🔵 [Nov 17, 2019] Trials of Nature Teams – Share Yours & Discuss!

Sorry no SS this time.


  • Zimkitty - 4/80
  • Lianna - 4/80 +9
  • Evelyn - 3/70
  • Seshat - 3/70
  • Seshat - 3/70

Completed all 3 rounds once again. Used a couple healing potions. No other battle items. Used Zim to remove Horghall’s effect & the double Seshat + Evelyn to remove the buff produced by Brianne. Killed Chao first followed by Brianne and finally Horghall.

Ranger emblems adding to the stockpile needed to take Lianna to Node 10. Druid emblems for Zim (when I finally have iron & food spare to start embleming her… got 600+ emblems waiting now…).