I took out Boril, then Joon, then Tuck. I anticipated it being tougher, but it was a breeze. I used a couple items, but didn’t really need to. Emblems saved, trainer hero to Thor (3/41).
I took out Boril, then Joon, then Tuck. I anticipated it being tougher, but it was a breeze. I used a couple items, but didn’t really need to. Emblems saved, trainer hero to Thor (3/41).
same team, same emblems, same everything as last time. Completed with ease even though i couldn’t prevent Boril’s riposte.
Monk emblems went to Santa (from +5 to +8) and Wilbur to bring him to +18 (i had quite a few stored). Cleric emblems stored for future heroes (as of now, Rigard#2, i haven’t other options)
Monks and clerics were all I had for a while…my line up for these was:
Marie Therese +19
Wilbur +5
Here is the team/victory (money?) shot:
This trial is much less of a pain now since last year. Last year I got Lianna’s costume, Skittleskull’s costume, Boldtusk’s costume, maxed Leonidas, maxed Elkanen (who was an option I got rid of for Skittleskull).
This used to be a pain because I had no damage aside from Joon. I think my old team has Li Xiu, Rigard, Boril. I think the 5th was maybe Wu sometimes? Anyways, now I have a balanced team and it went great.
Joon died first, Boril second, and finally Tuck. Lianna’s mana slow was helpful, I hardly use her in costume. They kept blocking Leo’s cut over half the time, but it happens. I need to find a cleric or monk dispel now … probably easier said than done .
Joon went to +18. Cleric stashed for Elkanen as I didn’t have enough to get him to +16 yet. Trainer to Ranvir (63/70).
By the way, Friar Tuck plays better as a boss than he ever did for me as a hero …
Same team
Last time MN’s where both 2/40 and put in 2nd Elk
cBT+18 | Mist+18 | cLianna+19 | cLianna+0 | Jabberwock+19
One bomb to save a good board. Posting for posterity so I can remind myself of what heroes I used.
Posting late for reference. My team this time:
My thought was that stacking three purples against Joon would make this squad more effective, so I swapped in Rigard for Chef Boldtusk +20 and Queen Sabina for Candy Skittleskull +18. It wasn’t as effective as I’d hoped. Sabina’s buff block was great against Boril, but I kinda missed Chef Boldtusk’s attack up and red tile damage against Tuck.
Mob waves weren’t remarkable. Boss wave was long and boring. No one died, and as mentioned, Sabina was helpful against Boril, but Tuck was his usual annoying self. I actually worked on him first, which was tough with him tucked (pun intended) in the back. That was probably a strategy mistake, but obviously, the trial went much better after bringing him down.
Cleric emblems to Hawkmoon after grabbing her costume. No good place for monk emblems to go any time soon, so I’m seriously considering saving up for the 19th node (attack) for Joon. Trainer hero to Chao’s costume.
this, but Wilbur is at +20 now. Started boss fight with all heroes charged and a lot of yellow tiles. It ended quickly.
Storing monk emblems because Joon is my next 5* project to max at +20. Cleric ones went to Hawkmoon to bring her to +19. I decided, whenever i’ve no new 4/5* hero to emblem but dupes, to finally max my 3* for tournaments and challenge events.
Trainer went to Uraeus.
I changed the team and I almost regret it.
Everything was doing fine, as usual, until suddenly the bosses focused their attacks in the Hatter first and then in the White Rabbit. I had to use some time stops, axes and mana potions to defeat them.
Trainer for Uraeus, the cleric emblems for MN and the monk ones will be saved.
Good luck and take care.
My team this time:
Compared to last time, Joon is up five talents, and I subbed in Chef Boldtusk for Rigard +c20, since the purple stack didn’t help that much against Joon last time.
Mobs were pretty straightforward. Just have to make sure to get everyone recharged before the bosses. Bosses were typically slow to kill, but I never really felt I was in danger. Just one more damage dealer instead of a support hero would make it so much easier, but as last time, Sabina taking care of Boril made this way easier. Also seemed to notice Boldtusk’s attack up, do I think I’ll keep him in for Rigard going forward. Joon went down first, then Tuck, then Boril. Staying ahead of Tuck’s healing is really the only challenging part of the trial.
Monk emblems saved, probably for Raffale eventually. Cleric emblems saved because I don’t know who deserves them. Trainer hero to Gullinbursti.
Mist and cSabina made this one easy. All emblems saved. Trainer hero to Heimdall (3/58).
This is my first time completing the trials of piety. I used the following team:
The items I took in: mana potions, time stop, bombs, minor mana potions
In the board before the bosses, I made sure everyone was juiced up, and I was able to get several yellow tiles on the board. I (reluctantly) used a bomb to wipe out the last monster because I didn’t want to mess up all the yellows on the board before the boss fight. Things were not too difficult from there. I used a couple of minor mana potions to keep Rigard healing, and one time stop. I probably didn’t have to use the time stop, but I hate the thought of spending 20 world energy flags on the level only to end up losing!! Better safe than sorry, as they say.
Went back to Bjorns
Team this time was cBoldtusk-cIsshtak (20)-cIsshtak-Sumle (4/40)-Hawkmoon
Had to use a total of 5 Axes, 5 Bombs and 1 Dragon Attack.
I guess it’s gonna be a long time before I can afford to use not so many items on these trials…still worth it though.
Emblems not needed for anyone yet (but I am seriously considering Sumle), trainer saved for Hu Tao.
Reset token available, grab it while it’s hot!
Onto the actual trial itself…
Team this time:
Same team as last time I believe, main difference being troops are now substantially stronger.
Mob waves moved along fairly quickly with minimal issues, but unfortunately a very good board was disrupted by an unintended cascade which set off a green AND purple diamond prematurely.
Nevertheless, Mist’s -64% mana slow bought me ample time to shuffle the board to my liking, and eventually the board coughed up the needed green and purple tiles and I was able to get it down to this:
cLianna did the honors and concluded this trial. Funnily enough the one mana pot I used on Mist was at the very start of the boss wave, because once that -64% mana slow proc’d I could proceed to just dump tiles without too much worry.
Item tally: 1 minor mana pot
Emblems and trainer saved.
Changed things up today to try my new shiny toy. Out Mist, in Elizabeth
C.BT +19 - Joon +costume+15 - Wilbur +20 - Wukong +7 - Elizabeth
It was a piece of cake, with a reset token as cherry on top.
I decided to momentarily pause Joon’s ascension to +20 emblems because of Elizabeth. Gravemaker will take the spot of “5* to max at the very best” for now. Every other emblem will be for some time saved.
Trainer to Uraeus.
Following the challenge which @Muchacho suggested, I chose 4* vanilla heroes. I didn’t have enough, so I took some 3*.
I could’ve never imagined that the last stage would’ve been so easy… With a big amount of luck, of course. I waited to release Wu Kong until the round with the bosses and besides, I had a 5 yellow tiles combo ready to be combined. I had incredible cascades that even prevented Joon from firing and left Friar tuck about to die.
The trainer will go to Uraeus, the cleric emblems for MN and the monk ones will be saved.
Good luck and take care.