This is the Fifth of the Trials in the 11th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT). This post is scheduled to go live 3 hours earlier at 4:00:00 AM (04:00 GMT).
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Same team as last time, but stronger. Miki4/71, Grimm+20, Little John+6, Kelile+8, Domitia+7.
I forgot to bring healing potion, so it got a little tight in the end and I had to revive Grimm and Kelile once. Little John bravely lasted on the tiniest bit of life I could imagine. Miki kept the bosses quiet and Azlar was finished first. Then Nashgar, then Scarlett. Used 1 time trap and 2 dragon storm. Trainer went to Grazul, rogue emblems to Kelile and the barbarian will be kept for Miki - as a pure Titan and Bosslevel hero in my game he will get +1, but maybe that’s all.
Benched Danzaburo in favor of costumed Li Xiu and took @Guvnor’s advice From last time to bring axes and bombs. Was fairly easy this time even though I used items, but team power isn’t really there yet. Doesn’t help that there weren’t even enough blue tiles to get Grimm’s special off until the last shot (swamped with purples).
Next time I should have at least one Jackal ready, so that should help. Probably should get Puss going just for the healing too (after Falcon).
Note to self: max LJ for crying out loud, he’s been at 3-60 forever.
I had an easier time this run than some past ones. A good board setup heading into the Bosses meant all I needed were Healing Potions and one Antidote. I avoided Time Stops this time.
Inari stepped up to +5, and the Barbarian Emblems are on the shelf for now. They’ll probably be going to Karil as part of my efforts to take several 3* to +3, but I’m going to wait until I have enough to do that at once at least.
Same team as the last few times, so nothing too exciting, but I did discover this potential bug?!
Marjana is the only one who can dodge Scarlett, but somehow she was the only one who was affected by the ATK debuff.
Edit: oops, didn’t see they were afected by Blindness
My first time losing a stage where I actually tried to win, used items and didn’t auto in a long long time.
Guess 3000 TP without a healer is a bit tough for the last stage of trials… I’ll start making a bunch of feeders and try to get my Grimm ascended or something and try again.
All mana charged except Grimm which is cruisal, because he should fire 1st to take more advantage from def down, bring no mana, because need more slot for heal pots but just let it goes. Used 3 heal so far, because no healers.
OK, used all 5x potent heal and 8 heal pots, and 1x antidots to cleanse Azlar burn.
Easy because Miki and Grimm, well next time I will bring 2nd Grimm, he is still in 3.60, need compass so badly. I hope compass will come soon, at least next event will give us a compass from completion rewards.
Trainer will goes to… well no red project at moment, so keep it, Sumitomo is stuck at 3.60 (need compass as well).
Emblem Barbarian will keep for a while, I do not know if I want to raise Grimm or Little John or keep for Gretel after she is maxed, will decide later.
Emblem Rogue goes to Jackal.
Miki is 4/63 and Gormek 3/60, the rest are maxed with about 3 emblems.
I took 20 Minor Health / 5 Dragon / 5 Carpet / 5 Turtle Banners
I used all of the health since I had no healers. I used 2 Dragons and 2 Bombs. I was getting mostly purple tiles at the end for some reason, I needed red but was not getting many. However, thanks to Miki no boss got their special to go off. I ended up losing Scarlett but the rest did have extremely low health. Never the less, I won
I am liking now finally, that I can do a lot of these “easily” (I mean without using all battle items)