🎅 Portal Stats & Summon Results – Santa's Challenge (Christmas) 2024

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This thread is for information and discussion on the Santa’s Challenge (Christmas) 2024

:game_die: Santa’s Challenge 2024 Appearance Rates

Appearance Rates

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Click for OLD 2022 Santa's Challenge Appearance Rates, for comparison

Click for OLD 2021 Santa's Challenge Appearance Rates, for comparison

OLD 2021 Christmas Appearance Rates

Click for OLD 2020 Santa's Challenge Appearance Rates, for comparison

Click for OLD 2019 Santa's Challenge Appearance Rates, for comparison

OLD 2019 Christmas Appearance Rates

Classic Season 1 Heroes

  • Rare Classic Hero: 56.8%
  • Epic Classic Hero: 20.8%
  • Legendary Classic Hero: 0.9%

Seasonal Heroes

  • Rare Seasonal Hero: 14.2%
  • Epic Seasonal Hero: 5.7%
  • Legendary Non featured Seasonal Hero: 0.3 %
  • Legendary Featured Seasonal Hero: 1.3 %*
    Costume included if available.


Legendary Hero of the Month ‘Faeona’: 1.3%


Perfect 10 Bonus can be gained from a Summon x 10.

Legendary Hero & Special Items: 2%

:dizzy: Epic Hero Tokens Can Be Used for Seasonal Summoning

The Seasonal Summons replaces the regular Epic Hero Summons.

Because of that, unlike Challenge Event Summons, the Summoning Portal for Seasonal Events allows using saved up Epic Hero Tokens that can otherwise normally only be used for Epic Hero Summons.

That makes Seasonal Events the only place you can currently use Epic Hero Tokens for a chance at non-Season 1 heroes.

You’ll also have the same chance at the HOTM as usual when using Epic Hero Tokens.

:gem: Summon Costs

  • Single: 1 Epic Hero Token or 300 Gems
  • 10x: 2600 Gems

:money_with_wings: Analysis of Summon Appearance Rates

This table shows the cumulative probability of different Summon events, based on a total number of Summons (1x, 10x, 30x, 100x, 500x, 1500x)

Please note that NO occurrence is ever actually 100%; the 100% entries in the table below indicate cumulative probabilities sufficiently close to 100% that they are expressed as such for simplicity. All other numbers are rounded to the nearest 0.1%.

Occurence 1x 10x 30x 100x 500x 1500x
Get At Least 1 Season 1 Hero 78.6% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 Winter Hero 21.4% 91.0% 99.9% 100% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 5* (excluding HOTM Bonus Draw) 2.5% 22.4% 53.2% 92.0% 99.9% 100%
Get At Least 1 Winter 5* 1.5% 14.0% 36.5% 77.9% 99.9% 100%
Get At Least 1 of a Particular Winter 5* 0.5% 4.9% 14.0% 39.4% 91.8% 99.3%
Get At Least 1 Winter 4* 5.7% 44.4% 82.8% 99.7% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 of a Particular Winter 4* 2.85% 25.0% 58.0% 94.5% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 Winter 3* 14.2% 78.4% 99.0% 100% 100% 100%
Get At Least 1 of a Particular Winter 3* 7.1% 52.1% 89.0% 99.9% 100% 100%

Putting That in Perspective

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each did :one::zero: Summons, 776,000 of those players would NOT get a Winter or Season 1 5* Hero

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each did :three::zero: Summons, 420,000 of those players would NOT get Carol

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each did :one::zero::zero: Summons, 221,000 of those players would NOT get a Winter 5* Hero

  • :no_entry_sign: If 1 million players each did :five::zero::zero: Summons, 82,000 of those players would NOT get Krampus

:link: Other 2024 Santa’s Challenge (Christmas) Threads


I just did 29 season summons for the Christmas event and got no 3, 4 or 5 star Christmas heroes. Given it’s a 20% chance of getting one each time I’m wondering if there’s a bug and if it’s affecting anyone else? Statistically I should have received 6 Christmas heroes.


If it really is 29 draws that is rather unlikely indeed since you have a 21,5% chance to draw a seasonal hero. Not getting one is a 0,09% chance, equivalent to 1 in 1119.

They are there, several people have pulled Christmas heroes. I’ve done 5 draws and got a Buster (yesterday, if that matters in this scenario).

Their PRNG is rather streaky though, if they were done in a row it was just bad luck that you summoned at that particular time. Time of day probably has nothing to do with it and my guess is that it’s some complicated random seed that changes now and then.

My most odd occurrence is a 1 in a 390 625 chance. I don’t think I could replicate that with dice. Pulling wise I got a 0,7% chance mishap that cost quite a bit of money.

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On Christmas Day you have 5xbetter odds

I’m over 120 pulls. It happens…

Depending on your definition of “active users” there are between 560,000 and 1,000,000 current, active users. If just 1% did 29 summons, with everything falling exactly according to the odds, there would be 5-10 people who didn’t pull any Christmas hero (not even 3/4*)

First pull. Just wanted to increase my FS counter to 100, and… :slight_smile:


Thanks all - got one after 35 pulls and the floodgates opened. I was just paranoid as I saved the hero tokens for so long


Not 120 pulls without drawing a Jolly, Frosty, Buster or Rudolf :grinning: Since the topic was any Christmas hero.

Got costume pengi on the 3rd pull.

I already had the orignal at 85.