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This is the Fifth of the Trials in the 14th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials officially start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT). This post is scheduled to go live 4.75 hours earlier at 2:15:00 AM (02:15 GMT).
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Used 1 carpet bomb, 1 healing pot and all minor healing pots, 9 minor mana. Mana were used to speed up Gretel’s recharge, keeping Scarlett, Azlar and Nashgar at bay, but towards the end, Azlar did fire but then of little concern.
Rogue emblems going to Brynhild although weak color but should be ready for a try out in the next trial. Barbarians, reset and trainer saved.
An easy one, but I used 1 strong healing potion less, than requested by the path of valor, sharks!
Miki only fired his special once at the bosses, then with a strong board they were gone.
Emblems for little John and Scarlett, Trainer for Marjana, she also ate the 3 3* from pov.
This time, I just rushed into it, didn’t check which items to take. So when I ran out of healing potions I used several time stops to keep the enemies from firing
About the emblems: Not sure yet, probably they will go to Malosi when is he maxed. Rogue emblems I have quite a few in my inventory. Might go to Sif, once she is maxed. The trainer hero will probably go to Malosi, since I have no really important red hero to level atm and not enough roster space to save them.
As usual the most challenging trials for me. I think this will change when I finish maxing Malosi but the lack of healer is hurting me as usual.
Last time I Used
Grimm +18
Scarlett +13
Marjana 3/70
Domitia 3/70
Little John 3/60
I replaced LJ with Inari at 2-40 something for the last stage and she dodged so much that it saved my ■■■. Also those minions are great instead of healing.
This time
Grimm +18
Scarlett +13
Marjana 3/70
Domitia 3/70
Inari 3/50
Had to use all my healing pots as I have no healer and ended up using bombs to finish Azlar before he fired off once again while Inari’s special was not active, so more items that I would like but bombs are relatively cheap.
Emblems will go to Malosi when he is maxed and Marj when I get the 2 missing rings.
Used one of the three potent heals needed for the PoV daily right before the bosses. I got the party started. The tiles lined up well enough to take Azlar down before he could fire. Scarlett went off several times this fight. I used the other two pots, but Grimm’s fate was sealed.
Was worried about the lack of healers, but was also determined to limit my use of items.
Rogue Li Xiu and Inari: strong against Purple mobs, and my dynamic support duo (Li to stall boss mana, Inari to dodge when they do fire)
Grimm: my only usable Blue for this trial, strong against Red mobs, softens up bosses
Marjana: my only maxed Red 5*
Scarlett: attack debuff helps with survivability, strong tile damage
Wasn’t too bad! Fired of all specials on Azlar as he can’t dodge. Used a dragon attack to make sure Azlar died before firing (his special is a major PITA). Li and Inari’s specials, plus Marj and Scarlett dodging, kept the team alive, supported by a few healing potions, of course. Nashgar went down next, as he also can’t dodge specials. Finished off Scarlett with tiles.
Was pleasantly surprised that I only needed one battle item. If I can finish this without carpet bombing, I’m now confident I can do it for all Trials
Trainer to Elena, who is fast approaching the 3/60 wall. Go on girl, Marjana needs a Red 5* partner!
Barbarian emblems, saving up as I may ascend Malosi, and my 3* Barbarians (LJ, Grimm, Gormerk) are all decently emblemed (+9 to +13).
Rogue emblems, saving up for another node on Marjana possibly, as she’s on my defense AND offense (unlike Inari who comes out for offense; and Scarlett is already good at +11).
Emblem both keep inventory,… Trainer also keep, no red project except 2nd Kelile 3.60, Sumitomo 3.60, Gormek 3.60 and Sumle in 2nd tier.
Reset Token keep in stock…
Compared to last time, Domitia is up 3 talents and Little John is up 2. I do have Brynhild on the bench. She is up to 4^60, and I’m seriously thinking about switching her in for Scarlett next time for the healing and for boosting mana to Azlar and LJ. Hate going to two weak color heroes, though.
Focus of the mob waves was killing them quickly, since I have no healers, but making sure I was still charged for the boss wave. Easier said than done with slow mana heroes, but I had several red tiles, which hit pretty hard with this 3-stack. Had to top off Scarlett with health potions before the bosses. Fired all specials at the bosses, and had both a red and green diamond on the board, which I popped immediately. Should have been in good shape, but I wasn’t able to kill Azlar before he fired, which always makes this far more dicey. Several more health potions, a dragon, and a bomb were required, and a couple of my heroes went down, but I made it.
Barbarian emblems from a previous stage take LJ to +20. (Thanks to @Olmor for the inspiration! Down the def/HP path, he is indeed hearty enough for raiding, tourneys, and war now.) Not enough rogue emblems for Domitia to progress. Trainer hero to Marjana.