This is the Eighth of the Trials in the 11th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials officially start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT).
If you do not see the Class Trial in Quests as of 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT), force quitting and reopening the app or restarting your device will usually work.
I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Nature
Trials of Nature has a few healer options — did you have any healers available for your team?
Boss Brienne’s attack buff can be very dangerous, but Druids and Rangers feature several heroes who can dispel or overwrite the buff. Did you bring any heroes along to help deal with Brienne?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Nature occurred:
Swapped out Kadilen and Caedmon this time for Triton and Recently maxed Rigard in costume. Really like what Rigard can do here, especially with Mel on the other side, they cleanse and dispel, so hardly anything affects the team. The attack buff on Rigard is also great, especially with Tibs defense down.
Now costumed rigard joined the team to Biss attack and provide supplementary heal. Team seemed well suitable for the trial, no items needed. Ranger emblems go to seshat for node 10, Druid emblems and Trainer saves for the time being (thinking to finish ranvir, he may get the Druid emblems then).
My team this time. I originally planned on subbing costume-boosted Lianna in for Lepus, but Vela suggested that she wanted to try, and Lianna was indifferent. So Vela it is.
On the bench: Evelyn, Lianna, Tibs, Triton, Buddy #1 and #2, Gad, Jack, Mel, Dapper Rigs, Viking Sonya #1 and #2, Lepus, Chao, and Caed
Eventually, Brienne popped off her buff, and then Chao targeted Vela and took his shot. She survived! A tile drop or 2 later, and Chao was done.
With Chao gone, I started ghosting tiles to hopefully prevent either Brienne or Horghall from going off. I finished Brienne with a tile drop, and then took down the tree.
Trainer to Zeline, emblems to Athena and the big pile of Druid emblems I have been accumulating since Vela hit beta. I will decide whether she or Lepus gets them when she hits 80.
I breeze through all the Trials on my main account, so I usually don’t grab too many screenshots or post about the victories… but since my alt account is getting beefier, I am able to compete and do well in these trials. So I answered the poll questions, and this thread as my alt.
The team I brought (didn’t grab the before battle team shot):
Triton +6 | Belith (maxed but talentless) | Gadeirus +11 | Tiburtus +6 | Neith (4.36)
I brought 5 Potent Healing Potion (unused), 2 Bomb Attacks, 5 Axes, and 5 Dragon Attacks. No gems spent on continues. My first time through, I beat all stages, just had to wait for two World Energies to complete the last stage since my max is 34.
No change from last time, some of emblem gained, but Melendor emblem get stripped to Alby (it is because I’m rarely using Melendor), and position changed to protect Melendor with Buddy’s minion.
Melia did help with damage increase and Chao with some sort of mana control. Tibs helped with defense down. Overall I had a good amount of choices for this trial. If I wanted to obliterate then I would have taken both Brienne and Melia but wanted to mix it up a bit. Emblems are being saved for Mel and Tibs/Chao.
On this one, the enemies on the final mob wave in the 2nd level were picking on poor Belith. They paid for that mistake with their defeat. Emblems are being saved for Tibs and Brienne.
Well, got to use costumed Gunnar for the first time. And I have to say, good thing I practiced with Wilbur on my main so now I have the hang of a move like this. His Steel Link was vital to getting all the bosses quickly. Emblems are being stored for now.
Team as last time, slightly stronger. Evelyn+7, Melendor, Seshat+4, Triton 4/69, Chao+1
Used Mana-potion for Melendor and revived Triton once. 2 Dragon storm and 1 Titan shield to give the bosses something to chew on. Emblems will be stacked, trainer will go to Elkanen.