The Hero Booklet is an Excel Spreadsheet which Tabulates all the data for heroes currently in Empires & Puzzles.
The Sheet allows the user track which heroes are owned & to sort the entire booklet by:
Colour/ Element
Class (Barbarian, Wizard etc…)
Family (inc. Costumed/ vanilla, event etc…)
Base Stats (Attack, Defence, Health, Power)
Special Skill (Sniper, Defence Debuff, Attack Buff etc…)
Special Skill Speed
I initially built it for my own personal hero tracking & records. Wanting to know who’s the best hero for use in situations without having to click on every single card I have in my inventory etc…
Also allowed me to compare heroes when choosing who would be the next to level up.
Future Updates
Plan to maybe build in some additional stuff
Damage Calculator, to allow users to compare which hero’s special is going to be most effective
2 & 1* Heroes. More for completion than anything as there isn’t really a use for these anymore now that tournaments are gone.
Personal Roster Sheet
Version 4.2
Version 4.2
New Valhalla Beta heroes (Thor, Odin, Gefjon Lord Loki)
Hello @Guvnor, I create Hero Emblem cost organazer, because I search and did not find what I need.
Here is the Spreadsheet Link
I mean, the hero list come from… I copy paste from your spreadsheet hero.
Fixed a few typos in hero names, and a couple Speed errors (Killhare and Raffaele)
From there I built a Google Data Studio Report to shine it up a bit:
The Data Studio filter controls are powerful, if a bit finicky due to case sensitivity and most options requiring exact matches. If you can google some basic regex you can write some powerful searches on the Special data without too much trouble.
In any case, I plan to keep up with the database and have some plans to build hero ownership and emblem/class tools on top of this. I’m trying to learn Python and this will be a good project for me.
It goes without saying, but if you (or anyone) feel what I’ve done is an advancement to your sheet feel free to use it!