Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Serenity
Justice in Stages 1 and 2 blinds your whole team, and Richard in Stages 2 and 3 causes an attack debuff. How did you deal with that?
Did having few healer options in the Paladin and Ranger classes impact you?
Healer Options: Ares, Heimdall, Telluria, Zulag, Red Hood, Baldur (self), Rigard (cost), By-Ulf
Paladin Cyprian can be effective for killing AoE and multi-target hitters like Justice and Richard. Do you have Cyprian, and if so, did you bring him along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
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Definitely my favourite trial on a sunday morning, because it’s such a no brainer. 4 rounds of mob give Heimdall enough time to generate so much LP for my team that the bosses show up as apprentices. When eagle-boy quit, there was a blue diamond under the left side triggering a blue dragon next to a purple dragon, triggering an avalance, Richard was gone. One final shot from Seshat and the emblems could be collected. Emblems to Seshat, now +17, and Telluria now +11, Trainer to Magni.
Buddy is the new entry in the team, replacing i have no idea which hero I thought the lack of a real healer would be troublesome, it really wasn’t. Thanks to the minion shield, all three of the bosses managed to suicide against Cyprian. Chao first, Lianna second, Richard for last. Cyprian was dead at the end of the battle, but so were the enemies Tile damage, defense down and Domitia’s hit were just collateral. Items untouched. I think it’s the only (or one of the only few) trials where a player can build a team with strong color against the bosses and it helps quite a lot.
Paladin emblems stacking to bring Telluria to +20 (i should do it after i but the pov ones), then finally moving to some really needy 4*. Ranger emblems should be already enough to bring Buddy to +ALOT (i simply have no rangers other than Tib and Triton), i just need to make up my mind about which path is the best.
Trainer went to my 2nd Kiril.
Used the same team as last time and went through fine. Used one purple banner at the start of the last round.
Red Hood, C.Tiburtus, Telluria, Clarissa, C.Rigard
Trainer hero goes to Raffaele to use in a blue stack mono
I did use a couple items, but the outcome wasn’t really ever in doubt. Ranger emblems to Lianna, paladin emblems to Odin, and trainer hero to Frigg (4/18).
No real issues this run-through. Very conservative with specials, but this crew is hearty enough to handle the mobs without much healing. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged, and targeted Boss Lianna, per usual. Despite her position in the rear of the formation, I got her first, and before she could fire. Richard fired once before going down, but was immediately reversed by Noble Rigard. Even with two purples, Chao always seems to be the last man standing. Should I bring Zulag and triple team him with purple?
Not enough emblems for the next node of either Lianna or Guardian Falcon. Trainer hero to Frosty.
One of the easiest trials for me. QoH received all the attacks from the bosses but she didn’t lose the minions at any moment. Obviously, I didn’t need to use any object.
Easiest trial of them all. I didn’t even lose Cyprian this time.
Ranger emblem will go someday to Triton. Paladin ones have a bit more competition: Sonya, Cyprian, Thorne, Gunnar. I think I’ll start from Sonya since i use her the most because of dispelling. Trainer to Malosi to speed up his final levels of ascension, 4.78 right now.