Contest of Elements Quest
# | Start Time | End Time | Duration | Version |
1 | 2022-10-10T07:00:00Z | 2022-10-13T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Holy |
2 | 2022-12-05T07:00:00Z | 2022-12-08T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Nature |
3 | 2023-01-30T07:00:00Z | 2023-02-02T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Ice |
4 | 2023-03-27T07:00:00Z | 2023-03-30T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Fire |
5 | 2023-05-22T07:00:00Z | 2023-05-25T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Dark |
6 | 2023-07-17T07:00:00Z | 2023-07-20T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Holy |
7 | 2023-08-14T07:00:00Z | 2023-08-17T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Nature |
8 | 2023-09-11T07:00:00Z | 2023-09-14T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Ice |
9 | 2023-10-09T07:00:00Z | 2023-10-12T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Fire |
10 | 2023-11-06T07:00:00Z | 2023-11-09T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Dark |
11 | 2023-12-04T07:00:00Z | 2023-12-07T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Holy |
12 | 2024-01-01T07:00:00Z | 2024-01-04T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Nature |
13 | 2024-01-29T07:00:00Z | 2024-02-01T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Ice |
14 | 2024-02-26T07:00:00Z | 2024-02-29T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Fire |
15 | 2024-03-25T07:00:00Z | 2024-03-28T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Dark |
16 | 2024-04-22T07:00:00Z | 2024-04-25T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Holy |
17 | 2024-05-20T07:00:00Z | 2024-04-23T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Nature |
18 | 2024-06-17T07:00:00Z | 2024-06-20T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Ice |
19 | 2024-07-14T07:00:00Z | 2024-07-17T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Fire |
20 | 2024-08-07T07:00:00Z | 2024-08-10T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Dark |
21 | 2024-09-04T07:00:00Z | 2024-09-07T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Holy |
22 | 2024-10-02T07:00:00Z | 2024-10-05T07:00:00Z | 3 Days | Nature |
(click to enlarge)
Super Elemental Portal structure
- All heroes which are at least 60 days in the game, and which are match with the element of the portal are included in the Super Elemental portal, and two (new) Super Elemental heroes are included in the portal.
Featured and Available Heroes
Element | Featured Heroes |
1. Holy | Jequn Zandria |
1. Nature | Roz Xandrella |
1. Ice | Anzia Zengar |
1. Fire | Doxan Ignazio |
1. Dark | Aconia Griffex |
2. Holy | Xavier Jequn |
2. Nature | Zuni Roz |
2. Ice | Quinn Anzia |
2. Fire | Ignazio Zaria |
2. Dark | Farrah Griffex |
3. Holy | Ironmaw Zandria |
3. Nature | Desmond Xandrella |
3. Ice | Jolt Satori |
3. Fire | Niki Zaria |
3. Dark | Gastille Farrah |
4. Holy | Ironmaw Grilka |
4. Nature | Craum Prince Siegfried |
4. Ice | Nylora Jolt |
4. Fire | Ash Hornfel |
4. Dark | Vander Gastille |
5. Holy | Ironmaw Sludgus |
5. Nature | Mucktus Fungustine |
Appearance rates
- Heroes
- Rare Hero: 71%
- Epic Hero: 20.8%
- Legendary Hero: 1.9% (was 2.2% before 2024 March 25)
- Epic Event Hero: 5.7%
- Legendary Event Hero: 0.1%
- Legendary Featured Event Hero: 0.5% (was 0.2% before 2024 March 25)
- Bonus Draw
- Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3 %
- Bonus Trainer Hero Draw
- Common Trainer Hero: 10.0 %
- Uncommon Trainer Hero: 7.0 %
- Rare Trainer Hero: 5.0 %
- Epic Trainer Hero: 3.0 %
Summon Cost
- 1x Pull: 350 Gems (was 400 Gems before 2024 March 25)
- 10x Pull: 3000 Gems (was 3400 Gems before 2024 March 25)
