Hello, fellow E&P gamers. I was wondering if someone with good knowledge about how costume bonuses work, can help me out here.
So in the first scenario, I have Bane w/ 2 costumes (toon version and the red outfit), and here are the stats for all 3:
Base (LB2, level 60, 25 emblems): Att 952 Def 810 HP 1335
Toon (LB1, level 55, 25 emblems): Att 815 Def 664 HP 1127
Red Outfit (LB1, level 55, 25 emblems): Att 790 Def 675 HP 1123
I plan on using the base version most as the special does more damage than the red costume, and the accuracy reduction is slightly higher and lasts longer than the toon edition. But I’m wondering though, should I LB2 the 2 costumes and upgrade them to level 60 as well in order to possibly gain even more stats for the base version of Bane? Or will the base version not gain any more stats (as it is already at LB2 lev 60 + 25 emblems), even if I do upgrade the 2 costumes to their max levels?
In the second scenario, it’s basically the opposite. I have Mnesseus with 1 costume, and here are the stats for both versions:
Base (LB2, level 55, 25 emblems): Att 777 Def 694 HP 1103
Gold Armor (LB2, level 60, 25 emblems): Att 882 Def 733 HP 1282
Here, I want to use the costume version most of the time (which is why it’s fully maxed and emblemed), but I’m wondering if I were to max level the base version as well, would that result in a boost of the costume version’s stats too (or again, because it’s already max leveled and emblemed, no further stat boosts will occur)?
Upgrading either the 2 costumes for Bane, or the base version of Mnesseus requires precious Tall Boots, which is arguably the “most needed but least available” ascension material in the game (yeah, I know 4* mats are generally harder to get, but they’re not needed as often). And that’s why I’m asking, so that I don’t waste any more Tall Boots than I have to. Thanks in advance.
The bonus costume is at maximum as soon as all the version are at 50 ( with special at 8/8). No need for emblems or LB.
So if there is a costume version that you don’t use, let it at 50.
The base version Always has to bel LB before you Can LB any costume.
My advice un tour case is :
Bane: you should use the toon costume because of the toon passive which is Amazing! Soon you’ll meet a lot of toon and the accuracy reduction will be resisted 75% of Time.
Mnesseus: you should Max both. So you Can chose to dispel when facing a team with lot of buff or cleans when facing a team which will give you a lot of malus
Hmm… I wonder? Because as I was leveling up Bane, it kinda’ did seem that his stats for the base version (i.e. the bonus from leveling the 2 costumes) did go up as I LB’d each costume, and increased the levels of each to 55. But I have some other characters who are pretty much in the same situation, so I’ll monitor them closely as I LB them (which I plan on doing anyway) to confirm your statement. Thanks for this bit of info. though… really helpful.
As for the emblems having nothing to do with costume bonuses, I already knew that.
Yes, I knew about the base character needing to be LB’d before the costume (the game won’t allow it otherwise and it tells you so). It’s also the reason why I LB2’d base Mnesseus even though I didn’t level him to 60, and plan on using the costume version instead (which I did level to 60) most of the time–whenever I do use him. I have stronger 4* & 5* heroes for dispelling, debuffing, cleansing, etc.
I also knew about toon Bane’s (or any other toons’ for that matter) passive skill, and I will use toon Bane if / when I find the situation appropriate, and also may upgrade it to level 60 as well in the future. But for now, I’d rather give the ascension materials to other characters of higher tiers that I’m working on. The thing is, I really don’t use either of these 3* characters all that much except for 3* tournaments, alliance wars (to take out low level teams), and sometimes on standard raids, if a rare hero is required to meet a Path of Valor / Giants challenge.
But thanks for taking the time to reply. That initial part about getting the full bonus from costumes (for the base character) without needing to LB is useful indeed… and I’ll definitely test it myself to confirm it.