This is the Eighth of the Trials in the 20th Cycle!
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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Nature
Trials of Nature has a few healer options — did you have any healers available for your team?
Boss Brienne’s attack buff can be very dangerous, but Druids and Rangers feature several heroes who can dispel or overwrite the buff. Did you bring any heroes along to help deal with Brienne?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Nature occurred:
Click for List of threads for previous Trials of Nature Discussions
Same Team as last time. Lost Neith, but the bosses had no chance of winning. Eagleboy and Big guy down, Brienne could get angry as often as she wanted. Seshat, Evelyn and Melendor cooling her down immediately. Trainer to Kingston, Emblems stored for one of the ladies in the team and as Melendor’s costume is about to be maxed, he deserved the emblems, now on +14.
Clean finished without items
Great synergy and safety,… nice dispell and cleanse, even Onyx stop new buff from Brienne (the dangerous +att buff), great result with this team setup.
Druid emblems will be saved, as the golden pig is already maxed and the ranger ones will go to Lianna.
The trainer is for the 3* Grevle, which I plan to use in the next Knights of Avalon.
I have not many options to chose from, but managed the first two stages with Kvasir, Gullinbursty, Berden, Jarvur and Belith + consumables, like arrows and potions.
Did stage 1 and 2 all ranger with chao+1 in stead of melendor. But already had trouble with stage2, and saw melendor in the scteenshits above. Always forget he’s an option when in the “wrong” costume. With this team (and a cooperative board) it was easy, no items used.
Gullinbursti +3 - C.Domitia +10 - Vela +10 - Melendor +7ish (i always forget how many emblems he has) - Tiburtus +c.bonus+19
Relatively easy trial, getting to last stage with double health lets me play with no worries. Still lost Melendor. It’s amazing how every single time, always, forever and ever, Brienne and Horghall manage to charge at the same time, even though i build my team to disrupt their synergy. But no, they will fire in the same turn. Brienne has charged and Horghall is still at half mana? Then it’ll be a 20x combo of useless tiles and Horghall will charge too. I hate that
Druid mblems brought Gulli to +5, ranger will go to my new Buddy whom i just pulled today.
Green trainer to Skittle
Compared to last time, Lianna and Vela are up two talents each.
With the hit-three heroes here, I can wipe out two out of five waves pretty quickly. Entered the boss wave with all specials charged, and a blue diamond on the board. Sniped Horghall with Lianna the first time, but the board dictated going after Chao first. Got a cascade that charged him and killed him all at the same time, so he didn’t fire. Horghall was just about to go down when Brienne and he charged and fired on the same turn. That could have been bad, but everyone was in pretty good health, so no major worries. DoT took down Horghall, and it was pretty academic from there to get Brienne.
Ranger emblems saved for Lianna’s expensive 8th node. Vela gains a talent on druid emblems. Almur is just a few feeders from done, so trainer hero saved for my next green project.
I lost Lianna, but the outcome was never really in doubt. I like this new challenge. Druid emblems to Master Lepus, ranger emblems to Lianna, and trainer hero to Odin (4/66).
Concept is simple. Use mobs to go into bosses with double health, or there about, and have at ‘er.
Buddy drops D and A and gives a pseudo heal via minions. Caedmon is my dispeller. Little John hit all at a high A value and the dodge boosted mana of others as no one was fast. LJ was more effective than I thought he would be.
I brought antidotes for Horghall A drop and then nothing but mana types as specials would be king for me. I made sure dodge was up and Guillinbursti was charging whenever Horghall fired.
Horghall died first, Chao next, Brienne last. Worked really well. I think everyone stayed above 100% health aside from LJ who took some consecutive hits. Never got to red though.
Full disclosure, it was possible mostly due to Guillinbursti I think. I really don’t know this is possible with my roster on every level. I may try though, we’ll play it trial by trial. This was fun though!