Available Heroes in Holy Version
Hero Type | Rarity | Hero Count | Hero list |
Season 1 | Legendary | 4 | Joon, Justice, Leonidas, Vivica |
Season 1 | Epic | 4 | Chao, Hu Tao, Li Xiu, Wu Kong |
Season 1 | Rare | 4 | Bane, Dawa, Gan Ju, Kailani |
Season 2 | Legendary | 2 | Inari, Poseidon |
Season 2 | Epic | 1 | Danzaburo |
Season 2 | Rare | 1 | Melia |
Season 3 | Legendary | 4 | Norns, Odin, Sif, Thor |
Season 3 | Epic | 2 | Gullinbursti, Mist |
Season 3 | Rare | 2 | Agnes, Kvasir |
Season 4 | Legendary | 4 | Auoda, Akkorog, Prof. Lidenbrock, Zekena |
Season 4 | Epic | 1 | Griffin |
Season 4 | Rare | 1 | Poppy |
Old Challenge Event | Legendary | 4 | Guaridan Gazelle, Guarian Owl, Guinevere, White Rabbit |
Old Challenge Event | Epic | 2 | Gretel, Guardian Jackal |
Old Challenge Event | Rare | 2 | Pixie, Sally |
New Challenge Event | Legendary | 4 | Caitlín, Director Zuri, Faline, Penolite |
New Challenge Event | Epic | 1 | D’Andre |
New Challenge Event | Rare | 1 | Candy |
Seasonal Events | Legendary | 3 | Rana, Roc, Sir Roostley |
Seasonal Events | Epic | 1 | Lady Woolerton |
Seasonal Events | Rare | 1 | Arman |
Past hero of the Month | Legendary | 11 | Bai Yeong, Deliath, Devana, Drake Fong, Hanitra, Malosi, Musashi, Neith, Onatel, Ranvir, Uraeus |
Tower events | Legendary | 3 | Mica, Motega, Topaz |
Tower events | Epic | 1 | Anastasia |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Legendary | 2 | Zhang Fei, Zhuge Liang |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Epic | 2 | Wang Yuanji |
Alliance Quest | Legendary | 2 | Eloise, Wolfgang |
Alliance Quest | Rare | 1 | Bertulf |
Total number of non Featured Heroes:
5* : 40
4* : 15
3* : 13
Total: 68 + 2 Featured = 70 heroes are in the portal.
Available Heroes in Nature Version
Hero Type | Rarity | Hero Count | Hero list |
Season 1 | Legendary | 4 | Elkanen, Horghall, Kadilen, Lianna, |
Season 1 | Epic | 5 | Caemon, Kasshrek, Little John, Melendor, Skitteskull, |
Season 1 | Rare | 6 | Belith, Berden, Brienne, Carver, Friar Tuck, Ishhtak |
Season 2 | Legendary | 2 | Atomos, Tarlak |
Season 2 | Epic | 2 | Gadeirus, Gobbler |
Season 2 | Rare | 2 | Mnesseus, Muggy |
Season 3 | Legendary | 3 | Frigg, Heimdall, Ratatoskr |
Season 3 | Epic | 2 | Almur, Brynhild |
Season 3 | Rare | 2 | By-Ulf, Grevle |
Season 4 | Legendary | 3 | Garjammal, Lughaidh, Phileas Fogg |
Season 4 | Epic | 1 | Tettukh |
Season 4 | Rare | 1 | Gramps |
Season 5 | Legendary | 1 | El Naddeha |
Season 5 | Epic | 1 | Ptolemy |
Season 5 | Rare | 1 | Faiez |
Old Challenge Event | Legendary | 5 | Guardian Chameleon Lady Locke, Lady of the Lake, Morgan Le Fay, The Hatter |
Old Challenge Event | Epic | 2 | Hansel, Peters |
Old Challenge Event | Rare | 1 | Schrubbear |
New Challenge Event | Legendary | 3 | Arco, Eliora & Fluffy, Toxicandra |
New Challenge Event | Epic | 3 | Kalo, Orla, Marcel, |
New Challenge Event | Rare | 3 | Gnomer, Noril, Whacker |
Seasonal Events | Legendary | 3 | Francine, Mother North, Yunan |
Seasonal Events | Epic | 3 | Buddy, Jack O’Hare |
Seasonal Events | Rare | 1 | Hisan |
Past hero of the Month | Legendary | 12 | Alberich, Balbar, Bertilla, Elradir, Evelyn, Gregorion, Kingston, Margaret, Silvaria, Telluria, Zeline, Zocc |
Tower events | Legendary | 4 | Cristobal, Jade, Peridot, Quenell |
Tower events | Epic | 1 | Anton |
Tower events | Rare | 1 | Dölgöön |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Legendary | 2 | Guan Yu, Liu Bei |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Rare | 1 | Jing |
Alliance Quest | Legendary | 1 | Quenell |
Alliance Quest | Epic | 2 | Franz, Wren |
Total number of non Featured Heroes:
5* : 42
4* : 22
3* : 18
Total: 82 + 2 Featured = 84 heroes are in the portal.
