πŸŽƒ Return to Morlovia (Halloween) 2024 - Teams, Strategy, FAQs, Discussion, and Links – Starts September 23

Return to Morlovia (Halloween) Event is (almost) Here!

Start End Duration
2024-09-22T07:00:00Z 2024-11-04T07:00:00Z 42 days

:world_map: Guides

Details based on beta testing so may vary

Guide by @birksg - Mobs & Bosses & Rewards

:jack_o_lantern: Special Game-Play - Pumpkin Bombs!

The Pumpkin Bombs are returning from last year & feature the same gameplay mechanic


This battle features Pumpkin Bombs! Pumpkin Bombs explode and damage your team when the counter runs out. Match a Pumpkin Bomb to gain mana for all your heroes that are of the same element as the bomb. The lower the counter, the more they gain mana!


  • Pumpkin Bombs do a fixed % damage of your heroes health when they explode.

    • This % is the same for ALL three difficulties (Easy, Normal & Advanced).
    • The % is approximately 13% per bomb.
  • The mana generated is also the SAME for all three difficulties

    • Most mana gained for 1 turn remaining when matched.
    • Least mana gained for 3 turns remaining when matched.

Haloween Booster

Image will be added.

This will be an offer, which is available through the Return to Morlovia Event event, and it contains of two components:

  • Battle Bonus
  • Stage Gift

The offer also contains 300 gems. 1 Epic Hero token and Edwin avatar
The price is 11.99 USD.

:crossed_swords: Battle bonus


All of your heroes receive stat boost based on their rarity:

:gift: Stage Gift

Image will be added.

If you buy the Haloween Booster, then a :gift: icon will be shown after each stage, which you can open after you finished that level.
If you buy the offer after you have completed some stages, then you are still able to open the gifts for the already completed stages.

Each stage gives either Food or Iron Bundles (50k / 100k / 250k), and some additional items.

List of Stage Gifts

@birksg has created charts about the Stage Gift rewards:

Thx @birksg for creating this chart:

Total amount of summons you get from the Booster alone:

  • 300 Gems
  • 80 Goblin Coins
  • 120 Wilderness Coins
  • 100 Legendary Troop coins
  • 1x Alpha Aether
  • 3 Epic Hero Tokens
  • 25 Loot Tickets
  • 2350k Food
  • 850k Iron
  • 1x Compass
  • Bunch of (Master) Trainer Heroes
  • Bunch of basic battle items

:sweat_smile: Easy, Normal and Advanced Modes

New for 2020, there are now three Modes for the Seasonal Event β€” Easy (new), Normal, and Advanced. You can play any or all three, and must complete each Stage sequentially in that mode to advance.

The Modes are separated, a bit like Tiers in Challenge Events.

Unlike Normal/Hard Modes in Atlantis, advancing in the Easy or Normal Modes won’t give you access to the corresponding Stages in Advanced. You need to beat each Stage in each mode to progress. And unlike Normal/Hard Modes in Valhalla, the Modes can be played entirely separately β€” you could start with Advanced, for instance, without playing Easy and Normal.

:triangular_flag_on_post: Stages

Like previous versions of Morlovia, there are 20 Stages per Difficulty Mode.

With the addition of Easy, that now means there are a total of 60 Stages across the three Difficulty Modes.

:no_entry_sign: No Hero Restrictions

Unlike Challenge Events, there are no restrictions on Hero or Troop rarity in the Easy, Normal, and Advanced Modes. There are also no restrictions on Hero Classes, unlike Class Trials.

You’re free to use any heroes you’d like!

:repeat: No Replaying Completed Stages

Unlike Challenge Events, Seasonal Events don’t allow replaying a completed Stage β€” much like how Quests & the Ninja Tower work.

Once you beat each Stage, it’s locked, and once you beat the entirety of the Seasonal Event, you can’t play any more.

If you fail at a Stage, you can retry as many times as you’d like, up until the Event ends.

:spiral_calendar: Offers Calendar & Log

:arrow_right: Details & Discussion Thread: I am stopping to create such topic due to low interest.

:star2: Epic Hero Tokens Can Be Used for Seasonal Summoning

Image will be replaced.

The Seasonal Summons replaces the regular Epic Hero Summons.

Because of that, unlike Challenge Event Summons, the Summoning Portal for Seasonal Events allows using saved up Epic Hero Tokens that can otherwise normally only be used for Epic Hero Summons.

That makes Seasonal Events the only place you can currently use Epic Hero Tokens for a chance at non-Season 1 heroes.

You’ll also have the same chance at the HOTM as usual when using Epic Hero Tokens. As the event active in September, October and November too so you will have the chance for the all 3 HoTMs:

:partying_face: Festive Stronghold

Image from 2019; will update when / if needed.

During each of the Seasonal Events, your Base is updated in the spirit of the season. For Return to Morlovia, this includes spooky trees, a thick misty fog, zombie villagers, Bats replacing the usual ducks & of course jack-o’-lanterns scattered around your base.

Like with the Beach Balls during Sand Empire and Snowmen during Santa’s Challenge, the Jack-O-Lanterns will bounce when tapped.


:left_speech_bubble: Share Your Teams & Results, and Ask Questions!

  • Many players will switch up their heroes used for each Stage, based on the monster/boss colors β€” are there heroes you’re using consistently for Return to Morlovia?
  • Are there any Stages you’re having a hard time with, and would like advice on beating?
  • Are you using particular items to beat Return to Morlovia stages?
  • How do you find playing with the Pumpkin Bombs?
  • Do you have insights on strategy to share, or questions?
  • Is there anything about Return to Morlovia that you’re wondering about?

:link: Related Links

Click for 2023 Return to Morlovia Discussion Threads
Click for 2022 Return to Morlovia Discussion Threads

I don’t see any Aethers in the rewards. Kalevalla event had some. Are those reward pictures old or they decided to just cut them out of the loot?

1 Like

Easy peasy. finished about 30 mins ago

Btw Normal tier has Chester avatar as final reward. That’s why I am going to finish Normal first this time around.