It was brought to my attention that newer players are having trouble finding alliances that are active and willing to take the time to teach newer players the finer points of the game. I thought it might be good to have a single thread where those alliances can be listed and easily searched. Alliance leaders and recruiters, if yours is a teaching alliance, please comment here with just the name. Not a full recruiting ad, please. Keep it easy to read.
I’ll start with mine. Magnificent Bastards is willing to train new players. Hit me up here, on Discord (NPNKY#3674) or on Line (NPNKY)
(M3) Murderous Three : I started a clan, as of now there are only 2 people. We are new, but have taken down 5 titans just the 2 of us, plus I am stacked with 4 star and above heros. We need more people to take on higher tier titans. Anyone can join. Also, we are active everyday. Hoping to form this new clan, with new people as well, and ride the ranks up together.
Yeah, bit of a lame name but we’re picking our brains for a better one. We’re a Dutch speaking alliance, but anyone is welcome. We’re dealing with 6* titans right now but we would like to grow.
Per OP’s request, this thread is to list teaching alliances by name only and not make an ad (though feel free to link to your existing AR thread so interested players can click for more info).
Thanks for understanding me tidying up the thread.
Translation (French): Hello.
We are the l alliance de guerriers and we accept each player at his level. It helps to evolve. Only request to participate in titans and wars and prevent if we are absent. All the world help good atmosphere.