Available Heroes in Ice Version
Hero Type | Rarity | Hero Count | Hero list |
Season 1 | Legendary | 4 | Isarnia, Magni, Richard, Thorne |
Season 1 | Epic | 4 | Boril, Grimm, Kiril, Sonya |
Season 1 | Rare | 5 | Graymane, Gunnar, Karil, Ulmer, Valen |
Season 2 | Legendary | 3 | Ariel, Misandra, Tethys |
Season 2 | Epic | 2 | Agwe, Triton |
Season 2 | Rare | 1 | Gato |
Season 3 | Legendary | 4 | Fenrir, Lord Loki, Russula, Skadi |
Season 3 | Epic | 2 | Jott, Mireweave |
Season 3 | Rare | 2 | Jarvur, Nordi |
Season 4 | Legendary | 3 | Exeera, Morel, Passepartout |
Season 4 | Epic | 12 | Zila Lei |
Season 4 | Rare | 1 | Helo |
Season 5 | Legendary | 2 | Bennu, Sobek |
Season 5 | Epic | 1 | Azmia |
Season 5 | Rare | 1 | Jarif |
Old Challenge Event | Legendary | 5 | Alice, Finley, King Arthur, Rumpelstilskin, Snow White |
Old Challenge Event | Epic | 1 | Captian of Diamonds |
Old Challenge Event | Rare | 2 | Guardian Lemur, Vodnik |
New Challenge Event | Legendary | 6 | Bobo, Cathal, Crystalis, Gaillard, Rian, Theobald |
New Challenge Event | Epic | 1 | Sangrior |
New Challenge Event | Rare | 1 | Soroca |
Seasonal Events | Legendary | 4 | Aino, Krampus, Master Lepus, Mr. Pengi |
Seasonal Events | Epic | 2 | Frank, Valeria |
Seasonal Events | Rare | 3 | Chick Jr., Frosty, Joukahainen |
Past hero of the Month | Legendary | 13 | Aegir, Alasie, Alexandrine, Athena, Frida, Frosth, Glenda, Iris, Klaern, Miki, Perseus, Raffaele, Vela |
Tower events | Legendary | 3 | Cobalt, Milena, Zircon |
Tower events | Epic | 1 | Sapphire |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Legendary | 1 | Cao Cao |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Epic | 1 | Xiahou Dun |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Rare | 1 | Yao |
Alliance Quest | Legendary | 2 | Esme, Quintin |
Total number of non Featured Heroes:
5* : 50
4* : 16
3* : 17
Total: 83 + 2 Featured = 85 heroes are in the portal.
Available Heroes in Fire Version
Hero Type | Rarity | Hero Count | Hero list |
Season 1 | Legendary | 4 | Azlar, Elena, Khagan, Marjana |
Season 1 | Epic | 5 | Boldtusk, Colen, Gormek, Kelile, Scarlett |
Season 1 | Rare | 4 | Azar, Hawkmoon, Jahangir, Nashgar |
Season 2 | Legendary | 3 | Mitsuko, Oceanus |
Season 2 | Epic | 2 | Sumitomo, Wilbur |
Season 2 | Rare | 1 | Namahage |
Season 3 | Legendary | 4 | Baldur, Gefjon, Lady Loki, Tyr |
Season 3 | Epic | 2 | Shadereave, Sumle |
Season 3 | Rare | 2 | Ei-Dunn, Sudri |
Season 4 | Legendary | 5 | Captain Nemo, Elizabeth, Kravekrush, Octros, Zenobia |
Season 4 | Epic | 2 | Mack, Rokkamush |
Season 4 | Rare | 1 | Vollermork |
Season 5 | Legendary | 2 | Khufu, Sekhmet |
Season 5 | Epic | 1 | Junaid |
Season 5 | Rare | 1 | Waqas |
Old Challenge Event | Legendary | 6 | Black Knight, Captain Kestrel, Guardian Kong, Puss in Boots, Queen of Hearts, Red Hood |
Old Challenge Event | Epic | 2 | Guardian Falcon, Sir Lancelot |
Old Challenge Event | Rare | 2 | Bauchan, Phoenicus |
New Challenge Event | Legendary | 7 | Asterius, Emilio, El Duque, Hohenwerf, Isrod, Phenexa, Saoirse |
New Challenge Event | Epic | 4 | Aodhan, Cillian, Eichbelborg, Zhabog |
New Challenge Event | Rare | 1 | Skrekok |
Seasonal Events | Legendary | 3 | Ilmarinen, Santa Claus, Vanda |
Seasonal Events | Epic | 2 | Carol, Lemminkäinen |
Seasonal Events | Rare | 2 | Rudolph, Squire Wabbit |
Past hero of the Month | Legendary | 12 | Anzogh, Ares, Gravemaker, Grazul, Natalya, Noor, Reuben, Russell, Tahir, Yang Mai, Zagrog, Zimkitha |
Tower events | Legendary | 5 | Erebus, Garnet, Hypnos, Nadezhda, Ruby |
Tower events | Epic | 1 | Shale |
Tower events | Rare | 2 | Dante, Kornel |
Monster Hunter | Legendary | 1 | Cleaver |
Monster Hunter | Epic | 1 | Maheegan |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Legendary | 1 | Sun Quan |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Epic | 2 | Sun Shangxiang, Zhou Yu |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Rare | 1 | Li |
Alliance Quest | Legendary | 1 | Lewena |
Alliance Quest | Epic | 1 | Ferant |
Total number of non Featured Heroes:
5* : 53
4* : 25
3* : 17
Total: 95 + 2 Featured = 97 heroes are in the portal.
