Fight Club's, Space Monkeys looking for new people!

Hi there, we are a strong team of 27, mainly focused on Alliance Wars.

We’ve been around for more than a year now (500 days) and would like to fill up our roster.
We’re looking for lower levels to mentor and help grow, since recruiting has been a real drag over the past few months…

We’re supportive/talkative in Alliance chat and are regularly giving advice and opinions on whatever the question is.
We kill 7/8* titans, 9* is only a few 100k hits away…

We go all out on special Titans and Alliance Wars.
We win about 85% of the time.
We usually score about 4000-5000 points.

Members: 27/30
required: 600 Trophies
Score: 100.000 AS

-PePe (L)

“Losing all hope was freedom”

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click to enlarge, and see our full crew.

We’re at 24/30 right now, 6 places left !!

Join us and help tackle 9* Titans.

only 2 spots left, help us get this 9* down !!!
