This is the Seventh of the Trials in the 15th Cycle!
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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Decimation
Trials of Decimation has some good healer options — did you bring any healers?
Fighter Boldtusk and Wizard Kiril are hugely helpful for their mix of buffs and healing. Kiril is particularly helpful as a counter to Boss Ulmer’s defense debuff. Do you have either, and did you bring them?
The Wizard Class has several excellent mana controllers with Proteus, Merlin, Onatel, Hel, and Guinevere. They can be an excellent approach to preventing the Bosses from firing in the first place. Do you have any of these heroes, and did you bring any of them along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Decimation occurred:
Click for List of threads for previous Trials of Decimation Discussions
Brought a completely different team this time, figured I’d give them a chance, as these heroes have either been pushed down the lineup or never made the main team for this:
Kiril- Lancelot - Hu Tao - Magni - Sartana.
Needed 1 Antidote on final level, autoplayed the first, and most of the second.
Love going rainbow in this trial…Went into the last stage with a yellow diamond and all specials loaded, so basically Balthazar died within the first hits, followed by Tyrum a couple of hits later…no items used.
Lancelot - to keep Proteus mana-ready and boost Elena (her riposte helps a lot)
Elena - good attack + riposte
Isarnia - for sheer damage and defense debuff
Kiril - my main man, healer and buffer
Finished with no items, though I was tempted to use mana potions or tornados to boost Kiril for a heal. After Proteus and Lance died, I was worried for a bit, but gambled that the remaining three would survive a hit from Ulmer (and they did!)
Tile damage severely dented Oberon , who suicided by slash-attacking a riposte-buffed Lance
Lance’s revive kicked in, and he was fully-charged, allowing him to hit Ulmer and boost Proty+Elena
The coup de grace? Ulmer hit my team… then Kiril healed and buffed Isarnia, who murdered Ulmer back with her OWN special. Ah, how poetic.
Fighter emblems go in the bank for Elena (now +3), Wizard to Isarnia (now +2). Trainer hero to Sartana. Will bring Isarnia to +3 then save up for Sartana, I like spreading my emblems around.
Same crew as last time, but Poseidon and Proteus are up two talents.
With two quality healers, the mobs are not difficult, even if damage can be hard to come by. In the boss wave, I had all specials charged, and a blue diamond on the board. I made it through with zero turns where Proteus and/or Onatel were not controlling mana. I got a pretty steady diet of yellow tiles, which allowed me to take out both Balthazar and Oberon without them firing at all, but it also meant I didn’t recharge Proteus as often or fast as I could have. I could use mana potions, but this one is rarely in doubt. I did end up with Kiril at low health and had to fire him for healing right before Ulmer fired which is… not ideal. Still, Ulmer fell without too much more trouble, even if I didn’t reverse his debuff.
Wizard emblems take Proteus to +9. Poseidon is about 100 emblems short of his next node. , so no movement there. Trainer hero goes to Sartana.
Emblems both keep in stock, it is because I still not decieded yet, both classes are very very competitive.
Trainer goes to… depend on who are get higher either Clarissa 3.70 (need 2x Tabard more) or Fura (still at 1st tier).
Swapped out Proteus for Mel to give everyone a heal, but definitely missed Proteus. Gave Guin another 2 nodes before the fight. Used a few items, nothing crazy. I think I’ll settle on this team for this trial until I level up more 5* to help me dominate. Possible uses are Alfrike, Tyr, Victor, JF, Delilah, Magni or dupes of Panther or Sartana. My gut says Delilah could be most useful for this trial though.
Same as last time. I struggle with this team. I think it’s because I can’t do enough damage. I have Fura on the way and have like 300 emblems for her. That hopefully helps, she 48/70 or there about. Other non 3* option is a Kashrek+1, but he certainly does nothing to increase damage…
Got to use the Jean-Francois/Killhare combo for a defensive boost multiple times, and JF’s additional defense against blue combined with Kingston’s attack reduction ensured that the blue bosses barely scratched. Used no items and walked away unscathed.