Available Heroes in Dark Version
Hero Type | Rarity | Hero Count | Hero list |
Season 1 | Legendary | 4 | Domitia, Obakan, Quintus,Sartana |
Season 1 | Epic | 4 | Cyprian, Rigard, Sabina, Tiburtus |
Season 1 | Rare | 5 | Balthazar, Oberon, Prisca, Renfeld, Tyrum |
Season 2 | Legendary | 3 | Kageburado, Mok-Arr, Ursena |
Season 2 | Epic | 2 | Ameonna, Proteus |
Season 2 | Rare | 2 | Chochin, Gill-Ra |
Season 3 | Legendary | 4 | Alfrike, Bera, Freya, Salmon Loki |
Season 3 | Epic | 2 | Fura, Stonecleave |
Season 3 | Rare | 2 | An-Windr, Bjorn |
Season 4 | Legendary | 5 | Dr. Moreau, Hannah, Hulda, Lepiota, Xnolphod |
Season 4 | Rare | 1 | Morris |
Season 5 | Legendary | 4 | Bastet, Khepri, Khonshu, Set |
Season 5 | Epic | 1 | Ahhotep |
Season 5 | Rare | 1 | Aqeela |
Old Challenge Event | Legendary | 5 | Boss Wolf, Guardian Panther, Jabberwock, Marie-Thérèse, Sargasso |
Old Challenge Event | Epic | 3 | Boomer, Cheshire Cat, Merlin |
Old Challenge Event | Rare | 2 | Guardian Bat, Treevil |
New Challenge Event | Legendary | 5 | Dark Lord, Goseck, Karnov, Narcisa, Senan |
New Challenge Event | Epic | 2 | Cupcake, Ingolf |
New Challenge Event | Rare | 3 | Budatín, Edd, Maeve |
Seasonal Events | Legendary | 3 | Killhare, Louhi, Victor |
Seasonal Events | Epic | 3 | Ana-Belle, Gafar, Jabbar |
Seasonal Events | Rare | 3 | Jack, Para, Vlad |
Past hero of the Month + Myztero | Legendary | 15 | Aeron, Arfanias, Chakkoszrot, Clarissa, Grimble, Khiona, Kunchen, Hel, Malicna, Morax, Myztero, Seshat, Thoth-Amun, Viscaro, Zulag |
Tower events | Legendary | 5 | Agrafena, Charon, Nyx, Onyx, Quartz |
Tower events | Epic | 3 | Ametrine, Arges, Sergei |
Monster Hunter | Legendary | 1 | Hawthorn |
Monster Hunter | Epic | 1 | Meadow |
War of the 3 Kingoms | Legendary | 2 | Diaochan, Lu Bu |
Alliance Quest | Legendary | 2 | Ludwig, Rayne |
Alliance Quest | Rare | 1 | Aderyn |
Total number of non Featured Heroes:
5* : 58
4* : 21
3* : 20
Total: 99 + 2 Featured = 101 heroes are in the portal.
Hero Roster Mastery
There will be Hero Roster Mastery just like the Taverns Quest:
Costumes are not counted as a separate hero.
Special Gameplay
You can only bring a specific element (eg: Holy) of heroes to the battles.
As noted in the rules you bring twice amount of battle items what you can usually do. (Eg: 20 Small mana potions, 10 Tornadoes), and you will need those as even the first stage has 5 waves.
Hunter’s Lodge items are also allowed.
All waves are like a boss stage, where all enemies are elite enemies.
There is at least 1 boss at every wave, which is a Holy hero from the portal.
The final wave contains 3 Holy boss heroes.
Mana speed in the quest
As you can read in the rules above all tiles are charging your heroes even the off color tiles.
