Master Topics by @PlayForFun
Week | Date | Event (Link to Master topic) |
0 | 2024-09-23T07:00:00Z→2024-11-04T07:00:00Z Monday → 7th Monday |
Return to Morlovia |
2024-09-29T07:00:00Z→2024-10-02T07:00:00Z Sunday → Wednesday |
Gobin Village | |
1 | 2024-09-30T07:00:00Z→2024-10-03T07:00:00Z Monday → Thursday |
Tavern of Legends |
2024-10-01T07:00:00Z→2024-10-06T07:00:00Z Friday → Wednesday |
War of the Three Kingdoms | |
2024-10-02T07:00:00Z→2024-10-05T07:00:00Z Wednesday → Friday |
Holy Contest of Elements | |
2024-10-05T07:00:00Z→2024-10-09T07:00:00Z Saturday → Wednesday |
Judgement of Dunes | |
2024-10-06T07:00:00Z→2024-10-09T07:00:00Z Sunday → Wednesday |
Costume Chamber | |
2 | 2024-10-07T07:00:00Z→2024-06-19T07:00:00Z Monday → Wednesday |
Mythic Titan (Baba Yaga, Nature) |
2024-10-09T07:00:00Z→2024-10-14T07:00:00Z Wendesday → Monday |
Clash of Kinighs | |
2024-10-09T07:00:00Z→2024-10-11T07:00:00Z Wednesday → Friday |
Aether Summon | |
2024-10-10T07:00:00Z→2024-10-13T07:00:00Z Thursday → Sunday |
Valhalla Forever | |
2024-10-13T07:00:00Z→2024-10-16T07:00:00Z Sunday→ Wednesday |
Covenant Quest | |
3 | 2024-10-14T07:00:00Z→2024-10-17T07:00:00Z Monday → Thursday |
Plane of the Astral Elves |
2024-10-15T07:00:00Z→2024-10-17T07:00:00Z Tuesday → Thursday |
Atlantis Rises | |
2024-10-16T07:00:00Z→2024-10-18T07:00:00Z Wednesday → Friday |
Ascension Summon | |
2024-10-17T07:00:00Z→2024-10-21T07:00:00Z Thursday → Monday |
Return to Sanctuary | |
2024-10-19T07:00:00Z→2024-10-23T07:00:00Z Saturday→ Wednesday |
Untold Tales | |
4 | 2024-10-21T07:00:00Z→2024-11-18T07:00:00Z Monday → 5th Monday |
Path of Giants + Path of Valor |
2024-10-22T07:00:00Z→2024-10-27T07:00:00Z Tuesday → Sunday |
Owl Tower | |
2024-10-24T07:00:00Z→2024-10-28T07:00:00Z Thursday → Monday |
Tremors of Underwild | |
2024-10-27T07:00:00Z→2024-10-30T07:00:00Z Sunday → Wednesday |
Costume Chamber | |
5 | 2024-10-28T07:00:00Z→2024-10-31T07:00:00Z Monday → Thursday |
Tavern of Legends |
2024-10-30T07:00:00Z→2024-11-02T07:00:00Z Wednesday → Friday |
Ice Contest of Elements |