Hero Costumes… Whats the Point?
Inspired by another thread where the OP was a little confused as to why the Bane Costume was even a thing… appearing to do less damage for only a small gain in blinding… HOWEVER, on proper examination & calculating the approximate expected damage from the special skills, it became apparent that the Costume Bane was actually much better than normal bane, even when Costume Bonus was factored in!
So, after being a little bit surprised myself by the outcome I decided to do the same thing with ALL the costumes. To compare not just make a cursory inspection of the Hero & Costume Cards but to look at the damage they deal!
Here is other inspiring thread - Bane Costume, Whats the Point?
Some Explanetory Notes
W/ CB = the hero with the full costume bonus applied. Full costume bonus is a permanent boost in the base stats. 5% for Attack, Defence & Mana Generation and a 10% boost in HP.
Costume xyz = Costumed version of the hero.
Guvs Verdict = my opinion on which of the options is better. Note that I am really only comparing the hero with the costume & costume bonus (as normal version is worse by default of not having the boosted stats). I give short explanation about my decision in the table but feel free to me to elaborate.
Avg Enemy Def = Defence Stat i used in the damage Calculation. This is the average of all heroes (currently in game) corresponding to that Rarity. 3* = 436, 4* = 648 & 5* = 724
Splash Damage = Heroes who deal “Minor to Nearby” I have represented as being ~50% damage to the nearby.
Red / Green colouring = Indicator of which is better or worse. Again, the non-costume bonus version of the hero has been excluded from this.
Damage per hit = damage from the special skill striking a single hero. Some of the heroes strike multiple enemies with their special skill which is factored into the “Total Damage”
Total Damage = total damage dealt to the enemies when accounting for the number of enemies struck
**Damage Calculation**
Use the method set out in this thread (linked below). In essence the formula is:
[Damage per hit] = 100 * * ( [Theta] * [Special Power] * [Attack Stat] / [Enemy Defence Stat] )^1.35
[Total Damage] = [Damage per hit] * [Targets]
Note: Theta is a RNG element in the calcualtion (hence why the same strike doesnt do the same damage every time). The Damage Calculation Thread (below) calculated it out to be between exp(-0.5) & exp(0.5). For these calculations I used 1.35 for simplicity.
Spreadsheet Version Of The Below
5* Hero & Costumes
(Click to enlarge)
4* Hero & Costumes
(click to enlarge)
3* Hero & Costumes
(Click to enlarge)
Supporting Sheet
I used this sheet to get the averages for the defence stats.
- May 2020 → Updated to include the second release of costumes
- Feb 2020 → Created comparing the first release of costumes, coinciding with the revamp of the costume chamber.