s defense debuff. Do you have either, and did you bring them?
The Wizard Class has several excellent mana controllers with Proteus, Merlin, Onatel, Hel, and Guinevere. They can be an excellent approach to preventing the Bosses from firing in the first place. Do you have any of these heroes, and did you bring any of them along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Decimation occurred:
Click for List of threads for previous Trials of Decimation Discussions
Completed with same team that I used last month -
Boldtusk, Magni, Onatel, Costume Joon and Jean-Francois.
Just used one purple banner in the last round as a precaution
Should have been easy but a horrible bad board streak at boss level and tbh, I was distracted and not really paying attention, had me suddenly down to only Kiril and Alfrike with all bosses still standing, though wounded. But just those two were good enough to see me home, along with a couple of antidotes and mana pots.
Emblems banked. Trainer to Skittleskull. No reset emblem. Apparently we are no longer worthy of shiny red resets!
Haven’t completed the trial yet, because I’m out of WE and don’t want to waste a flask, but I don’t expect any problems. I may have to use a mana pot to recharge Kiril if I get a bad board, but that’s it.
No mats needed. Have been wondering if I should rework to get my max Poseidon in the team, but I like the def down from Isarnia and the double blue with Fenrir is useful for elena.
Emblems for Poseidon and trainer hero for Sartana.
Emblems,… wizard plan continue for 2nd Proteus to +19 and Kiril, yesterday I get Sartana-C, but I will stick to 4* now, because I also have 2x purple at +18, so no need to re-emblem, specially Wizard proteus. Fighter maybe for Killhare. Trainer keep later for Sartana, still need 2 more tabard.
Decided to shake up the lineup slightly. Ulmer’s defense debuff is the only remotely inconvenient thing about this trial, so I swapped in Wizard Melendor for Boldtusk +c20. Red isn’t a strong color against anything in this fight, and I’d rather have a second counter to Ulmer than Boldy’s attack up, which I could get from Kiril anyway. And Melendor’s color is strong against Ulmer. Also, Poseidon is up three talents (fighter emblems from PoV and Wonderland; WOOT!)
Mob waves are a complete afterthought. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged. Also decided to focus Poseidon’s Pitchfork of Doom on Ulmer this time instead of trying to take out one of the wings, who are easier to hit with tiles. This also worked out great, as I got several yellow tiles, and between Proteus and Onatel, the wings weren’t a real threat to fire anyway. Took out Ulmer before he fired, and Oberon died from Proteus’ poison damage on the same turn. Balthazar did get one good shot in on Melendor before he died - even with def up, he put him in the red! - but he was just a few tiles from dying by then anyway, so no biggie. New lineup and strategy = success!
Emblems saved for Poseidon and Sartana, when I get enough for their next talents. Trainer hero to Quintus.
No picture today, but team was Proteus+7, Elena+5, Kiril+11, Lady Loki+3, Fenrir+4. (on the bench among others Guinivere+9, Hu Tao+3).
The board was funny today: a lot of green and yellow, so I had to protect Proteus with healing and give him some Mana, to silence the bosses. Balthasar fired once, doing no harm, as well as Ulmer, but he got a return from Lady Loki. Trainer goes to Sartana, now 4/74, Guin is +10 now, fighter-emblems in store for Lady Loki.
Left cJoon on the bench this time to try out Tyr in the trial and he did pretty good. I used one antidote to cleanse my team, other than that it was manageable.
One of the easiest trials for me. Board was good, Proteus kept the bosses from firing (and Merlin as backup). BT+c-Mel is loads of heal+buff, while colen en proteus keep potent dots active.
Significant upgrade since last time I was using Ulmer in Isarnia’s place. She’s only 3/63 but still vastly superior to unemblemed Ulmer.
Had great boards and needed no items. Plenty of healing/buffing and the punch of buffed Isarnia/Colen is not to be trifled with. Add in Proteus locking down mana and poisoning and this was quite easy. First time I’ve thought the last stage of a Trial was “easy”, and only about the second time I’ve used no items (forget what other Trial it was).