This is the Fourth of the Trials in the 10th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials officially start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT). This post is scheduled to go live 3 hours earlier at 4:00:00 AM (04:00 GMT).
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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Serenity
Justice in Stages 1 and 2 blinds your whole team, and Richard in Stages 2 and 3 causes an attack debuff. How did you deal with that?
Did having few healer options in the Paladin and Ranger classes impact you? Do you have Costumed Ranger Rigard as an option?
Paladin Cyprian can be effective for killing AoE and multi-target hitters like Justice and Richard. Do you have Cyprian, and if so, did you bring him along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Serenity occurred:
Paladin emblems in the drawer (probably for King Arthur)
Ranger emblems in the drawer too for seshat when she’s finished.
Blue 3* feeder for Ariel (4/70 now)
Team did not change, only a little bit stronger. Justice 3/70, Richard+4, Evelyn+7, Seshat4/64, Sonja+8. I used 1 dragon storm and one titan shield for the bosses and went through easily, but also had a nice board. Emblems will be saved for Seshat and I think Richard and Sonja will be getting the Paladin emblems. The blue 3* trainer went to Miki who did a nice job today in the final stage of the event-quest by keeping the bosses quiet.
Welp, got my trials mixed up. Thought this was trials of nature lolz. Anyway, I just completed the first two stages on my main just now. Here is who I took this time:
It was a breeze with these guys. Cyp was there to make sure Justice and Richard killed themselves. Pally emblems are being saved for Cyp and Sonya. Ranger emblems are being used on Chao who got brought up to +9.
First time completing this trial. Was actually one of the easier trials I’ve had lately despite having no healers. I used a few few items due to the healing deficit, also time stops to avoid obliteration. Justice has been getting feeders lately as I’m done with holy heroes (except for Pixie trio that I haven’t started on yet), so she was much more helpful than in the past.
Battles were pretty short and they liked to pick on Triton for some reason, so when his health got low enough I fired up his special and used medium pots to recharge. Thorne was useful as a meat shield should be and Tibs softened them up before laying into them.
Trainer went to Ariel and improved her SS to 5, they grow so fast don’t they? Emblems being horded for now.
Trainer will go to Richard, he’s only 2 levels away from max, yeah
Some emblems went to Sonya (she was +4 before, now +7), now my food is low, so the other ones are stored, maybe they’ll go to Tibs and Chao for +7 instead of +4.
Thought of bringing in Seshat but needed to have reposte in place also didn’t want to break Athena / Frida combo. At the end it paid off, no item needed.
New Ranger Rigard helps so much in this. It was just a slaughterhouse. The Richard/Frida nuke, Queen protecting the team, and the attack buff from Dapper Rigard and minion poke from Seshat. Total dream team from me.
Was able to bring Sonya to +15 making a slight divergence in favor of the costume which I’ll probably push to +19. Not enough to get Seshat to +7. Trainer going to Magni.
And it was going so well that I forgot to bring time stops and additional healing pots to the final stage and got wiped.
Note to slow-learning self: same team next time, but bring time stops and extra healing—no mana potions maybe. Then maybe, just maybe, i’ll Finally finish this trial on the first try
My team this time. I didn’t realize the change would be so drastic, but with costumed Rigard now available, Lianna finally getting her tonics (and costume), and Neith now maxed, my options for this trial had significantly increased.
On the bench: Arthur, Falcon, Sonya, Cyprian, Frida 3.70, Evelyn, Triton, Buddy #1 and #2, Jack, Chao, and Tibs
I got to the bosses with everyone ready, except Rigard (too busy looking pretty, apparently). Neith and QoH turned out to be an effective combo, as at least one attack channelled to Queen missed because of blindness.
Same team, few more emblems on Triton. Same outcome. Nuked the bosses because I’m mad at the fable bosses so I took it out on the vanilla bosses. I’ve recently gotten to over 30 maxed 4* and 5* heroes so I’m pivoting my leveling strategy. Kingston is getting the trainer (and every feeder until he’s maxed). Triton will continue to get emblems. Still not sure who my second paladin, maybe falcon