πŸŽƒ Portal Stats & Summon Results – Return to Morlovia (Halloween) 2024

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This thread is for information and discussion on the Return to Morlovia (Halloween) 2023 Summon Portal, and sharing Summon Results.

:game_die: Return to Morlovia 2024 Appearance Rates

Image will be added.

Featured Hero and Costumes:

  • Alucard costume
  • Chester
  • Wayne

Appearance Rates

Click for OLD 2022 Return to Morlovia Appearance Rates, for comparison


Click for OLD 2022 Return to Morlovia Appearance Rates, for comparison


Click for OLD 2021 Return to Morlovia Appearance Rates, for comparison


Click for OLD 2020 Return to Morlovia Appearance Rates, for comparison

OLD 2020 Morlovia Appearance Rates


Click for OLD 2019 Return to Morlovia Appearance Rates, for comparison

OLD 2019 Morlovia Appearance Rates

Classic Season 1 Heroes

  • Rare Classic Hero: 56.8%
  • Epic Classic Hero: 20.8%
  • Legendary Classic Hero: 0.9%

Seasonal Heroes

  • Rare Seasonal Hero: 14.2%
  • Epic Seasonal Hero: 5.7%
  • Legendary Seasonal Hero: 0.3%
  • Legendary Featured Hero: 1.3%

* Costume Included if available


Legendary Hero of the Month: 1.3%


Perfect 10 Bonus can be gained from a Summon x 10.

Legendary Hero & Special Items: 2%

:dizzy: Epic Hero Tokens Can Be Used for Seasonal Summoning

The Seasonal Summons replaces the regular Epic Hero Summons.

Because of that, unlike Challenge Event Summons, the Summoning Portal for Seasonal Events allows using saved up Epic Hero Tokens that can otherwise normally only be used for Epic Hero Summons.

That makes Seasonal Events the only place you can currently use Epic Hero Tokens for a chance at non-Season 1 heroes.

You’ll also have the same chance at the HOTM as usual when using Epic Hero Tokens.

:gem: Summon Costs

  • Single: 1 Epic Hero Token or 300 Gems
  • 10x: 2600 Gems

:link: Other 2023 Return to Morlovia Threads


Wow, quite some effort of making this summary. Thank you for that! :beers:


Not a Halloween hero but…

And indeed, major thanks PFF! :slight_smile:


I did 17 pulls and got Joon which 0.9% to get while featured hero odd is 1.3%. I am super lucky then!! hahaha. Got no event hero in those pulls btw.

All 3* and 4* from about 19 pulls.

You save your gems. You wait for that special portal. You spend for a 10 pull. You get multiple meh classic 3* heroes, goopy and Ana -belle. I feel like I just got hustled.

How’s your seasonal summon going?

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I did 10 EHT pulls from Morlovia. All classic 3* apart from 2 x Little John :man_facepalming:


I should’ve added I did I think 6-7 EHT before the 10 pull and it was all classic garbage.

I had 23 eht, got all classic 3s and 2 vlad and 1 Annabelle pretty rough stuff

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Just like the other seasonals: NOTHING (sorry, Ana-Belle 1x, who seems to be useful for me, but have to check it) :smiley:

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I did 21 pulls with (little) hope.to grab Chloris. Anabelle and Valeria I already had and Goopie and Jack and Vlad.
The rest, all classics.
The only good thing is I got Krampus from the fated summon.
The blues hit me too!

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Did 1 pull as I had just hit the E&P aether pull jackpot with a free pull netting me the 1% aether summons so thought I could get a bit of a lucky streak.

I did get a luck of the Irish green, sadly it was berden :disappointed:

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After 3 months of Garbage ( Zulag and Noor from ToL) and outdated Lewena from the August AQ, the seasonal portal took my 8 EHT and gave me a 2nd Alucard. The costume is new and will be levelled Immediately to give my LB1 +20 Alucard an urgently needed stets buff.

These 8 summons filled my pity counter and I could take my first snd only S4 hero from FS.

Not the best hero anymore, but healers age more gracefully than damage dealers, and he will be an improvement over good old Ariel, she is not really playable anymore despite LB1 and 19 talent nodes.

Happy gaming


Yeah I think I pulled 2 Berdens in my run


I got him three times this season so far. Almost made me long for Dawa …

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Was excited today as I’d saved all my EHT’s for a 30 pill :clap::scream:

Wish I hadn’t bothered. :pensive:


A phrase we all utter after doing pulls, leveling a hero, rushing for an elemental chest and any number of other things that we do in this game everyday.


Had 85 EHT and used them all (hope SGG won’t throw Secret Summon at us during Morlovia). Was getting increasingly disappointed when I pulled Quintus, then 40 pulls all <= 4*, then Horghall, then C-Victor, whom I have like thrice. But finally:

The most Metal hero in this game :metal: :ghost: :metal: (though Dabria still has the most metal name of Special Skill). Now that blue Legendary Monk Troop I got from portal ages ago and maxed then will come handy.

This thing on the other hand should stay in portal and send Mobster Alucard instead. Will keep it but in this case the Tv Trope Rare Junk fits absolutely perfectly.


I did 38 pulls, hope to get Alucard C, Chester and the HOTM because I need a recent green healer with good stats.

Got this one and very happy because in rush he will be terrible


I am excited to hear it.