This is the Tenth of the Trials in the 20th Cycle!
NOTE: The Trials officially start at 7:00:00 AM (07:00 GMT). This post is scheduled to go live 4.75 hours earlier at 2:15:00 AM (02:15 GMT).
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I hate all of the Trials, give me my Emblems and let me get back to farming
Share Your Team & Results!
Post your team in a comment down below, and how you did!
Special Questions for Trials of Justice
Monks and Paladins have a lot of healer options… but only amongst HOTM, Season 2 and Season 3 Legendary heroes, and Boldtusk’s Costume (other than Friar Tuck). Do you have any of those ultra-rare heroes or Boldtusk’s Costume for Trials of Justice? If not, did you find these Trials harder without healer options?
Monk Wilbur can really shine on Quests and Class Trials, where his combination of buffing and debuffing can help both survival and damage output. Do you have Wilbur, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Monk Wu Kong can turn even non-hitters into serious killers with heavy tile damage. Do you have Wu Kong, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Paladin Cyprian’s Perfect Riposte can be an effective strategy to killing multi-hitter and AoE Bosses like Richard and Justice. Do you have Cyprian, and if so, are you bringing him along?
Standard Questions for All Trials
Did your team change notably since last time?
Have Costumes caused changes to your team?
Did changes to your team make the Trials any easier or harder?
What items did you use, if any?
What are you doing with your shiny new Emblems?
If you beat Stage 3, who’s eating the 3* Trainer Hero?
Anything else interesting to share?
You may also be interested in these older threads from previous times Trials of Justice occurred:
Click for List of threads for previous Trials of Justice Discussions
Very easy but I did lose one of my cTiburtus on this.
I had mostly yellow and red tiles, and I was using Green and Purple. Typical right?
Also, using only Telly + Rata as the only 2 greens wasn’t very great for the green tiles boost, it didn’t help much at all, so lesson learned for that.
Reset token at least. Paladin will go on Telluria or Clarissa.
Monk is saved i think.
Trainer for Domitia.
The first two stages I played with Zulag at 4/11, so that I could see how to play her and to have a rainbow team. In the last stage I put Telluria in. A nice board and excessive LP from Heimdall it was a walk in the park. Started the bosses with 15 minions and fully loaded. Took a while though, there were a lot of purple tiles on the left side, maybe next time I bring Zulag. Trainer to Poseidon, Emblems stored for Telluria+10 and Joon+8.
I did use a couple of antidotes and small manas, though. Telluria gets paladins. For the monks I will wait and see if I miraculously pull Leo’s costume. Trainer to Vivica.
The Raffale experiment was fun last time, but after Joon hit max this morning, I gave him a pile of monk emblems I had laying around, then reset Wu Kong and gave him those, too, so I couldn’t really keep him on the bench. Also, Thorne is up seven talents, primarily due to resetting Cyprian after last time’s Trial of Justice.
Not much to report from the mob waves. I used Chef Boldtusk to top off HP right before the bosses. I also had to fire Joon at the last mobling to preserve a blue diamond. Everyone else was charged going into the boss wave. Fired all specials, and then triggered some ridiculous cascades with the blue diamond. This meant I had to survive two blasts from Richard and one from Joon, but with Wilbur active, that wasn’t so bad. It also meant my folks recharged pretty quickly for another round of specials. Brought down Richard just as he was preparing for his third special. Justice went down next, and then Joon, who was ironically killed by a solar blast from my own Joon.
Trainer hero goes to Ranvir, who I took to third ascension after finishing Joon to keep from having to work on a dupe. Also, with Wu getting reset (thanks for the reset token, SGG!), Ranvir might work his way onto my titan teams at 3^70. Just short of monk emblems for taking Joon up another talent. Paladin emblems saved for Guardian Falcon.
Lots of questions for next time. Do I go with three reds who all have terrible tile damage (Chef BT, Wilbur, and Falcon) but excellent support skills (attack up, def down, elemental def down)? Do I stick with my current lineup? Do I try to work Raffale back into the mix to deal with the blinding bosses? Do I take out my only color-advantaged hero (Tiburtus) because his def down is redundant (and a little weaker than) with Wilbur? Or do I wait for my Zulag to be in fighting shape and stack heavy purple against two yellow bosses with Zulag, Tiburtus, and Cyprian? My expected bevy of costume pulls between now and then may muddy the picture even more. Good problem to have, as I once struggled to field a competitive team for this trial, and now I have all these options.
One of the trials where i have the opposite problem than the usual: too many heroes available (seems like paladins and monks love me to pieces). This time opted for this team, but usually the combo Wu+Wilbur just needs some sort of stack to be effective. The only requirement is to have a minimum amount of tiles on the board. Well, today i didn’t even blame Wu’s miss rate, i just didn’t get any red/yellow tile at all. Here and in Avalon it was a downpour of purple and blue tiles. Justice (i mean, Justice…) managed to fire at least 6 times. Had to use mana and healing potions, whereas usually the battle is over in a matter of seconds.
Monk emblems went to Wilbur, i was stacking them for a while now and decided he’s was too weak. I brought him to +15. Paladin, after collecting those from POV, will go to Telluria.
Yellow trainer to Malosi, glad to see the reset token again, i had to use one to correct some early mistake on Wilbur’s path.