🧪 Early Information on Contest of Elements (Fire) Heroes [Part of The Beta Beat v56]

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This thread is to provide early insights and discussion on the initial release of the Fire Contest of Elements heroes.

Don’t get too attached

Details from Beta, especially brand-new Beta content, don’t tend to be very reliable for actual release.

It’s incredibly common that features are changed during Beta testing, or sometimes even after testing but before release. That is, after all, the purpose of Beta testing.

So I wouldn’t get too attached to any of this — it’s not unheard of for entire portions of features to be removed or reworked, or for radical changes to functionality to be made.

New Event – Contest of Elements !!

:tophat: Contest of Elements Heroes

*There are a total of two (2) new heroes added to Beta for testing; these have been indicated to be for Contest Of Elements - Fire version.
*The names of the new heroes are: Doxan, Ignazio

:hugs: Family Bonus

The new heroes form the "Super Elemental family and have a family bonus:

Super Elemental Family

Suoer Elemental family makes Mono teams even stronger.

  • For each ally who has the same element of this Hero, a shield with this Hero’s element is replaced with a Power Gem.

The Power Gem deal 20 damage to a random enemy each turn until it is matched.

Power Gems can only spawn on regular shields that match the element of this hero.

Only 5 Power gems per elements can be on the board at the same time.

5 :star: – Legendary Heroes

  • Doxan
  • Ignazio

Doxan -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Doxan – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 845

Attack: 824
Defense: 784
HP: 1520

Class: Fighter
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Average

Passive: Troop Strong Damage Modifier
This Passive Skill has two different functions based on if this character is in attack or in defense.

Passive Skill as attacking character:
This character’s Troops deal 100% more additional damage against weaker element.<

Passive Skill as defending character:
This character receives 10% less additional damage from Troops of stronger element.

Special Skill: Dual Laster Blades

  • Deals 480% damage to target and minor damage to all Nature enemies.
  • The target and all Natures enemies receive 920 Burn damage over 4 turns.

Ignazio -- Click for Beta Information (Extremely Likely to Change)

Ignazio – Beta Info & Stats (extremely likely to change)

Rarity: Legendary/5*
Gender: Male
Power: 845

Attack: 788
Defense: 817
HP: 1540

Class: Wizard
Element: :fire: Fire (Red)

Mana Speed: Fast

Passive: Troop Strong Damage Modifier
This Passive Skill has two different functions based on if this character is in attack or in defense.

Passive Skill as attacking character:
This character’s Troops deal 100% more additional damage against weaker element.<

Passive Skill as defending character:
This character receives 10% less additional damage from Troops of stronger element.

Special Skill: Pruifying Flame

  • Recovers 20% health for all allies.
  • Recovers additional 3% health per each Fire shield on the board, up to 50%.
  • All Fire allies get +50% attack for 3 turns.
  • Cleanses status ailments rom all Fire allies.

:mantelpiece_clock: Beta Updates

  • Mar, 6, 2023 – heroes arrived to Beta

:link: Related Threads


Wow. a 5* red healer. Nice for once, and it cleanses too.


One more healer!! What I’ll not get :upside_down_face:

Roz 2.0 :sweat_smile:

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Copy and Paste strikes again :rofl:

But seriously @PlayForFun , once again a HUGE thankyou for all the incredible work you do on a regular basis.


Thx, I have fixed it :slight_smile:

The heroes seems boring. No new exciting mechanic


Cleanses only to fire allies…? Not to all allies? :roll_eyes:


That is odd. Almost a red Rhys, but not quite. Still, as much as I like Rhys, I think I’d like Ignazio well enough. Not that it matters. I definitely won’t get him.

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Ignazio sounds really interesting, but I suppose that it also makes sense for him to heal so favourably for his red companions compared to the other red healers out there!

Looks like, i’ll go back to patiently waiting for Hathor some more…

Ignazio looks like a titan hero to me except for mono which I don’t like playing anyway

Wow. The green heroes are still the best it seems. These heroes are too niche.


These 2 Reds are so niche, especially the Healer. Only good for mono teams. Looks like I will hold on to my coin hoard for the next CoE portal.


I wonder if the first contest 2 contest of elements did badly and they just decided to drop the concept to focus on something else and that’s why blue and red are so uninspired comparatively.

Ignazio in blue, green or yellow would be another bog-standard healer, the only thing making him special is red lacking healers in general.


Great point. These Fire elemental heroes are not special at all and they seemed geared towards mono use, just like the Ice ones. Holy and Nature releases were much more attractive


I don’t think they would drop the concept entirely, they’d revamp it and release op heroes.

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I think they could keep Ignazio like this for his fire buddies, but at least let him cleanse the latest debuff for other allies if they want this gimmick to be “unique,” like they have for other Super Elementals in the roster/family.

Doxan’s fine imo. Until he isn’t.

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I’m still worried about this event, as there is only one red overhealer: 5* Hathor.

Has anyone finished the other elemental quests without b0osted health?

Garnet is an overhealer, but you can also use taunt.

Blue one. I don’t have overhealer in blue.

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Jequn’s special is a very interesting one where all elements (except Holy) were affected. That one was interesting.

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