Off color tiles charge only 20% of the usual charge, while on color tiles charge your heroes with 40% of the usual speed.
I have created a table about how much tiles needed to charge you heroes at various mana speeds without any mana troop or mana generation buff / stack:
Guides to Contest of Elements Quest
The Contest of Elements Quest contains 10 stages, which can be played successfully only once.
Written Stage Summary
Stage | WE | Recommended TP | Waves | Elemental Summon Coins |
1 | 4 | 3000 | 5 | 10 |
2 | 5 | 3300 | 5 | 10 |
3 | 6 | 3600 | 5 | 10 |
4 | 7 | 4000 | 5 | 15 |
5 | 7 | 4300 | 5 | 15 |
6 | 8 | 4600 | 5 | 20 |
7 | 8 | 4800 | 5 | 20 |
8 | 9 | 5000 | 5 | 25 |
9 | 9 | 5200 | 5 | 25 |
10 | 10 | 5400 | 5 | 50 |
Total | 73 | 200 |
@birksg’s Guides
@cap’s Infographic Guides
@Zartanis’s Guide
Share Your Teams & Results for Contest of Elements !
Post your teams in a comment down below, and how you did!
- Which team did use for each Stage?
- Which Stages did you defeat?
- Would you do anything different next time?
- Anything else interesting to share?
Also feel free to share your summons results; Please share your entire summons experiences, not just the highlights. This provides a realistic picture rather than a distorted summary of the portal outcomes.
If you have questions about the Contest of Elements Quest, please post them down below.
Related Threads
Beta & Announcements
- Fall 2022 Sneak Peek! 🍂
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Holy) Event [Part of The Beta Beat v51]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Holy) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v51]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Nature) Event [Part of The Beta Beat v53]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Nature) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v51]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Ice) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v54]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Ice) Event [Part of The Beta Beat v54]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Fire) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v56]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Fire) Event [Part of The Beta Beat v56]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Dark) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v57]
- 🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Dark) Event [Part of The Beta Beat v57]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Contest of Elements (Holy) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v59]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Contest of Elements (Nature) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v59]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Contest of Elements (Ice) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v59]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 2 of Contest of Elements (Dark) Heroes - Lexi [Part of The Beta Beat v60]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 3 of Contest of Elements (Dark) Heroes - Farrah [Part of The Beta Beat v60]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 3 of Contest of Elements (Holy) Hero - Ironmaw [Part of The Beta Beat v62]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 3 of Contest of Elements (Nature) Hero - Desmond [Part of The Beta Beat v62]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 3 of Contest of Elements (Fire) Hero - Niki [Part of The Beta Beat v64]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 4 of Contest of Elements (Dark) Heroes - Gastille [Part of The Beta Beat v64]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 4 of Contest of Elements (Holy) Hero - Grilka [Part of The Beta Beat v66]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 4 of Contest of Elements (Nature) Hero - Craum [Part of The Beta Beat v66]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 4 of Contest of Elements (Ice) Hero - Nylora [Part of The Beta Beat v67]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 4 of Contest of Elements (Fire) Hero - Ash [Part of The Beta Beat v67]
- 🧪 Early Information on Round 5 of Contest of Elements (Dark) Heroes - Vander [Part of The Beta Beat v68]
Hero topics:
- Holy
- 🌞 Jequn – 5* Holy / Yellow from Contest of Elements
- 🌞 Grilka – 5* Holy / Yellow from Contest of Elements
- 🌞 Ironmaw – 5* Holy / Yellow from Contest of Elements
- 🌞 Xavier – 5* Holy / Yellow from Contest of Elements
- 🌞 Zandria – 5* Holy / Yellow from Contest of Elements
- 🌞 Zione – 4* Holy / Yellow from Contest of Elements
- Nature
- 🍃 Craum – 5* Nature/ Green from Contest of Elements
- 🍃 Desmond – 5* Nature/ Green from Contest of Elements
- 🍃 Roz – 5* Nature/ Green from Contest of Elements
- 🍃 Xandrella – 5* Nature/ Green from Contest of Elements
- 🍃 Zuni – 5* Nature/ Green from Contest of Elements
- 🍃 Alfie – 4* Nature/ Green from Contest of Elements
- Ice
- Fire
- Dark
Aconia – 5* Dark / Purple from Contest of Elements
Griffex – 5* Dark / Purple from Contest of Elements
Farrah – 5* Dark / Purple from Contest of Elements
Gastille – 5* Dark / Purple from Contest of Elements
Vander – 5* Dark / Purple from Contest of Elements
Lexi – 4* Dark / Purple from Contest of Elements
Slime heroes