This is the Fifth of the Trials in the 17th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials officially start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT). This post is scheduled to go live 4.75 hours earlier at 2:15:00 AM (02:15 GMT).
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Had Brynhild but decided to attempt it without a healer and go with a 3-2 color stack. Was fairly smooth, No heroes lost, 1 small antidote, 2 minor mana and 10 minor healing potions used.
Peters, Kelile, Gravemaker, Gormek and Grimm. Since I don’t have any healers in these classes, took a lot of healing potions just in case. Wasn’t too hard, spent some healings so that I come to bosses with full health.
Classic heroes challenge accepted! Or at least, that was the plan… I accidentally brought along Jot, and the moment I pressed the ‘fight’ button I realised I messed up…
O well. I benched Brynhild, Gravemaker and Malosi.
I brought this team, and no items used despite no healer so I’m pleased.
Completed with same team as previously used:
Grimm, Costume Richard, Domitia, G. Jackal and Malosi
Used a purple banner and a couple of bombs
Note to self - I need to max Brynhild for next time to see how that goes
Little John, costumed Li Xiu, Grimm, Marjana, Scarlett
I figured that LJ plus Li would make a good combo to slow down the bosses, while the other 3 focus on killing. stocked up on healing items and antidotes as well - especially healing items, as I don’t have a single healer for this trial.
Benched - Inari, Margaret, Danzaburo, and my newly-ascended Malosi
Reached the boss stage with all specials charged. Targeted Azlar first, as that AoE is a pain. Left Scarlett for last, as her Rogue talent kicks in a lot… Azlar did fall first to specials, followed by Nashgar to a nice tile cascade. Ended up using only antidotes and healing potions.
Sadly, wasn’t able to take a screenshot - dang it! I looked away from my phone as Scarlett died, and came back to the reward screen. So instead, here’s a screenshot of the team and of Recent Activity.
Pros of this trial: the bosses are frailer than, say, Trials with Paladins or Clerics, so my high-attack team managed fairly well, even without relying on specials.
I got very arrogant on this one and then was given no blue’s at the bosses lol.
I ended up losing Grimm and almost Peters. I just didn’t want to use any items. And I had killed Scarlett very fast.
But no items used.
Trainer will go to Elena, I am finally finishing her now I completed Jean-Francois. Elena is about 4/50 I think.
Gretel replaced Brynhild from last time. Decided to ditch a half-healer in favor of more mana control. Azlar was down to less than 30% health after I fired all my specials and cleared the board of yellows. Had to throw some mana pots at Gretel to prevent Scarlett from firing but was well worth it. Azlar dropped first, followed by Scarlett, neither firing their special once. Nashgar went off once but I didn’t care since I had everybody charged up again. Grimm+Jackal is a very lethal combination because tiles (especially yellow) start doing ludicrous damage.
For me and my poor roaster it’s usually hard to beat 3rd stage without any healer in the team, but I did it this time! Axes and bomb attack were esstentials, but this 3* heroes are really fragile.
Emblems Rogue: Scarlett is already at +18 (optimal), now continue for Brynhild (plan both to be +7). Barbarian currently still hoarding (1017 in inventory). Trainer keep later either for JF or Noor. Not yet decide which should ascend (already have the 6th rings yesterday mount Umber).