This is the Fifth of the Trials in the 20th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials officially start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT). This post is scheduled to go live 4.75 hours earlier at 2:15:00 AM (02:15 GMT).
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Needed some minor healing to keep the wings in good health till the boss wave, boss wave ended quickly, lion head left first, Nashgar fired once before meeting his demise., leaving Scarlett.
Trainer saved, rogues to Marjana, barbarians saved.
This is always a battle. No healers and cruel bosses. I depend very much in the board, silence them and power up with Miki an then shoot 'em. This time, no blue tiles available, got close, but resisted to nuke them (option 2). emblems stored for Malosi and Marjana, Trainer to Shadereave.
Kinda new set up- danza and scarlet out done me well in past trials used some healing and green pot a time stop. Board was being annoying just not getting any rhythm to it just making matches and that’s it (if that makes sense)
Obviously a trials that requires healing potions. I put Brynhild in the middle to reduce this, but still used 5 of the second biggest and 3-4 of the second smallest healing potions.
No real problems. Mok-Arr is less “useful” on the first two levels, but shines against the three red bosses in the last one.
Trainer to second Marjana. Barbarians for Mok-Arr, I guess (have to keep him alive long enough to fire). Domitia will likely get at least a couple more levels of emblems.
Last Time 4* challenge and now come back with Miki, last time struggle without using items almost all died, Jott didn’t help, maybe because lack of blue tiles.
Other Options
No healers, so had to use 1 potion for jott (all the mobs seemed to target him…)
Scarlett and azlar went down without firing, while nashgar fired once before being killed.
Compared to last time, Marjana is up three talents
The trick here is to get through the mob waves by taking as little damage as possible, while also keeping specials charged for the boss wave. I probably could have been a little more liberal in my use of specials in the mobs, but I did get to the boss wave with all specials charged, and red, green, and purple diamonds on the board, thanks to a late, lucky combo. Also, my two heroes who are beyond Brynhild’s reach (Domitia and Marjana) were in decent shape, health-wise. Fired all specials and popped all diamonds, forming a blue diamond in the process. Just a few turns in and Azlar is dead while Nashgar is burning and near death. Unfortunately, he fired with his dying breath, putting Marjana in critical health. With only Scarlett left standing, however, I decided to let Domitia and Marjana go, and finish with Grimm, Bryhild, and LJ. Slower that way, especially with two greens, but I saved all my items, and the outcome was not in doubt.
Just one more barbarian emblem to get Nordri - my only blue elemental defense down hero - to +20. Rogue emblems saved for Marjana. Trainer hero to Guardian Falcon.
I usually need to use many items last level of Survival, since I have no healers and only 1 5* for total TP ~3800. But this time I managed to get to boss round with minimal damage, all heroes charged, and a sea of blue tiles for Jott. It looked like the Caribbean
In the 4* challenge Danzaburo was in place of LJ. It went well then but it was a tough call on who to use. I went with LJ this time. He is off color, but the mana slow would be helpful. Slowing the mana would put less strain on Gretel to control all 3 bosses.
The benefit of Danzaburo was survivability and his bottle special. Given I can’t control the bottle special I opted LJ.
Mobs were fine and I was liberal with specials as I had no healers. Made it to the bosses with no items used and all specials charged. Boss fight went okay. The LJ and Gretel combo stopped all bosses from getting off a single special. That’s good because their slash attacks were hard enough on my relatively fragile team. I used all my medium health pots and a bunch of mana to keep Gretel and LJ up as needed. Jackal died late to slash attacks and I was out of health pots.
Thank goodness for mana controllers. If those bosses were getting specials off too, I’d have been toast. I am working on Li Xiu costume currently, so that should help even more to control mana going forward.
Rogue emblems to Jackal (now +16 or +17). He is stopping at +18 and then Domitia will finally get some love. Barbarian to LJ who is now +3. I got him late and neglected him for a long time. Ever since getting his costume though I have really started to come around to him.
I am really glad I didn’t try this with 4 heroes. That would have been a hard fail.