NOTE: Please do not, under any circumstances, share IMAGES OR VIDEOS from Beta in this or any public Forum thread. Violations can cause players to lose their Beta accounts, or threads to be closed down.
This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the FIFTH round of costumes.
Don’t get too attached
Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.
It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.
So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.
There are a total of 6 new Costumes being tested in v42 Beta 2 Testing Cycle.
— Legendary Costumes
- Seshat, – High Reveant Archer
- Alasie – Iceberg Champion
- Gravemaker – Burning Avenger
- Drake Fong – Serene Fighter
- Athena – Goddess of War
- Alberich – Everoak Knight
NOTE: All numbers are presented INCLUDING the costume bonus.
Seshat — Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Normal Seshat
Costume Seshat — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 795
Attack: 782
Defense: 703
HP: 1425
Class: Barbarian
Element: Dark (Purple)
Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Legends 2019
Special Skill: Excorizing Arrow
- Dispels buffs from the target and nearby enemies.
- Deals 370% damage to the target.
- Summons a Replicator Minion with 18% HP and 15% attack inherited from the caster. It generates a clone of itself every 3 turns.
- Element Link gives 4% mana generation for all Dark allies for 4 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
Alasie— Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Normal Alasie
Costume Alasie — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 793
Attack: 752
Defense: 733
HP: 1427
Class: Rogue
Element: Ice (Blue)
Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Legends 2018
Special Skill: Arrow of Nujalik
- Deals 412% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies
- Reduces the mana of the target and nearby enemies by 20%.
- The target and nearby enemies get -24% mana generation for 3 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
- Element Link gives all Ice allies +5% attack and +5% defense for 6 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
Gravemaker — Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Normal Gravemaker:
Costume Gravemaker — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 793
Attack: 742
Defense: 721
HP: 1477
Class: Paladin
Element: Fire (Red)
Mana Speed: Very Fast
Family: Legends 2018
Special Skill: Dust to Dust
- Deals 115% damage to all enemies.
- All enemies receive 274 damage over 2 turns.
- Element Link gives all Fire allies +5% attack and +5% defense for 6 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
Drake Fong— Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Normal Drake Fong:
Costume Drake Fong — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 792
Attack: 759
Defense: 727
HP: 1416
Class: Fighter
Element: Holy (Yellow)
Mana Speed: Fast
Family: Legends 2018
Special Skill: Fabled Fist
- Deals 240% damage to the target and nearby enemies.
- The target and nearby enemies get
-45% - Element Link gives all Holy allies +5% attack and +5% defense for 6 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
Athena— Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Normal Athena:
Costume Athena — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 790
Attack: 750
Defense: 718
HP: 1440
Class: Barbarian
Element: Ice (Blue)
Mana Speed: Average
Family: Legends 2017
Special Skill: Athena’s Arrow
- Deals 290% damage to a single enemy and minor damage to nearby enemies.
- The target and nearby enemies get -41% defense, and a further -4% decrease every time that they are hit for 3 turns.
- All Fire enemies get -34% defense against Ice for 3 turns.
- Elemental Link gives all Ice allies +15% attack and +15% defense for 6 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
Alberich— Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)
Normal Alberich:
Costume Alberich — Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)
Rarity: Legendary/5*
Power: 789
Attack: 733
Defense: 773
HP: 1370
Class: Sorcerer
Element: Nature (Green)
Mana Speed: Slow
Family: Legends 2017
Special Skill: Midsummer’s Reverie
- Each fallen ally has a 38% chance to get revived with 28% HP.
- All allies regenerate
548468 All allies get 33% mana generation for 4 turns.Increases the mana of all allies by 20%-
All allies get 33% mana generation for 4 turns. - Elemental Link gives all Nature allies +15% attack and +15% defense for 6 turns. This effect can’t be dispelled.
NOTE: All numbers are presented INCLUDING the costume bonus.
Costume Bonus
Changed in V36.2 of Beta, the Non-Season 1 Costumes impart a DIFFERENT costume bonus to what is applied to Season 1 Costumes.
Here we have the same costume bonus as the Summer Event Heroes.
Stat | S1 CB | Summer Event Hero and HoTM CB | Halloween Event Hero CB |
Attack | 5% | 3% | 2% |
Defence | 5% | 3% | 2% |
HP | 10% | 6% | 4% |
Mana | 5% | 1% | 1% |
Costume Bonus Progression:
Stat | Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | Tier 4 | Max |
Attack | 0% | 1% | 2% | 2% | 3% |
Defence | 0% | 1% | 2% | 2% | 3% |
HP | 0% | 2% | 4% | 5% | 6% |
Mana | 0% | 1% | 1% | 1% | 1% |
NOTE: All numbers are presented above are INCLUDING the costume bonus.
Family Bonus
The costumes are retaining their family bonus.
The normal and the costume version of a hero is counted as two unique heroes.
Hero Academy
The new legendary heroes and costumes are added to Hero Academy 10 as a possible result.
So most likely they will be added in the live game too once the new costumes will go live.
Beta Updates
29 September, 2021
Balance changes for Costumed Alberich are reverted back.
28 September, 2021
Balance changes are arrived for Costumed Drake Fong and Alberich.
22 September, 2021
The costumes are added for testing.